Customizing existing Standard Salesforce Application.

In our previous Salesforce tutorial we have learned about Home page layouts , Home page components and how to create custom list views in Salesforce. In this Salesforce Tutorial we are going to learn about how to customize Standard Salesforce Application in to our custom application and making it equivalent to our custom application.

In there are two types of components are present they are

  1. Standard Components.
  2. Custom components.

We are going to understand about how to customize Standard Salesforce Application. In we have to use maximum standard components by customizing in to our business requirement. If not go for creating custom components. Starting from our class 1 we have created custom application called Star Pharma App and also created custom objects and custom fields that required for Star Pharma App. And then we created formula fields, Relationships, Rollup Summary fields, Validation Rules. But is very different in real time we cannot do all this things. We have to check what are the standard components available which fulfil our requirement.

Salesforce provides many standard apps. Some of the standard applications that are provided in are

  1. Sales.
  2. Call Center.
  3. Marketing.
  4. App Center.
  5. Community.
  7. Salesforce Chatter.
  8. Contact.
  9. AppExchange.

Let us take Sales App or Call center app and then customize these app according to our business standards. We definitely need to understand about standard apps in and their functions. Now let us understand how to customize Standard Sales Application in to our Star Pharma Application and fit into our business requirement.

Customizing Standard Sales Application in custom Star Pharma Application.

customize Standard Salesforce Application

In Star Pharma App, we have six custom objects namely Pharma Products, Hospitals, Sales team, Samples, Visit and Invoices. As shown below we have create all fields and relationships in their object. 

We have listed every object that we created in Star Pharma Application. Now we are going to convert standard Sales application in to our custom Star Pharma Application.

How to customize Standard Salesforce Application

Step1 :- Choosing the tabs that to display.

In this process we have to select the tabs from Available tabs to selected tabs in Standard Sales App.

  • Go to Standard product object | Product Standard Fields | Product name | Edit.
  • Click on Edit tab to choose the tabs that to display in Tab menu.
  • Choose the required Tabs that to display for Sales App in tab menu.
  • Click on Save menu.

Step 2:- Renaming Tabs and labels.

In this Process we are going to rename all Tabs, Objects and fields in Sales Application. To rename go to Build | Customize | Tab Names and Labels | Rename Tabs and Labels.

In Star Pharma App we have 6 custom objects and we are renaming those objects like the following.

Sales ObjectRenameStar Pharma App
AccountsSP HospitalHospital
ContactsSP Sales TeamSales Team
OrdersSP InvoicesInvoice
ProductsSP ProductsPharma Products

From above table we are going to rename Sales Application Objects as follow. We can not duplicate object names in so we adding SP (Star pharma) before Object names.

  • Renaming Accounts in to SP Hospitals.
  • Renaming Contacts into SP Sales Team.
  • Renaming Orders into SP Invoices.
  • Renaming Products into SP Products.

Now save all the settings as shown above. Now go to Home Tab

After renaming Sales App Tab menu it looks as shown above.

  • From above Star Pharma App, both custom Star Pharma App and standard Sales App are look similar to each other.

Step 3 : Renaming Standard Field Labels.

Up to now we have renamed Object label and Tab menu items. Now we have to rename fields in Standard Sales application.

  • Go to Build | Customize | Tab names and Labels | Rename Tab and labels.
  • Select product object and click on Edit button.
  • Now Change Product description in to Product specification.
  • Product family in to Product Type.
  • Product Name in to Product name only
  • Click on Save buttons to save all settings.

Customizing Product Object Page layout.

The object Pharma Product in Star Pharma App will have only Product name, Sample Product, Product Specifications in their Pharma product page layout. So we customizing Standard Object Product page layout in to Pharma Product page layout.

Now go to SP Product Tab in Sales App and create new record.

customizing standard application to custom application

We suggest every user to customize renaming object in Sales App in to our Star Pharma App and add relationship between them.


In this Salesforce tutorial we have learned how to customize Standard Salesforce Application in custom application without creating custom application, custom object and custom fields. In our next Salesforce Tutorial we are going to learn about different topics about Salesforce Security Model.