C# Math.CopySign() – Examples

In this tutorial, we will learn about the C# Math.CopySign() method, and learn how to use this method to get a value formed using magnitude of one number and the sign of other number, with the help of examples.

CopySign(Double x, Double y)

Math.CopySign(x, y) returns a value with the magnitude of x and the sign of y.



The syntax of CopySign() method is

Math.CopySign(Double x, Double y)


xThe Double value whose magnitude is used in the result.
yThe Double value whose sign is the used in the result.

Return Value

The method returns Double value.

Example 1 – CopySign(Double, Double)

In this example, we will use Math.CopySign() method and get a number whose magnitude is from the first argument and the sign is from second argument.

C# Program

using System;
class Example {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        Double x, y, result;

        x = 2;
        y = -8;
        result = Math.CopySign(x, y);
        Console.WriteLine($"CopySign({x}, {y}) = {result}");

        x = 2;
        y = 8;
        result = Math.CopySign(x, y);
        Console.WriteLine($"CopySign({x}, {y}) = {result}");

        x = -2;
        y = 8;
        result = Math.CopySign(x, y);
        Console.WriteLine($"CopySign({x}, {y}) = {result}");


CopySign(2, -8) = -2
CopySign(2, 8) = 2
CopySign(-2, 8) = 2

For CopySign(2, -8), magnitude is copied from 2 and sign is copied from -8, hence the result -2.

For CopySign(2, 8), magnitude is copied from 2 and sign is copied from 8, hence the result 2.

For CopySign(-2, 8), magnitude is copied from -2 and sign is copied from 8, hence the result 2.


In this C# Tutorial, we have learnt the syntax of C# Math.CopySign() method, and also learnt how to use this method with the help of C# example programs.