Tcode | Description | Module |
P2HM | HB2 - Change Personal Data | PY |
P1H1 | Monthly tax return: self-check sheet | PY |
P1H0 | K32 form correction | PY |
HRREPPL | Reporting to ZUS and TO (PL) | PY |
HRPAYUAP7 | Form P-7 | PY |
HRPAYUAP6 | Form P-6 | PY |
HRPAYUAP5 | Form P-5 | PY |
HRPAYUAP1 | Form P-1 | PY |
HRPAYUA22 | Pension Fund. Form 23 | PY |
HRPAYUAP8 | Form P-7 | PY |
HRPADUAP2 | Personnel master card | PY |
HRPAYUASP | 8DR Tax Form | PY |
HRPAYUASLV | Temporary disability pay calculation | PY |
HRPAYUAEXE | Execution statement | PY |
HRPAYUAASI | Form Average Salary Information | PY |
HRPAYUAADN | Form Addendum 2, 6 | PY |
HRPAYUAAD6 | Addendum 6 | PY |
HRPAYUAAD2 | Addendum 2 | PY |
HRPAYUA8DR | 8DR Tax Form | PY |
HRPAYUA4PN | Form 4PN | PY |
HRPAYUAFP8 | Form P8 | PY |
HRPAYUALD9 | Form 4PN | PY |
HRPBSHU_JG | Monthly reports - status gen. - 2004 | PY |
HRPAYUAPV6 | Form 6-PV | PY |
HRPAYUAPFD | Pension Fund Declaration | PY |
PC00_M21_N | Payroll list | PY |
PC00_M21_O | Family aid services | PY |
HRPBSHU_JF | Monthly reports - file gen. - 2004 | PY |
HRPAYUAP49 | Payroll sheet Form P49 | PY |
HRPAYUAP16 | Form P-16 | PY |
HRPAYUAP15 | Form P-15 | PY |
HRPAYUA4FS | Temporary disability pay calculation | PY |
HRPAYUA3PN | Form 3PN | PY |
PC00_M21_G | Questionnaire on GYED obtainers | PY |
HRPADUAFCC | Cluster report data viewer | PY |
PC00_M21_P | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
HRPAYUA1DF | Form 1DF | PY |
HRPADUA1PV | Statistic forms 1PV, 3PV | PY |
HRPAYUA1PN | Form PN1 | PY |
HRPAYUA1PV | Forms 1PV, 3PV | PY |
HRPAYUAIND | 8DR Tax Form | PY |
HRPAYUA2TM | Form 2-TM | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0A | Absences building lost days | PY |
HRPAYHUTR09 | SI component: T5H4A customizing | PY |
HRPAYUASTAT | Statistical Reporting | PY |
HRPAYUASIP0 | Request for Reimburs. of SI Payments | PY |
HRPAYUAWTR1 | Wage Type Reporter (Ukraine) | PY |
HRPAYHUTR08 | SI component: load pers. calendar | PY |
HRPAYHUTR07 | SI component: change pers. calendar | PY |
HRPAYHUTR06 | Check cumulations | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0B | Check full contribution bases | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0C | Assign wage type to G/L account | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0D | List processing classes | PY |
HRPAYUA521B | T521B Maintenance | PY |
HRPAYUA1DF0 | Form 1DF (v.3) | PY |
HRPAYUA10PI | Form 10-PI | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0N | Absences as per counter class | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0M | Auxiliary program to set T5H2B | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0L | Change master data | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0K | Import Hungarian master data | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0J | Display and delete records in T5H4X | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0I | Change payroll results of prev. year | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0H | Delete data in table T558A | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0G | Import data of the previous year | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0F | List cumulations | PY |
HRPAYHUTR0E | List evaluation classes | PY |
PC00_M18_PUJ | Loan listing from IT0045 | PY |
PC00_M21_K32 | Tax return - form K32 | PY |
PC00_M31_KPC | Working time account | PY |
HRPADBG_CNUM | Number Range Maintenance: HR_BG_CNUM | PY |
PC00_M58_CEDT | Remuneration statement Croatia | PY |
PC00_M58_CALC | Payroll accounting - 58 | PY |
PC00_M47_KIM2 | Identity Notification Report | PY |
PC00_M47_KIM1 | Identity Notification Report | PY |
PC00_M47_KIM0 | Identity Notification Report | PY |
PC00_M47_IKB4 | Employee's accident report | PY |
PC00_M47_IKB3 | Employee's accident report | PY |
PC00_M47_CDTB | Bank transfer pre.program DME Inter. | PY |
PC00_M47_CDTA | Bank transfer pre.program DME Inter. | PY |
