In this C++ tutorial, you shall learn how to append a character to the beginning of a given string using Addition Operator, with example programs.

Append Character to beginning of String

To append character to beginning of a string in C++, we can use Addition Operator. Add the character and the string, and assign the result of this expression back to the string.

The syntax of the statement to append a character ch to the beginning of the string str is

str = ch + str;

C Program

In the following program, we take a string in str, and a character in ch. We append the character ch to the beginning of the string str, and print the resulting string to console output.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   string str = "apple";
   char ch = 'm';

   str = ch + str;
   cout << str;




In the above program(s), we have used the following C++ concepts. The links have been provided for reference.


In this C++ Tutorial, we learned how to append a character to the beginning of a given string.