SAP Wbs Element Tcodes (Transaction Codes)
Tcode | Description | Module |
AACCOBJ | Display Active Account Assgnmt Elements | FI-AA |
BCG8 | Bar chart: Maintain graphic element | BC-FES-GRA |
BD24 | Send Cost Elements | CO-OM |
BD28 | Send obj/cost element control data | CO-OM |
CE16 | Use of CAPP elements (single-level) | PP-BD-CAP |
CJ11 | Create WBS Element | PS-ST-OPR |
CJ12 | Change WBS Element | PS-ST-OPR |
CJ13 | Display WBS Element | PS-ST-OPR |
CJ14 | Display WBS Element (From DMS) | PS-ST-OPR |
CJ29 | Update WBS (Forecast) | PS-DAT |
CJ91 | Create Standard WBS | PS-ST-TMP |
CJ92 | Change Standard WBS | PS-ST-TMP |
CJ93 | Display Standard WBS | PS-ST-TMP |
CJ9BS | Copy WBS Plan to Plan ( Individual ) | CO |
CJ9CS | Copy WBS Actual to Plan ( Individual ) | CO |
CJCD | Change documents: WBS | PS-ST-OPR |
CJCS | Standard WBS | PS-ST-TMP |
CJN1 | Revaluation at Actual Prices : Projects / WBS Elements / Networks | CO-OM |
CJSG | Generate WBS Element Group | PS-COS |
CK84_99_COST_ELEMENT | Cost Elements | CO-PC-IS |
CK85_99_COST_ELEMENT | Cost Elements | CO-PC-IS |
CN43 | Overview: WBS Elements | PS-IS |
CN43N | Overview: WBS Elements | PS-IS-REP-LOG |
CN47 | Overview: Activities/Elements | PS-IS |
CN47N | Overview: Activities/Elements | PS-IS-REP-LOG |
CNC4 | Consistency checks for WBS | PS-ST-OPR |
CNS43 | Overview: WBS Elements | PS-IS |
CNS47 | Overview: Activities/Elements | PS-IS |
CNSKFDEF | SKF defaults for project elements | PS-ST |
CNV_20375_EDIT_DATBI | DATBI for Cost Elements | CA-EUR |