SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - OQNW

DescriptionSettings for Notification Workflow
Transaction TypeP
ModuleQuality Management

The SAP TCode OQNW is used for the task : Settings for Notification Workflow. The TCode belongs to the QI package.

SAP TCode OQNW - Settings for Notification Workflow

SAP Quality Management Tcodes

IW29WPIW29 - Call from Workplace/MiniAppQM
QISRInternal Service RequestQM
QCC2IMG Direct Access: QM Q-NotificationQM
OQB5Insp. type for statistical prof. and statistical QM
OQIICustomize Lot Selection for QA16QM
QCCWQM standard settings: Quality inspectionQM
OQIRResults recording variant for equipment QM
OQZ7Create cond. table for certificatesQM
QM10WPQM10 - Call from Workplace/MiniAppQM
OQN2Maintenance status prof. for Q-notif.typeQM
Full List of SAP Quality Management Tcodes