SAP Purchasing (MM-PUR) Tcodes

100Messages: Display CondTab: Purchase OrderMM-PUR
ME97Archive Purchase RequisitionsMM-PUR
MN11Change Message: Schd. Agmt. ScheduleMM-PUR
ME84Generation of Schedule Agmt. ReleasesMM-PUR
ME83Remove Scheduling Agreement ReleasesMM-PUR
ME82Archived Purchasing DocumentsMM-PUR
MN12 Display Message: Schd. Agmt. ScheduleMM-PUR
ME81Analysis of Order ValuesMM-PUR
MN24Create Message: Shipping Notif.MM-PUR
MN25Change Message: Shipping Notif.MM-PUR
MN26Display Message: Shipping Notif.MM-PUR
MP01Maintain AMPL RecordsMM-PUR
ME85Renumber Schedule LinesMM-PUR
ME86Aggregate Schedule LinesMM-PUR
MN04Create Message: POMM-PUR
MN05Change Message: POMM-PUR
MN06Display Message: POMM-PUR
ME92Monitor Order AcknowledgmentMM-PUR
MN07Create Message: Outline AgreementMM-PUR
MN08Change Message: Outline AgreementMM-PUR
MN09Display Message: Outline AgreementMM-PUR
ME91Purchasing Documents : Urging/RemindingMM-PUR
ME88Set Agr. Cum. Qty./Reconcil. DateMM-PUR
MN10Create Message: Schd. Agmt. ScheduleMM-PUR
MP02Display AMPL RecordsMM-PUR
M_LBChange Condition ListMM-PUR
ME55Collective Release of Purchase Reqs.MM-PUR
M_LDExecute Condition ListMM-PUR
ME54Release Purchase RequisitionMM-PUR
OAMPC MM-PUR Purchase Maintenance Blockg. Reas.MM-PUR
ME53Display Purchase RequisitionMM-PUR
OMA6Condition Table: Listing/Exclusion DMM-PUR
MEKFConditions for Material TypeMM-PUR
ME52Change Purchase RequisitionMM-PUR
OMA7Condition Table: Add IndexMM-PUR
ME51Create Purchase RequisitionMM-PUR
ME56Assign Source to Purchase RequisitionMM-PUR
ME57Assign and Process RequisitionsMM-PUR
ME80Purchasing ReportingMM-PUR
ME5WResubmission of Purchase RequisitionsMM-PUR
ME5RArchived Purchase RequisitionsMM-PUR
ME5KRequisitions by Account AssignmentMM-PUR
ME5JPurchase Requisitions for ProjectMM-PUR
ME5FRelease Reminder: Purchase RequisitionMM-PUR
ME5APurchase Requisitions: List DisplayMM-PUR
M_LCDisplay Condition ListMM-PUR
ME59Automatic Generation of POsMM-PUR
ME58Ordering: Assigned RequisitionsMM-PUR
ME4SRFQs by Collective NumberMM-PUR
MEQ8Monitor Quota ArrangementsMM-PUR
MEKYTrnsp. Calc. Schema: Mkt. Pr. ( Purchase )MM-PUR
MEKXTransport Condition Types PurchasingMM-PUR
MEX3Display Purchasing DocumentMM-PUR
MEKRPrice Change: ContractsMM-PUR
MKVGSettlement and Condition GroupsMM-PUR
MEKPPrice Change: Info RecordsMM-PUR
MKVZList of Vendors: PurchasingMM-PUR
MEKLPrice Change: Scheduling AgreementsMM-PUR
MEKKConditions for Vendor Sub-RangeMM-PUR
MEKJConditions for Invoicing PartyMM-PUR
MEKZTrnsp. Calculation Schemas ( Purchase )MM-PUR
MELB Purchase Transactions by Tracking Number MM-PUR
MEQ7Reorganize Quota ArrangementMM-PUR
MEQ6Analyze Quota ArrangementMM-PUR
MEQ4Changes to Quota ArrangementMM-PUR
MEQ3Display Quota ArrangementMM-PUR
MEQ1Maintain Quota ArrangementMM-PUR
MEPOPurchase OrderMM-PUR
MEPBPrice Info/Vendor NegotiationsMM-PUR
MEPAOrder Price Simulation/Price InfoMM-PUR
MEQBRevise Quota ArrangementMM-PUR
MEQMQuota Arrangement for MaterialMM-PUR
MEKIConditions for IncotermsMM-PUR
MEKHMarket PriceMM-PUR
MEK1Create Conditions (Purchasing)MM-PUR
MEISData Selection: ArrivalsMM-PUR
MN03Display Message: RFQMM-PUR
MEANDelivery AddressesMM-PUR
ME9LMessage Output: Schedule AgreementsMM-PUR
ME9KMessage Output: ContractsMM-PUR
ME9FMessage Output: Purchase OrdersMM-PUR
ME9EMessage Output: Sch. Agmt. SchedulesMM-PUR
ME9AMessage Output: RFQsMM-PUR
ME99Messages from Purchase OrdersMM-PUR
MEK2Change Conditions (Purchasing)MM-PUR
MEK3Display Conditions (Purchasing)MM-PUR
MEKGConditions for Condition GroupMM-PUR
