Python String format

Python String format() method returns a new string value that is formatted using the placeholders in given string and the values passed as arguments to the format() method.

In this tutorial, we will learn the syntax and examples for format() method of String class.


The syntax of String format() method in Python is

str.format(*args, **kwargs)


Parameter Required/Optional Description
*args Optional Positional arguments.
**kwargs Optional Keyword arguments.


In this example, we will take a string, and format this string with positional arguments passed to the format() method.

Python Program

x = 'Hello {}! Welcome to {}.'
result = x.format('XYZ', 'New World')


Hello XYZ! Welcome to New World.


{}s in the string x are placeholders. Positional arguments are loaded into these placeholders respectively.

format with Keyword Arguments

In this example, we will take a string, and format this string with keyword arguments passed to the format() method.

Python Program

x = 'Hello {name}! Welcome to {country}.'
result = x.format(name='XYZ', country='New World')


Hello XYZ! Welcome to New World.

format with Positional and Keyword Arguments

In this example, we will take a string, and format this string with both positional and keyword arguments passed to the format() method.

Python Program

x = '{} Hello {name}! Welcome to {country}. '
result = x.format('Greetings!', name='XYZ', country='New World')


Greetings! Hello XYZ! Welcome to New World.


In this Python Tutorial, we learned how to format a given string with placeholders; positional and keyword arguments, using String method – format().