Bash Create new directory

To create a new directory in Bash scripting, you can use mkdir command. Call the mkdir command and pass the directory name as argument.

The syntax to create a new directory using mkdir command is given below.

mkdir directory_name

To create more than one directory in a single command, pass the directory names as arguments to mkdir command, as shown in the following.

mkdir directory_name_1 directory_name_2 directory_name_3

If given directory path has any parent directories, we can use -p option with mkdir command to create non existent directories, as shown in the following.

mkdir -p parent/inner_parent/directory


In the following script, we create a new directory named resources, using mkdir command.


mkdir resources
echo "Directory created successfully."

Bash Version: GNU bash, version 5.2.15(1)-release (aarch64-apple-darwin22.1.0)


sh-3.2# bash 
Directory created successfully.


In this Bash Tutorial, we learned how to create a new directory using mkdir command.