SAP Public Sector Management (PSM) Tcodes
Tcode | Description | Module |
REP_EAPS_DATCON | Rep.Framework: Data Connector | PSM |
Public Sector Management (PSM) Sub-Module Wise Tcodes
Public Sector Management
SAP Funds Management Tcodes
Tcode | Description | Module |
F809 | Post exchange rate differences | PSM-FM |
F810 | Number Ranges Payment Request | PSM-FM |
F811 | Create Collective Payment Request | PSM-FM |
F812 | Change Collective Payment Request | PSM-FM |
F813 | Delete Collective Payment Request | PSM-FM |
F814 | Reverse Collective Payment Request | PSM-FM |
F815 | Display Collective Payment Request | PSM-FM |
F820 | Collective Payment Request Number Ranges | PSM-FM |
F8B1 | C FI Maintain Table TBKBC | PSM-FM |
F8B2 | C FI Maintain Table TBKCB | PSM-FM |
F8B3 | C FI Maintain Table TBKCR | PSM-FM |
SAP Functions for U.S. Federal Government Tcodes
Tcode | Description | Module |
FMFEE | Calculate Fees for US Federal | PSM-FG |
FMROD | Recurring Obligations Overdue Check | PSM-FG |
FMROP | Post Recurring Obligations | PSM-FG |
OFBLBW | Budgetary Ledger BW Extractors | PSM-FG |
FMFGTCL | Congressional Limitations (St. Fund) | PSM-FG |
FMFG_RCV | Treasury Report on Receivables | PSM-FG |
FMBLYRCL1 | Year End Acc. Assignment derivation | PSM-FG |
FMBLYRCL2 | US BL federal government derivation | PSM-FG |
FMFG_YRCL | Year end closing rules | PSM-FG |
FMPAYCORR | FM Payment lines correction program | PSM-FG |
FMFG_E_CA1 | Statement of Custodial Activities | PSM-FG |
SAP Fund Accounting Tcodes
Tcode | Description | Module |
FMPP | Partial Payment by GL-Entities | PSM-FA |
PSFCL | PSM Cash Reporting | PSM-FA |
FAGL_MIGPS | Migrate a ledger from FM to PS | PSM-FA |
FMADB_POST | Average Daily Balances: Allocation | PSM-FA |
FMADB_TRACE | Trace of Last ADB Run | PSM-FA |
FMADB_CUSTOM | Average Daily Balances: Customizing | PSM-FA |
FMCCAVC_F110 | F110 for Cash Control exclusively | PSM-FA |
FMPP_CONTROL | Partial Payment by Fund:Customizing | PSM-FA |
FMCCAVCDERIAO | Derivation of Control Object | PSM-FA |
FMCCAVCDERICH | Derivation of Control Object | PSM-FA |
FMCCAVCREINIT | Re-Initialize Cash Control Ledger | PSM-FA |
SAP Expenditure Certification Tcodes
Tcode | Description | Module |
FMEUFDD | Display Original Document | PSM-EC |
FMEUFLP1 | Set Up Launchpad for Cert. Manager | PSM-EC |
FMEUFLP2 | Set Up Launchpad for Cert. Accountnt | PSM-EC |
FMEUFPROC | Display Certification Procedure | PSM-EC |
FMECDERIVE | FMEUF Object Assignment -Maintenance | PSM-EC |
FMEUFRCODE | Maintain Regional Codes | PSM-EC |
FMEUF_CUST | Expenditure Certification Custom. | PSM-EC |
FMECDERIVER | FMEUF Object Assignment -Maintenance | PSM-EC |
FMEUFFINTYP | Display Financing Source Type | PSM-EC |
FMEUFINTERV | Define Intervention | PSM-EC |
FMEUFLEVELS | Define Levels | PSM-EC |