Python Logical Operators

Logical Operators are used to combine simple conditions and form compound conditions.

Different Logical Operators in Python

The following table presents all the Logical operators in Python, with their symbol, description, and an example.

Operator Symbol Description Example
and Returns True if both operands are True. x and y
or Returns True if any of the operands is True. x or y
not Returns the complement of given boolean operand. not x
Python Logical Operators

1 Logical AND Operator

If x and y are two boolean values, then the expression of logical AND operation between these two values is

x and y


In the following program, we take two variables with boolean values with different combinations, and print the result of their Logical AND operation.

x, y = True, True
result = x and y #True
print(f"{x} and {y} is {result}")

x, y = True, False
result = x and y #False
print(f"{x} and {y} is {result}")

x, y = False, True
result = x and y #False
print(f"{x} and {y} is {result}")

x, y = False, False
result = x and y #False
print(f"{x} and {y} is {result}")


True and True is True
True and False is False
False and True is False
False and False is False

2 Logical OR Operator

If x and y are two boolean values, then the expression of logical OR operation between these two values is

x or y


In the following program, we take two variables with boolean values with different combinations, and print the result of their Logical OR operation.

x, y = True, True
result = x or y #True
print(f"{x} or {y} is {result}")

x, y = True, False
result = x or y #False
print(f"{x} or {y} is {result}")

x, y = False, True
result = x or y #False
print(f"{x} or {y} is {result}")

x, y = False, False
result = x or y #False
print(f"{x} or {y} is {result}")


True or True is True
True or False is True
False or True is True
False or False is False

3 Logical NOT Operator

If x is a boolean value, then the expression of logical NOT operation with this value is

not x


In the following program, we take a variable with boolean value, with different combinations, and print the result of its Logical NOT operation.

x = True
result = not x
print(f"not {x} is {result}")

x = False
result = not x
print(f"not {x} is {result}")


not True is False
not False is True


In this Python Tutorial, we learned about Logical Operators in Python, and how to use them with boolean values, with the help of examples.