PC00_M46_PITR | Tax accounting form PIT-R | PY |
PC00_M46_PIT4 | Tax accounting form PIT-4 | PY |
PC00_M46_IFT1 | Tax accounting form IFT-1/IFT-1R | PY |
PC00_M46_CLJN | Payroll journal International | PY |
PC00_M46_CKTO | Payroll account - International | PY |
PC00_M46_CEDT | Remuneration statement Internat. | PY |
PC00_M38_AUTO | Social insurance self-assessment | PY |
PC00_M21_CPFA | Data supply to supervisory authority | PY |
PC00_M38_BAL0 | Previous period balances | PY |
PC00_M21_CSH3 | PC00_M21_CSH3 | PY |
PC00_M21_CSVM | List and download results | PY |
PC00_M21_CTBE | List of persons with services over N d | PY |
PC00_M21_CTBL | End of maternity leave, GYED | PY |
PC00_M21_CTBT | Incomplete maternity leave data | PY |
PC00_M21_DKAR | Change personal calendar | PY |
PC00_M21_DTAH | Pre-program for el. funds transfer | PY |
PC00_M38_CALV | Payroll - Colombia | PY |
PC00_M38_AVOL | Voluntary contributions and AFCO | PY |
PC00_M21_LKIA | Data sheet of leaving persons | PY |
PC00_M21_LTAP | Sick pay order | PY |
PC00_M21_LTSK | Personal aid sheet | PY |
PC00_M61_CALC | Payroll calculation Romania | PY |
PC00_M21_UKH2 | SL and GYAP quota correction 2013 | PY |
PC00_M21_MLIH | List of cash payments | PY |
PC00_M38_CEDT | Payment receipt & final payment rcpt | PY |
PC00_M46_CDTA | Bank transfer pre.program DME Inter. | PY |
PC00_M46_CALC | Payroll simulation (International) | PY |
PC00_M21_TBAT | Data defin. sheet daily SI average | PY |
PC00_M31_NAT0 | Exchange citizen./nationality fields | PY |
PC00_M38_OFFC | Leave Off-Cycle report | PY |
PC00_M38_LOA0 | Loans report | PY |
PC00_M31_RZDU | ATC data adjustment | PY |
PC00_M38_FIEA | Active personnel Integrated form | PY |
PC00_M38_FFOV | Notice of payment 17 | PY |
PC00_M38_FFOT | Create DME 17 | PY |
PC00_M31_RZZR | Recapitulation of HI annual clearing | PY |
PC00_M38_FFOC | Check printout 17 | PY |
PC00_M38_DIAN | DIAN magnetic means | PY |
PC00_M38_CONS | Consignment Unemployment Fund | PY |
PC00_M38_COAV | Leave report - COAVA | PY |
PC00_M36_CALC | Personalabrechnung Ukraine | PY |
PC00_M38_CLJN | Payroll journal | PY |
PC00_M36_CDTA | Überweisung Vorprogramm DTA Ukraine | PY |
PC00_M36_CEDT | Abrechn.Entgeltnachweis Ukraine | PY |
PC00_M31_KZAM | Assign EMPC to job | PY |
PC00_M36_CDTB | Überweisung Vorprogramm DTA Ukraine | PY |
PC00_M21_TEV3 | PC00_M21_TEV3 | PY |
PC00_M21_TEV4 | Personal aid sheet | PY |
PC00_M21_UKH0 | Change quotas of SI module | PY |
PC00_M31_CALC | Payroll Accounting - simulation -01 | PY |
PC00_M31_CEDT | Remuneration statement Internat. | PY |
PC00_M31_CIPE | Posting to SK accounting | PY |
PC00_M31_CKTO | Payroll account - International | PY |
PC00_M31_CLJN | Payroll journal International | PY |
PC00_M31_CLS0 | Adjustment of Re calculation Payroll Results | PY |
PC00_M38_TRM0 | Termination Colombia | PY |
PC00_M38_RETE | Half-year procedure | PY |
PC00_M31_DNPM | Auxiliary Calculation of DNP | PY |
PC00_M38_PROV | Reserves report | PY |
PC00_M31_ISCO | Conversion of KZAM job code to ISCO | PY |
PC00_M38_PARA | Parafiscal contributions | PY |
PC00_M38_CERT | Income & Withholdings certificate | PY |
PC00_M21_CMIG | Employer's certificate | PY |
PC00_M21_BNKH | Download bank transfers | PY |
PC00_M21_CIMJ | Certificate for unemployment benefit | PY |
PC00_M18_CALC | Payroll-simulation Germany | PY |
PC00_M21_CALH | Personal calendar generation | PY |
PC00_M21_CALC | Payroll accounting - Hungary | PY |
PC00_M18_CEDT | Remuneration statement Internat. | PY |
PC00_M18_CKTO | Payroll account - International | PY |
PC00_M18_CLJN | Payroll journal International | PY |
PC00_M38_FIEP | Pensioners Integrated form | PY |
PC00_M18_TERM | RPPTERT0 - forms for employment off. | PY |
PC00_M62_CALC | Payroll calculation Slovenia | PY |
PC00_M61_DELP | Delete pernr completely | PY |
PC00_M21_CBER | Wage type journal | PY |
PC00_M21_CLGA | Query by title | PY |
PC00_M61_CEDT | Remuneration statement Romania | PY |