MEKEConditions for VendorMM-PUR
MEKDConditions for Material GroupMM-PUR
MEKCConditions by Info RecordMM-PUR
MEKBConditions by ContractMM-PUR
MEKAConditions: General OverviewMM-PUR
MEK4Create Conditions (Purchasing)MM-PUR
M_LAPurchasing: Condition ListMM-PUR
MN01Create Message: RFQMM-PUR
MN02Change Message: RFQMM-PUR
ME98Archive Purchasing DocumentsMM-PUR
ME2MPurchase Orders by MaterialMM-PUR
ME25Create PO with Source DeterminationMM-PUR
ME24Maintain Purchase Order SupplementMM-PUR
ME87Summarize PO HistoryMM-PUR
ME23Display Purchase OrderMM-PUR
OMUPForecast Schedule: Transm. ProfileMM-PUR
ME22Change Purchase OrderMM-PUR
OMXXUpdate Contr. Release Order Docu. MMMM-PUR
ME21Create Purchase OrderMM-PUR
ME1YBuyer's Negotiat. Sheet for MaterialMM-PUR
ME1XBuyer's Negotiation Sheet for VendorMM-PUR
ME26Display PO Supplement (IR)MM-PUR
ME27Create Stock Transport OrderMM-PUR
ME2LPurchase Orders by VendorMM-PUR
ME2K Purchase Orders by Account AssignmentMM-PUR
ME2JPurchase Orders for ProjectMM-PUR
OMQ5Edit PO Transfer FileMM-PUR
OMQ6Create PO Text Transfer FileMM-PUR
ME2CPurchase Orders by Material GroupMM-PUR
ME2BPOs by Requirement Tracking NumberMM-PUR
ME2AMonitor ConfirmationsMM-PUR
OMQXDefault Asset Class for Mat. GroupMM-PUR
ME28Release Purchase OrderMM-PUR
ME1WInfo Records per Material GroupMM-PUR
ME1PPurchase Order Price HistoryMM-PUR
ME11Create Purchasing Info RecordMM-PUR
ME0MSource List for MaterialMM-PUR
ME08Send Source ListMM-PUR
ME07Reorganize Source ListMM-PUR
ME06Analyze Source ListMM-PUR
ME05Generate Source ListMM-PUR
ME04Changes to Source ListMM-PUR
ME03Display Source ListMM-PUR
ME01Maintain Source ListMM-PUR
OMZNC MM-PUR Reorganization Schedule Agrmnt ExtraMM-PUR
ME12Change Purchasing Info RecordMM-PUR
ME13Display Purchasing Info RecordMM-PUR
ME1MInfo Records per MaterialMM-PUR
ME1LInfo Records per VendorMM-PUR
ME1EQuotation Price HistoryMM-PUR
ME1BRedetermine Info Record PriceMM-PUR
ME1AArchived Purchasing Info RecordsMM-PUR
ME18Send Purchasing Info RecordMM-PUR
ME17Archive Info RecordsMM-PUR
ME16Purchasing Info Recs. for DeletionMM-PUR
ME15Flag Purchase Info Rec. for DeletionMM-PUR
ME14Changes to Purchasing Info RecordMM-PUR
0MECSettings for B2B Schedule AgreementsMM-PUR
ME4MRFQs by MaterialMM-PUR
ME3PRecalculate Contract PriceMM-PUR
ME3NOutline Agreements by Agreement Number MM-PUR
ME3MOutline Agreements by MaterialMM-PUR
ME3LOutline Agreements per VendorMM-PUR
ME3KOutl. Agreements by Account AssignmentMM-PUR
ME3JOutline Agreements per ProjectMM-PUR
ME3COutline Agreements by Material GroupMM-PUR
ME3BOutl. Agreements per Requirement Number MM-PUR
ME3ATransm. Release Documentation RecordMM-PUR
ME39Display Schedule Agmt. Schedule (TEST)MM-PUR
ME3RRecalculate Schedule Agreement PriceMM-PUR
ME41Create Request For QuotationMM-PUR
ME4LRFQs by VendorMM-PUR
ME4CRFQs by Material GroupMM-PUR
ME4BRFQs by Requirement Tracking NumberMM-PUR
ME49Price Comparison ListMM-PUR
ME48Display QuotationMM-PUR
ME47Create QuotationMM-PUR
ME44Maintain RFQ SupplementMM-PUR
ME43Display Request For QuotationMM-PUR
ME42Change Request For QuotationMM-PUR
ME38Maintain Schedule Agreement ScheduleMM-PUR
ME37Create Transport Scheduling Agmt.MM-PUR
ME36Display Agreement Supplement (IR)MM-PUR
ME32Change Outline AgreementMM-PUR
OMPNC MM-PUR Purchasing Manuf. Part Number MM-PUR
OMQ1Transfer of Purchase OrdersMM-PUR
ME31Create Outline AgreementMM-PUR
OMQ2Transfer of Purchase Order HistoryMM-PUR
ME2WPurchase Orders for Supplying PlantMM-PUR
ME2VGoods Receipt ForecastMM-PUR
