Python String strip

Python String.strip() is used to strip/trim specified characters at the beginning and end of this string. strip() method returns a new resulting string and does not modify the original string.

In this tutorial, we will learn the syntax and examples for strip() method of String class.


The syntax to call strip() method on string x in Python is



Parameter Required / Optional Description
characters Optional A string. Any of these characters that are present at the edges of the string shall be removed / trimmed. The default value is all whitespace characters.


In the following program, we take a string '@.....hello world..@@@', and trim the characters '.@' present at the edges of the string.

x = '@.....hello world..@@@'
result = x.strip('.@')
print('Original String : ', x)
print('Stripped String : ', result)


Original String :  @.....hello world..@@@
Stripped String :  hello world

Now, let us take a string with spaces on the left and right side, and trim this string using strip() method, with no arguments passed. Since the default value of characters parameter is whitespaces, strip() trims the whitespace characters present around the string.

x = '    hello world  '
result = x.strip()
print('Original String : ', x)
print('Stripped String : ', result)


Original String :      hello world  
Stripped String :  hello world


In this Python Tutorial, we learned how to trim (specified) characters from the beginning and end of the string using strip() method, with examples.