PC00_M21_CHQH | Download postal transfers | PY |
PC00_M21_CEDT | Remuneration statement | PY |
PC00_M21_CBRK | Hungary-specific payroll account | PY |
PC00_M21_CLGV | Wage type division | PY |
PC00_M21_CBOS | Payroll journal | PY |
PC00_M46_CDNT0 | Not completed deductions | PY |
PC00_M61_CSIA0 | SI - ER Unemployment contribution | PY |
PC00_M46_LBNK0 | Bank Details | PY |
PC00_M61_CSI30 | SI - EE Contribution H | PY |
PC00_M46_PIT8C | Tax accounting form PIT-8C | PY |
PC00_M46_PIT40 | Tax accounting form PIT40 | PY |
PC00_M46_PIT8A | Tax accounting form PIT-8A | PY |
PC00_M46_PIT4R | Tax accounting form PIT-4R | PY |
PC00_M46_HRREP | Reporting to ZUS and TO (PL) | PY |
PC00_M46_CSIC1 | ZUS contribution report | PY |
PC00_M61_CSIC0 | SI - ER Health Insurance | PY |
PC00_M46_CL4A0 | Sickness payment report | PY |
PC00_M61_CSIF0 | SI - ER Commision for ITM | PY |
PC00_M61_CSIB0 | SI - ER Pension Contribution | PY |
PC00_M61_CSIH0 | SI - ER Sick Leave and Allowances | PY |
PC00_M46_CLSTR | Payroll result International | PY |
PC00_M46_CRMU0 | ZUS RMUA annual information | PY |
PC00_M46_CRT00 | List RT and CRT from several payroll | PY |
PC00_M61_CSI20 | SI - EE Pension contribution | PY |
PC00_M46_RFFOD | Bank transfer pre.program DME Inter. | PY |
PC00_M46_SKP10 | ZUS KP-1 form | PY |
PC00_M46_UTWT0 | Wage Type Transport | PY |
PC00_M61_CSI10 | SI - EE Unemployment contribution | PY |
PC00_M61_CRS30 | Statistical report - S3 | PY |
PC00_M61_CRS20 | Statistical report - S2 | PY |
PC00_M61_CRS10 | Statistical report - S1 | PY |
PC00_M47_KID01 | Severance pay calculation report 2 | PY |
PC00_M61_CROP1 | Signature list for cash payments | PY |
PC00_M61_CROP0 | Recapitulation of bank transfers | PY |
PC00_M46_UTSR0 | Schemes and rules transport | PY |
PC00_M46_USCL0 | Show processing and evaluation class | PY |
PC00_M46_UCWT0 | Comparison of Wage Type Configuratio | PY |
PC00_M46_SRP60 | ZUP Rp-6 form | PY |
PC00_M46_SRP71 | ZUS Rp-7 form | PY |
PC00_M46_SZ010 | Z-01 GUS form | PY |
PC00_M46_SZ060 | Z-06 GUS form | PY |
PC00_M46_TJUB1 | Anniv. calculation for diff. service type | PY |
PC00_M46_TSEN1 | Senior | PY |
PC00_M46_TSEN3 | Determination of seniority | PY |
PC00_M46_TUPD0 | New absence/attendance record evaluation | PY |
PC00_M61_CRECH | Configuration of absences | PY |
PC00_M61_CSLV0 | Sick leaves overview and history | PY |
PC00_M62_CCRED | PC00_M62_CCRED | PY |
PC00_M62_CBT3C | Bank transfers 30 | PY |
PC00_M62_CBT20 | Bank transfers 20 | PY |
PC00_M62_CBT11 | Bank transfers 11 | PY |
PC00_M62_CBT10 | Bank transfers 10 | PY |
PC00_M38_GARBA | Banco Agrario report | PY |
PC00_M62_CBT01 | Bank transfers for SEPA | PY |
PC00_M62_CBT00 | Bank transfers | PY |
PC00_M62_CBOL1 | Potrdila | PY |
PC00_M62_CBT3N | Bank transfers 30 - neto | PY |
PC00_M38_CDTA0 | Data medium exchange | PY |
PC00_M62_CCREC | PC00_M62_CCREC | PY |
PC00_M62_CCPL1 | PC00_M62_CCPL1 | PY |
PC00_M62_CC1ZM | PC00_M62_CREK3 | PY |
PC00_M62_CBTPB | PC00_M62_CBTPB | PY |
PC00_M62_CBTLB | PC00_M62_CBTLB | PY |
PC00_M62_CBTBU | PC00_M62_CBTBU | PY |
PC00_M62_CBOL0 | PC00_M62_CREF0 | PY |
PC00_M62_CBLKP | Break down list KP | PY |
PC00_M62_CBLGO | Break down list GO | PY |
PC00_M61_LHIE0 | Advances | PY |
PC00_M38_VALET | Leave letter | PY |
PC00_M61_IADVV | Advances for vacation | PY |
PC00_M46_AWST0 | Contract of employment | PY |
PC00_M58_RXPK1 | Payroll Evaluation Report PK1 Annual | PY |
PC00_M61_IADVA | Advances | PY |
PC00_M61_CUNE0 | Unemployment EE file | PY |
PC00_M61_CSLV1 | Report HROCSLV1 | PY |
PC00_M61_LREG0 | Reqister of employees | PY |
PC00_M61_LREG1 | EE register - fill table | PY |
PC00_M62_CAVG0 | Averages | PY |
PC00_M61_UABS0 | Configuration of absences | PY |
PC00_M61_LSLV1 | Sick Leave Annoucement | PY |
PC00_M61_LSLC0 | ER/EE Sick leave certificates | PY |
PC00_M61_LSEN0 | Employees Seniority File | PY |
PC00_M61_LREG4 | EE register - create XML file | PY |