OMQ3Transfer of PO TextsMM-PUR
OMQ4Create PO Transfer FileMM-PUR
ME2OSC Stock Monitoring (Vendor)MM-PUR
OMJQDeletion Flag: Consg. Price SegmentsMM-PUR
OMJPBatch Input: Consignment Info Recs.MM-PUR
OMA8Condition table: Change IndexMM-PUR
OMAGView MaintenanceMM-PUR
ME35Release Outline AgreementMM-PUR
OMEVDetermine Consgt. Valuation PricesMM-PUR
OMFLC MM-PUR Transfer of Info Rec. DataMM-PUR
ME34Maintain Outl. Agreement SupplementMM-PUR
OMJOConvert MKOP into Consgt. Info Recs.MM-PUR
ME33Display Outline AgreementMM-PUR
ME2NPurchase Orders by PO NumberMM-PUR
METALTransaction Starter PurchasingMM-PUR
MKVZECurrency Change: Vendor Master Rec.MM-PUR
ME21NCreate Purchase OrderMM-PUR
ME53NDisplay Purchase RequisitionMM-PUR
ME54NRelease Purchase RequisitionMM-PUR
ME59NAutomatic generation of POsMM-PUR
ME80APurchasing Reporting: RFQsMM-PUR
ME80FPurchasing Reporting: POsMM-PUR
ME51NCreate Purchase RequisitionMM-PUR
ME80RPurchasing Reporting: Outline Agmts.MM-PUR
ME81NAnalysis of Order ValuesMM-PUR
ME84AIndividual Display of SA ReleaseMM-PUR
ME23NDisplay Purchase OrderMM-PUR
ME91AUrge Submission of QuotationsMM-PUR
ME91ESch. Agmt. Schedules: Urging/Rem indirect MM-PUR
ME35LRelease Scheduling AgreementMM-PUR
ME35KRelease ContractMM-PUR
ME22NChange Purchase OrderMM-PUR
ME29NRelease purchase orderMM-PUR
ME2ONSubcontracting CockpitMM-PUR
ME308Send Contracts with ConditionsMM-PUR
ME31KCreate ContractMM-PUR
ME31LCreate Scheduling AgreementMM-PUR
ME32KChange ContractMM-PUR
ME32LChange Scheduling AgreementMM-PUR
ME33KDisplay ContractMM-PUR
ME33LDisplay Scheduling AgreementMM-PUR
ME34KMaintain Contract SupplementMM-PUR
ME34Lement Supplement"MM-PUR
ME91FPurchase Orders: Urging/RemindersMM-PUR
ME92FMonitor Order AcknowledgmentMM-PUR
ME92KMonitor Order AcknowledgmentMM-PUR
ME2DPDown-Payment Monitoring for POMM-PUR
MEK33Condition Maintenance: ChangeMM-PUR
ME52NChange Purchase RequisitionMM-PUR
MEKLECurrency Change: Schedule AgreementsMM-PUR
MEKPECurrency Change: Info RecordsMM-PUR
MEK32Condition Maintenance: ChangeMM-PUR
MEK31Condition Maintenance: ChangeMM-PUR
MEKRECurrency Change: ContractsMM-PUR
ME92LMonitor Order AcknowledgmentMM-PUR
OMGSCKRelease Procedure ChecksMM-PUR
OMGQCKRelease Procedure ChecksMM-PUR
ME80FNGeneral Analyses (F)MM-PUR
OMESCJActivate chargeable info recordsMM-PUR
ME52NBBuyer Approval: Purchase RequisitionMM-PUR
ML60CKRelease Procedure ChecksMM-PUR
ME80RNGeneral Analyses (L, K)MM-PUR
ME80ANGeneral Analyses (A)MM-PUR
ME2COMPComponent Consumption HistoryMM-PUR
MEMASSRQMass-Changing of Purchase RequisitionsMM-PUR
MEMASSINMass-Changing of Purchase Info RecordsMM-PUR
ME2SCRAPScrap Analysis (Component Consump.)MM-PUR
MEMASSPOMass Change of Purchase OrdersMM-PUR
OMGQ_CHARCharact. Maintenance : Release ProcedureMM-PUR
MECCP_ME2KFor Requisition Account AssignmentMM-PUR
MMPURPAME21NCreate Purchase Order from PortalMM-PUR
MMPURUIME21NWrapper transaction for ME21NMM-PUR
MMPURUIPRCREQCreate PO from RequisitionMM-PUR
S_AL0_96000492Material DocumentMM-PUR
S_AL0_96000493Purchase OrderMM-PUR
S_AL0_96000495Purchase RequisitionMM-PUR
S_AL0_96000496Logistics Invoice VerificationMM-PUR
MMPURUICALLME55Wrapper for transaction ME55MM-PUR
MMPURUICALLMD03Wrapper for transaction MD03MM-PUR
MMPURUICALLME28Wrapper for transaction ME28MM-PUR
MMPURUICALLME49Wrapper for transaction ME49MM-PUR
LPD_CUST_BUY_REPReport Launchpad for Buyer RoleMM-PUR
MMPURUICALLME54NWrapper for transaction ME54NMM-PUR
MMPURUICALLME29NWrapper for transaction ME29NMM-PUR
Show More MM-PUR Transaction Codes

