Current Year

To get current year in Bash script, use date command with the format that outputs only year.

There are two different types of format in which we could get year from the date. They are

  • Complete Year (Ex: 2021)
  • Last two digits of Year (Ex: 21)

In this tutorial, we will learn the syntax to get the current year in the above said formats, with examples.


The syntax of date command to get current year is

date +%Y

This command outputs the year in the format YYYY.

To get the year in the format yy, just the last two digits, use the following syntax.

date +%y

Please observe the difference between the case of letter y in the above two expressions.


Current Year – YYYY

In the following script, we get current year using date command and store it in variable year, and echo it to the standard console.

year=$(date +%Y)
echo "Current Year : $year"


Current Year : 2021

Current Year – yy

In the following script, we get current year in the format yy, just the last two digits using date command.

year=$(date +%y)
echo "Current Year : $year"


Current Year : 21


In this Bash Tutorial, we have learnt how to get current year in Bash Script using date command.