PC00_M61_LREG3 | EE register - fill table | PY |
PC00_M61_LREG2 | EE register - create XML file | PY |
PC00_M46_AWSW0 | Work statement | PY |
PC00_M58_RANKA | Employee annual analytic card | PY |
PC00_M58_RODP2 | Payroll Evaluation Report ODP Contri | PY |
PC00_M58_RPBZM | Payroll on mag. media for PBZ | PY |
PC00_M58_RPK1M | PK1 Report on mag. media | PY |
PC00_M58_RPODM | Payroll Evaluation Report Mag. Media | PY |
PC00_M58_RR1G4 | RAD 1G Table 4 | PY |
PC00_M58_RR1G8 | RAD 1G Table 8 | PY |
PC00_M58_RRN04 | Payroll evaluation report (new M4 fo | PY |
PC00_M58_RRODP | Payroll Evaluation Report ODP Review | PY |
PC00_M58_RRSHO | R-S Form | PY |
PC00_M58_ROBRS | R-S Form | PY |
PC00_M58_RNYTX | End-year tax calculation | PY |
PC00_M58_RDVAR | Payroll Evaluation Report Mag. Media | PY |
PC00_M58_RDZAG | Payroll Evaluation Report Bank Trans | PY |
PC00_M58_RGRHO | End-year tax calculation | PY |
PC00_M58_RGROS | End-year tax calculation | PY |
PC00_M58_RHIDD | PY Evaluation Report ID Accounted & | PY |
PC00_M58_RISTM | Payroll on mag. media for Istarska b | PY |
PC00_M58_RM4RK | Recapitulation data in M4 | PY |
PC00_M58_RNSPL | Payroll Evaluation Report SPL Statis | PY |
PC00_M58_RNTMP | Payroll Evaluation Report TMP Statis | PY |
PC00_M58_RRSPL | Payroll Evaluation Report SPL Review | PY |
PC00_M58_RRW02 | Bank Details | PY |
PC00_M58_RRW03 | Payroll review (Tax revision per mun | PY |
PC00_M58_RXTTX | Payroll Evaluation Report Bank Trans | PY |
PC00_M61_CERG0 | Contribution G - Data Mining | PY |
PC00_M61_CBT01 | Payment preparation - insurance tax | PY |
PC00_M61_CBT10 | Payment transfer to FI | PY |
PC00_M61_CBT20 | Break down list of payments | PY |
PC00_M61_CBT40 | External deductions | PY |
PC00_M61_CERD0 | ER Contributions Overview - Display | PY |
PC00_M61_CCIPE | Update payroll results ROMANIA by SI | PY |
PC00_M61_CERC0 | ER Contributions Overview - Data Min | PY |
PC00_M58_RXTTS | Payroll Evaluation Report Bank Trans | PY |
PC00_M58_RXTHO | Employee annual analytic card | PY |
PC00_M58_RXBTS | Payroll Evaluation Report Bank Trans | PY |
PC00_M58_RXBTX | Payroll Evaluation Report Bank Trans | PY |
PC00_M58_RXER1 | ER-1 - Salary received in the past n | PY |
PC00_M58_RXID0 | PY Evaluation Report ID Accounted & | PY |
PC00_M61_CHIE0 | Health house - contributions | PY |
PC00_M58_RXM4R | Payroll Evaluation Report Annual emp | PY |
PC00_M61_CFIS0 | Fiscal statements | PY |
PC00_M61_CDEC0 | Declaration 100 and 710 of tax and i | PY |
PC00_M58_RXPK2 | Payroll Evaluation Report PK2 Annual | PY |
PC00_M61_CDEC1 | Report HROCDEC1 | PY |
PC00_M47_SSK20 | Insurant account voucher | PY |
PC00_M58_CEEB2 | Employee book | PY |
PC00_M58_CEMPD | Bank Details | PY |
PC00_M58_CFINA | Payroll Evaluation Report Bank Trans | PY |
PC00_M58_CFINH | Employee annual analytic card | PY |
PC00_M58_CHIDD | PY Evaluation Report ID Accounted & | PY |
PC00_M58_CID10 | ID-1 form | PY |
PC00_M58_CIP00 | IP obrazac - data mining | PY |
PC00_M58_CIP01 | IP obrazac - report output | PY |
PC00_M61_CKTO0 | Payroll Accounts Romania | PY |
PC00_M58_CBT21 | Break-down lists - print version | PY |
PC00_M47_SSK22 | Insured missing day notif.form | PY |
PC00_M47_SSK29 | Leaving declaration | PY |
PC00_M58_BMPP0 | MPP form - Prijava/promjena podataka | PY |
PC00_M58_BMPP1 | MPP-1 form-Prijava/promjena podataka | PY |
PC00_M58_BPROD | Registration for health insurance | PY |
PC00_M58_BPRPE | Registration for pension insurance | PY |
PC00_M61_CLJN0 | Payroll Journal - Romanian | PY |
PC00_M58_CBL00 | Payroll Evaluation Report Bank Trans | PY |
PC00_M58_CBT20 | Break-down list of payments | PY |
PC00_M58_CIPP0 | IPP form - special tax report | PY |
PC00_M58_CKTO0 | Payroll Accounts | PY |
PC00_M58_CLJN0 | Payroll Journal --- International | PY |
PC00_M58_CR1G7 | RAD 1G Table 7 | PY |
PC00_M61_CFIS1 | Declaration D205 | PY |
PC00_M58_CRADS | Statistical report RAD 1M - for Spec. Tax | PY |
PC00_M58_CRJGQ | Leave entitlement approval | PY |
