SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - OKZ6

DescriptionCost Object Profile: Process Mfg
Transaction TypeP
ModuleControllingProduct Cost ControllingCost Object Controlling

The SAP TCode OKZ6 is used for the task : Cost Object Profile: Process Mfg. The TCode belongs to the KK0C package.

SAP TCode OKZ6 - Cost Object Profile: Process Mfg

SAP Cost Object Controlling Tcodes

OKR5Report List for Unit CostingCO-PC-OBJ
KKCVVariant Cost Object Line Items Configuration CO-PC-OBJ
KKG1Create Cost of Sales: OrderCO-PC-OBJ
OKZ5Cost Object Category: Process MfgCO-PC-OBJ
OKSCExport Reports for Make-to-OrderCO-PC-OBJ
OKSLImport Reports for Product CostingCO-PC-OBJ
OKV7Target Cost Versions for Cost ObjsCO-PC-OBJ
OKSQExport Reports for ProjectsCO-PC-OBJ
OKRASummarization Hierarchy for OrdersCO-PC-OBJ
OKSHExport Reports for Unit CostingCO-PC-OBJ
Full List of SAP Cost Object Controlling Tcodes