Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed computing model designed for developers to stream high-bandwidth files faster, efficiently and reliably to worldwide customers. Azure CDN is typically used for delivering static content such as Images, Videos, Style sheets, documents, files, Client-side scripts and HTML pages to customers using servers that are closest to users.

In this Azure tutorial, we are are going to learn How and Why a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is used, How to create a new CDN profile and how to create a new Azure CDN endpoint.

Creating a new Azure CDN profile

Azure CDN profile is a collections of CDN endpoints and each CDN profile contains one or more CDN endpoints. In Microsoft Azure, we can use multiple CDN profiles to organise endpoints by internet domain, web applications or using other criteria. Follow the steps to create Microsoft Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) profile.

  • Login in to your Azure Management Portal using your username and password.
  • Now in Azure Portal, navigate to upper left and click on New button.

Now a new CDN profile blade will be appeared. Now enter name for your CDN profile, select location, Resource group and select Pricing tier.

  • Enter CDN profile name.
  • Select subscription, resource group, pricing tier.
  • Click on Create button to create new Azure CDN profile.

Creating new Azure CDN endpoint

Before creating CDN endpoint, we must understand why Azure CDN endpoint has to be created? Azure CDN endpoint is a subdomain of, which is used to delivery files using HTTP and HTTPS.

  • To create new Azure CDN endpoint, navigate to All resources |CDN profile | +Endpoint.
  • Click on +Endpoint to create new CDN endpoint.
  • Enter CDN endpoint name, the endpoint name will be used to access your cached resources at <endpointname> As shown above we have entered endpoint name as tutorialkart.
  • In origin type, we have four types : Storage for an Azure Storage account, Cloud Service for an Azure Cloud Service, Web App for an Azure Web App and Custom origin for any public accessible web server origin hosted in Azure. Select any one from the drop down.
  • Finally click on Add button to create new Content Delivery Network endpoint.