PC00_M58_CXID0 | PY Evaluation Report ID Accounted & | PY |
PC00_M58_CXID1 | PY Evaluation Report ID Accounted & | PY |
PC00_M58_CXSOB | Payroll Evaluation Report Debit Bala | PY |
PC00_M58_CYTX1 | End-year tax calculation | PY |
PC00_M58_R2BTS | Payroll Evaluation Report Bank Trans | PY |
PC00_M58_CR1G6 | RAD 1G Table 6 | PY |
PC00_M58_CR1G5 | RAD 1G Table 5 | PY |
PC00_M58_CMATK | Employee book | PY |
PC00_M58_COBRS | R-Sm Form | PY |
PC00_M58_CPDMO | PDMO - Voluntary pension insurance | PY |
PC00_M58_CPOAH | Payments certificate | PY |
PC00_M58_CPUR1 | Bank Details | PY |
PC00_M58_CPURV | Bank Details | PY |
PC00_M58_CR1G1 | RAD 1G Table 1 | PY |
PC00_M58_CR1G2 | RAD 1G Table 2 | PY |
PC00_M58_CR1G3 | RAD 1G Table 3 | PY |
PC00_M58_R2BTX | Payroll Evaluation Report Bank Trans | PY |
PC00_M31_RZDZP | Employment premium entitlement | PY |
PC00_M21_LKIA4 | Data sheet of leaving persons | PY |
PC00_M31_DANOS | Notice of payment of special tax | PY |
PC00_M21_CLSTR | Payroll result (international) | PY |
PC00_M18_CLSTR | Payroll result International | PY |
PC00_M21_LKIA6 | Data sheet of leaving persons | PY |
PC00_M21_T5HVC | Edit T5HVC | PY |
PC00_M21_T5HV4 | Edit T5HV4 | PY |
HRPADUAP2_1995 | Personnel master card | PY |
PC00_M61_CBT00 | Payment preparation - rest of pay | PY |
PC00_M38_BVAC0 | Leave book | PY |
PC00_M31_VDSDS | Statement for vol.o.a.pension saving | PY |
PC00_M18_EXEKUC | List of executions | PY |
PC00_M18_MZDLST | Statement remuneration | PY |
PC00_M18_GENKON | Generate Absence Quotas | PY |
PC00_M18_KVASTR | Graduate structure | PY |
PC00_M18_TREXIM | Medium for ISCP Trexima | PY |
PC00_M18_HLAZP2 | Create medium for HI | PY |
PC00_M18_NAPPPU | View about counting data for PPU | PY |
PC00_M18_PENSAV | Pension savings | PY |
PC00_M18_RPCPOJ | View about paid sick pay | PY |
PC00_M18_SOCPOJ | Social insurance - namely | PY |
PC00_M18_PRIRZD | Confirmation about taxable income | PY |
PC00_M18_POJIZP | List for HI insureds | PY |
PC00_M18_PODPLZ | Signature document and enumeration | PY |
PC00_M18_PODPLD | Signature document and enumeration | PY |
PC00_M46_PIT8AR | Tax accounting form PIT-8AR | PY |
PC00_M18_PODPDB | Guard delay | PY |
PC00_M18_POCZPS | Dada for obligatory share ZPS | PY |
PC00_M46_CLGA00 | Wage type statement - International | PY |
PC00_M18_EVISTA | Status for emploees | PY |
PC00_M18_RPCSLE | Discounts list on SP | PY |
PC00_M18_DANJMN | List of taxes | PY |
PC00_M21_LN29H0 | Tax - declaration NY29/NY30 | PY |
PC00_M21_LN30H0 | PC00_M21_LN30H0 | PY |
PC00_M31_SOCPO1 | nsurance max.AB" | PY |
PC00_M31_T7SKRL | Delete RC in T7SKRL | PY |
PC00_M31_UNP101 | Annual report on total labor costs | PY |
PC00_M58_T7HR1R | Maintain R-Sm ID number | PY |
PC00_M18_DNPJMN | Dues sick-leave insurance - namely | PY |
PC00_M18_DNPSEZ | List of dues sick-leave insurance | PY |
PC00_M18_DOBEXT | List of incomes and extenal transf. | PY |
PC00_M18_VYPINF | List data from IT 14, 15, 2001/2/5/10 | PY |
PC00_M18_STATPN | Statistics for absences | PY |
PC00_M18_ZDRPOJ | Sick-leave Insurance - namely | PY |
PC00_M18_ABSENC | Absence namely | PY |
PC00_M21_CIMJH2 | Certif. for unempl. benefit 2010 | PY |
PC00_M18_PODKZL | HR Master Data Sheet | PY |
PC00_M21_CMIGH3 | Employer's certificate 2010 | PY |
PC00_M18_DOBISR | List of incomes | PY |
PC00_M18_RPTRANS | Transfer RP/ONZ from external system | PY |
PC00_M18_HLAZP11 | Data for HI report | PY |
PC00_M21_NYE2007 | Tax - declaration NY29/NY30 | PY |
PC00_M18_REGP_CL | Insurance Register-stored into CLSTR | PY |
HRPAYUA_HUAC0267 | Completeness Check for Payt Results | PY |
PC00_M31_RZZP_08 | AA for HI batch 541 - 2008 | PY |
PC00_M31_IMPODVZ | Read branch of study | PY |
PC00_M18_ELDP_CL | RELDP to cluster | PY |
PC00_M18_ELDP_VD | Excluded period confirm. for ELDP | PY |