Purchasing (MM-PUR) Sub-Module Wise Tcodes

SAP Basic Functions Tcodes

M/50Maintain Access Sequences: POMM-PUR-GF
M/08Conditions: Schema for PurchasingMM-PUR-GF
M/07Access: Maintain (Price Purchasing)MM-PUR-GF
M/06Condition Type: (Purchasing)MM-PUR-GF
M/05 Display Conditions Table (Purchasing)MM-PUR-GF
M/04Change Conditions Table (Purchasing)MM-PUR-GF
M/03Create Conditions Table (Purchasing)MM-PUR-GF
M/48Maintain Access Sequences: RFQMM-PUR-GF
M/42Maintain Message Schema: Delete Schedule MM-PUR-GF
M/36Maintain Message Determ. Schema: POMM-PUR-GF

Full List of SAP Basic Functions Tcodes

SAP Vendor Outline Agreements Tcodes

MEMASSSAMass Changing of Schedule AgreementsMM-PUR-OA
MEMASSCONTRACTMass Changing of ContractsMM-PUR-OA

SAP Purchase Requisitions Tcodes

CFB_NAVStart TransactionsMM-PUR-REQ

SAP Purchase Orders Tcodes

OWS3POS Outbound: Sales ConditionsMM-PUR-PO
OWIAPurchasing: Opt. PO-Based Load-Bldg.MM-PUR-PO
MEIANew Structure Document Indicator Customer Sett.MM-PUR-PO
MEI9Recomp. doc. index vendor bill. doc.MM-PUR-PO
MEI8Recomp. doc. index settlement req.MM-PUR-PO
MEI7Change sales prices in purch. ordersMM-PUR-PO
MEI6Delete purchasing document indexMM-PUR-PO
MEI5Delete Worklist for Document IndexMM-PUR-PO
MEI4Compile Worklist for Document IndexMM-PUR-PO
MEI3Recompilation of Document IndexMM-PUR-PO

Full List of SAP Purchase Orders Tcodes