SAP Table - T181S

SAP TableT181S
DescriptionCustomizing List: Possible Display Groups
Table TypePOOL
Delivery ClassS
Main CategorySales and Distribution
Sub CategorySales

SAP Sales Tables

TVASTSales Document Blocking Reasons: TextsSD-SLS
TERRFErroneous Data for First Data TransferSD-SLS
TVAVTContact Person: Buying Habits: TextsSD-SLS
TPVDProduct Proposal: Definition of Customer ProcedureSD-SLS
LORD_OIF_MAP_OVSLO OIF maps Object Type/Field to OVSSD-SLS
TCSPCross-Selling Profile: DefinitionSD-SLS
TVGRPTGroup Referencing Requirement: TextsSD-SLS
TVZSTDlv.Sched.Splitting Rule Descript. (TVZS)SD-SLS
TVRMAVRepairs Procedure: TimesSD-SLS
TVRMAVTRepair Procedure: Action TextsSD-SLS

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