PC00_M46_PIT118B | Tax accounting form PIT-11/8B | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCLKKH0 | Closed incap. cases - quarter | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCJLKH0 | Wage type journal with self-check | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCGLKH0 | Wage type journal with form | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCNEGH2 | Quarterly GYED report 2009 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCEATH0 | Certificate for tax allowance (GYED) | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCDTCH0 | Pre-program for EFT (incl. mid-month) | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCBRKH0 | Payroll account | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCBOSH3 | Payroll journal | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCBMJH0 | Report on minimum contribution | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCBERH0 | Wage type journal | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCBBQH0 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCLAPH0 | General document editor | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCNEGH0 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCMBNH0 | Transfer of ent.periods+contr.bases | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCLPCH4 | Change personal calendar | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCLGV09 | Wage type distrib. (incl. mid-month) | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCMBAH0 | Trasfer of payments other entitlem. | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCLGV00 | Wage type division | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCLGA09 | Query by title (incl. mid-month) | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCLGA00 | Query by title | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCLETH2 | Garnishment subledger - sev. months | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCLETH1 | Garnishment journal | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCMBEH0 | Payment to other relationship (month | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCLETH0 | Garnishment subledger | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCBBMH0 | Nofification of insured other ent. | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCBBKH0 | Insured persons report -- borrowed | PY |
PC00_M18_ELDP_DEL | ELDP since 2004 - records deleting | PY |
PC00_M21_CALH_OLD | Generate personal calendar (old) | PY |
PC00_M18_ELDP_PRI | Individually print RELDP | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUKUMH0 | Cumulations | PY |
PC00_M18_RPCDNPT9 | Attachment to sick pay request 1/09 | PY |
PC00_M18_RPUTRNT0 | Data transfer from ext.system to SAP | PY |
PC00_M18_RPUINST0 | Insolvency register | PY |
PC00_M18_REGP_COR | Manual corr.items of Insur.Register | PY |
PC00_M18_RPCTAXT0 | XML file for income tax settlement | PY |
PC00_M18_REGP_PRI | Single print items of Insur.Register | PY |
PC00_M18_ELDP_DDP | ELDP - add times for | PY |
PC00_M18_ELDP_COR | RELDP - manually correction | PY |
PC00_M21_H99CWTR0 | Wage types reporter | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCBBAH1 | Report on insured persons conc.empl. | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCBBAH0 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCAALHA | Average staff on the payroll | PY |
PC00_M21_RPC100H1 | Enter bar code of form K100 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPC100H0 | Form K100 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPBSJUH0 | Generate anniversary bonus | PY |
HRPAYUA_HRUUC0267 | Mass Generation of IT 0267 Records | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUHBMH1 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
HRPAYUA_HUACKTO01 | Payroll Accounts - Ukraine | PY |
HRPAYUA_HUACLJN01 | Payroll Journal - Ukraine | PY |
