How to create Entity forms in Dynamics 365?
Entity Forms in Dynamics 365 are used to show and hide the controls on a form and hiding or showing columns in a view. In Microsoft Dynamics 365, we can create 4 type of forms they are : Main form, Quick view form, Quick create form and Card form.
To create entity forms in Dynamics 365, navigate to Settings | Customizations | Customize the System.

- Navigate to Components | Entities (expand entity) | Forms | New | Main form.

You can add tabs with one, two, or three columns, and each column can have one or more sections. Every time you add a new tab, you also get at least one new section inside the new tab. In main form, we can add, remove and move tabs, sections, fields, IFRAMES, Bing Maps.
Adding and Removing Sections in Dynamics 365 forms
Sections are used to group controls for related fields. The sections must be within a tab. To add a new section, click the buttons on the Insert tab under the Section group. When you double-click the new added section, the Section Properties dialog appears as shown below.

After adding section group in the main form, now double click on the section to modify the section’s properties.
- Now click on display to enter name, label, Section width.

- Now click on Ok button.
To select options such as the number of columns to display data click on Formatting tab as shown below.

- Select the number of columns in sections and select field label alignment.
How to add Entity fields to a Form in Dynamics 365?
Fields are used to display the entity fields with input controls. We have to create a custom entity field to add an input control for that field to allow users to create record in Dynamics 365.
To add Entity fields to a Form in Dynamics 365, select the fields from the field explorer list and drop it to the section or tab where you want to add.

How to add IFRAMES to Entity form sin Dynamics 365?
You can use IFRAMEs to display custom applications or pages inside a form. Doing so is extremely helpful when you want to show content from external applications or when you need to use advanced input/output controls that are not included in the CRM controls toolset.
- Navigate to Insert | IFRAME

- When you click the IFRAME button, you get the Add an IFRAME dialog and enter name for the IFRAME and URL for the application. As below we have enter as URL.

- Finally click on OK button.

- Finally click onSave button and publish all the customizations.

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