SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - OQB7

DescriptionMaintain required QM systems
Transaction TypeP
ModuleQuality Management

The SAP TCode OQB7 is used for the task : Maintain required QM systems. The TCode belongs to the QI package.

SAP TCode OQB7 - Maintain required QM systems

SAP Quality Management Tcodes

QK02Display assigned QM ordersQM
QISRWInternal Service Request on the WebQM
OQIRResults recording variant for equipment QM
OQB2Maintain certificate typeQM
QV32Change Q-specification (docType Q04)QM
OQNWSettings for Notification WorkflowQM
QCCPQM standard settings: Quality planningQM
QCCCQM standard settings completeQM
OQIKField selection PhysSampDraw with ref.QM
QA07Trigger for recurring inspectionQM
Full List of SAP Quality Management Tcodes