PC00_M18_REGT_DEL | ONZ - records deleting from cluster | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCNEGH3 | Quarterly GYED report 2013 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLM30HX | Generate M29 XML | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAKH0 | Monthly return V2, convert | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAKH1 | Monthly return V2, convert K items | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAVH0 | Monthly return V2, company journal | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAVH1 | Monthly return V2, displ. comparison jrn. | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAVHE | Monthly return V2, annual comparison jrn. | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAXH0 | Monthly return V2 - Create XML file | PY |
PC00_M21_RPSLAMH0 | PC00_M21_RPSLAMH0 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPSLAMH1 | PC00_M21_RPSLAMH1 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPSMKFH0 | Personnel cost entry | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAHH0 | Monthly return V2, selection for adjustm. | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAFH0 | Monthly return V2, upload ext. data | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLSKFH3 | September earnings profile | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLTSKH1 | Personal aid sheet 2013 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAAH0 | Monthly return V2, displ. individual data | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVABH0 | Monthly return V2, delete individual data | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVADH0 | Monthly Ret.V2 Individual Tax Return | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAEH0 | Monthly return V2, check pr. monthly | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAVH2 | Monthly return V2, data for comparison jrn | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAEH1 | Monthly return V2, check pr. period. | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAEH2 | Monthly return V2, check pr. period. | PY |
PC00_M21_RPTABSH0 | Query absences | PY |
PC00_M21_RPTABSH3 | Query absences 2013 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPU180H1 | Util.program sick pay base 180 days | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUM30H0 | Variable list - utility | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUNYUH0 | Return to pension system | PY |
PC00_M31_AUTORODM | Copyright royalties | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAKH2 | Monthly return V2, conversion check | PY |
PC00_M38_RPCSC000 | Scheduler for parallel payroll | PY |
PC00_M31_DAVKAVNZ | Certificate for Unemployment benefit | PY |
PC00_M31_KONV0253 | Change of health insurer | PY |
PC00_M31_NEMPRIEM | Additions for income comparison DAB | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCNEVH1 | Payroll list 2013 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUKORH0 | Upload data from corr. infotype | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUIMGH3 | Evaluation classes | PY |
PC00_M21_RPU255H0 | IT0164 25-55 utility program settings | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUAITH0 | Aux. list for tax final settlement | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUAJOH0 | Months entitling to tax credit | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUATVH0 | Transfer payr. data of sec. | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUBBAH0 | Insurance - post-maring and certif. | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUFTRH0 | Downloading file from server | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUHBMH2 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUHBMHX | Post-corrections (type X, Y, Z) | PY |
PC00_M21_RPUIMGH2 | Processing classes | PY |
