C MathDivRem Examples

In this tutorial, we will learn about the C# Math.DivRem() method, and learn how to use this method to compute the quotient of division and also get the reminder, with the help of examples.

DivRemInt32, Int32, Int32

Math.DivRem(a, b, result) calculates the quotient of two 32-bit signed integers a and b and also returns the remainder in an output parameter result.


The syntax of DivRem() method is

Math.DivRem(Int32 a, Int32 b, out Int32 result)


Parameter Description
a The dividend of type Int32.
b The divisor of type Int32.
result The remainder of type Int32.

Return Value

The method returns Quotient as return value, and Reminder as output parameter.

Example 1 DivRema, b, result

In this example, we will take some values for a, b of type Int32 and find the quotient and reminder using Math.DivRem() method.

C# Program

using System;
class Example {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        Int32 a, b, result, quot;

        a = 10;
        b = 3;
        quot = Math.DivRem(a, b, out result);
        Console.WriteLine($"Division of ({a}, {b}) : Reminder = {result}, Quotient = {quot}");

        a = 10;
        b = 2;
        quot = Math.DivRem(a, b, out result);
        Console.WriteLine($"Division of ({a}, {b}) : Reminder = {result}, Quotient = {quot}");

        a = 10;
        b = 4;
        quot = Math.DivRem(a, b, out result);
        Console.WriteLine($"Division of ({a}, {b}) : Reminder = {result}, Quotient = {quot}");



Division of (10, 3) : Reminder = 1, Quotient = 3
Division of (10, 2) : Reminder = 0, Quotient = 5
Division of (10, 4) : Reminder = 2, Quotient = 2

DivRemInt64, Int64, Int64

Math.DivRem(a, b, result) calculates the quotient of two 64-bit signed integers a and b; and also returns the remainder in an output parameter result.


The syntax of DivRem() method is

Math.DivRem(Int64 a, Int64 b, out Int64 result)


Parameter Description
a The dividend of type Int64.
b The divisor of type Int64.
result The remainder of type Int64.

Return Value

The method returns Quotient as return value, and Reminder as output parameter.

Example 2 DivRema, b, result

In this example, we will take some values for a, b of type Int64 and find the quotient and reminder using Math.DivRem() method.

C# Program

using System;
class Example {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        Int64 a, b, result, quot;

        a = 10;
        b = 3;
        quot = Math.DivRem(a, b, out result);
        Console.WriteLine($"Division of ({a}, {b}) : Reminder = {result}, Quotient = {quot}");

        a = 10;
        b = 2;
        quot = Math.DivRem(a, b, out result);
        Console.WriteLine($"Division of ({a}, {b}) : Reminder = {result}, Quotient = {quot}");

        a = 10;
        b = 4;
        quot = Math.DivRem(a, b, out result);
        Console.WriteLine($"Division of ({a}, {b}) : Reminder = {result}, Quotient = {quot}");



Division of (10, 3) : Reminder = 1, Quotient = 3
Division of (10, 2) : Reminder = 0, Quotient = 5
Division of (10, 4) : Reminder = 2, Quotient = 2


In this C# Tutorial, we have learnt the syntax of C# Math.DivRem() method, and also learnt how to use this method with the help of C# example programs.