SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - FNL1

DescriptionRollover: Create Main File
Transaction TypeP
ModuleFinancial ServicesLoans Management

The SAP TCode FNL1 is used for the task : Rollover: Create Main File. The TCode belongs to the FVVD package.

SAP TCode FNL1 - Rollover: Create Main File

SAP Loans Management Tcodes

FNIACreate inquiryFS-CML
FN20Create borrower's note offerFS-CML
FNCP3Display change pointersFS-CML
FNM6Post Interest on ArrearsFS-CML
FNO8Create Objects from FileFS-CML
FNREDO NOT USE:Reverse Incoming PaymentsFS-CML
FNAIReactivate deleted other loan cntrctFS-CML
FNAAReactivation of Deleted Mort. OfferFS-CML
FNF3Rollover: Display fileFS-CML
FNSFPContracts for the Finance ProjectFS-CML
Full List of SAP Loans Management Tcodes