PC00_M31_RZZP_541 | AA for HI batch 541 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLM30H2 | Create tax arrear batch-input | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCNETH0 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLAMLH1 | Data definition sheet | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLAMLH2 | Data specification sheet | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLAMLH4 | Data specification sheet 2012 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBAH0 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBAHK | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBEH0 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBEH2 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBFH0 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBFH2 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPITUMH0 | Rate reclassification | PY |
PC00_M21_RPITRFH1 | Standard pay increase | PY |
PC00_M21_RPISZIH0 | Query years in service | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCNETH2 | Quarterly TGYS report 2009 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCNETH3 | Quarterly maternity pay report 2013 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCNLJH0 | Daily personnel report | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCOPLH0 | Voluntary fund journal | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCPFAH0 | Data supply .. | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCSTMHG | Monthly personnel report 2002 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPCSVBHX | XML file creation from NYENYI file | PY |
PC00_M21_RPISZAH0 | Leave quota reduction | PY |
PC00_M21_RPISZBH0 | Staffing of leave quotas | PY |
PC00_M21_RPISZGH0 | Generating leave quotas | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBFHK | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBMH0 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBMHK | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLJIGH2 | Income conf. to det. health s. 2010 | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLJIGH0 | Income conf. to determ. health serv. | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBXHK | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLK98H0 | Solidarity tax 98% - data collection | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLK98H1 | Sp. tax 98% - table and declaration | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBXH0 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBSH0 | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBSHK | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLHBNHK | Fam. serv. file listing and download | PY |
PC00_M31_RZZP_2010 | Annual account of health insurance | PY |
PC00_M61_CALC_SIMU | Payroll calculation - simulation | PY |
PC00_M18_CALC_SIMU | Payroll-simulation Germany | PY |
PC00_M46_CALC_SIMU | Payroll simulation (International) | PY |
PC00_M31_CALC_SIMU | Payroll-simulation Germany | PY |
PC00_M18_ELDP_SEND | Sending RELDP | PY |
PC00_M62_CALC_SIMU | Obraè.plaè - simulacija Slovenija | PY |
PC00_M38_CALC_SIMU | Payroll simulation (CO) | PY |
PC00_M47_CALC_SIMU | Simulate Payroll | PY |
PC00_M18_ELDPTRANS | Transfer ELDP from external system | PY |
PC00_M31_REG_LISTY | Payroll-simulation Germany | PY |
PC00_M36_CALC_SIMU | Simulation Abrechnung International | PY |
PC00_M58_CALC_SIMU | Simulation payroll accounting 58 | PY |
PC00_M21_CALC_SIMU | Payroll simulation - Hungary | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVAEH0_E | Monthly return V2, check pr. monthly | PY |
PC00_M21_MENGENEST1 | May statistics | PY |
PC00_M36_CDTB_RFFOD | Überweisung Vorprogramm DTA Ukraine | PY |
PC00_M21_MENGENTBL4 | Creation of form EB11 | PY |
PC00_M21_MENGENTBL5 | SI services payment slip v2 | PY |
PC00_M21_MENGENTEV2 | Child benefit details | PY |
PC00_M18_ELDP_VALID | Validity RELDP | PY |
PC00_M21_RPLVADH0SIM | Monthly Ret.V2 Indicator Tax Return Test | PY |
PC00_M18_ELDP_P_COLL | Collective print RELDP | PY |
PC00_M21_MINTAOKMANY | test 01 | PY |
PC00_M18_RPCDNPT9_MN | NEMPRI cluster administration | PY |
PC00_M18_REGP_P_COLL | Collective print items of Insur.Reg. | PY |
PC00_M18_DEDUCTOOSSZ | Deductions - base for OSSZ | PY |