To understand Microsoft CRM, we must understand the basics of Microsoft Dynamics 365. In Microsoft Dynamics 365, an entity is a table that holds a certain type of data, with the attributes (more on those later) functioning as the columns of the table and determining which information goes into the records of that entity type.

What is an Entity in Microsoft Dynamics 365

Entity is like a database table, and the entity attributes correspond to the table columns. Entity in Microsoft Dynamics 365 has a set of attributes and each attribute represents a data item of a particular type. AnWhen a record is creating in Microsoft Dynamics 365, then a row will be created in the database table.

Entities in Microsoft Dynamics 365 are categorised in to three type : System entities, business entities and Custom entities.

  • System entities : System entities are used by Microsoft Dynamics 365 to handle all internal processes, such as workflows and asynchronous job.
  • Business entities : Business entities are part of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 default installation and they appear in the customization user interface.
  • Custom entities : Custom entities are created by user.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM has three modules, they are Sales Module, Service module and Marketing Module. All these module will have set of entities that are shared across module. Some of the Entities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM are

Lead Entity Opportunity Entity Quotes Entity
Order Entity Invoice Entity Competitor Entity
Product Entity Goal Entity Case Entity
Contracts Entity Queues Entity  Services Entity
 Calendar Entity  Campaign  Connection
 Account Publisher  Resource


In our next Dynamics 365 tutorial, we will clear learn about each entity and its features.