Python pow

Python pow() builtin function is used to compute base to the power of a number. Optionally we may provide a value for mod parameter to pow() function, that computes pow(base, exponent) % mod.

In this tutorial, we will learn about the syntax of Python pow() function, and learn how to use this function with the help of examples.


The syntax of pow() function is

pow(base, exp[, mod])


Parameter Required/Optional Description
base Required A numeric value.
exp Required A numeric value.
mod Optional A numeric value.


The function returns an Integer or floating point value based on the computational result.


1 Compute Base to the Power of Exponent

In this example, we will take 5 for base, 3 for exponent and compute the power of base to exponent using pow() function.

Python Program

base = 5
exp = 3
result = pow(base, exp)
print('Result :', result)


Result :  125

2 Compute Base to the Power of Negative Exponent

In this example, we will take 5 for base, -2 for exponent and compute the power of base to exponent using pow() function.

Python Program

base = 5
exp = -3
result = pow(base, exp)
print('Result :', result)


Result : 0.008

3 Base to the Power of Exponent mod

In this example, we will pass a value for optional parameter mod, and compute pow(base, exponent) % mod.

Python Program

base = 5
exp = 3
mod = 20
result = pow(base, exp, mod)
print('Result :', result)


Result : 5


In this Python Tutorial, we have learnt the syntax of Python pow() builtin function, and also learned how to use this function, with the help of Python example programs.