SAP Display Gl Account Tables

TBKKCASSGL Account AssignmentIS-B
GLE_MCA_T030HGLE MCA Accounts TableFI-GL
FBICRC002TICRC: GL Accounts: TotalsFI
FBICRC002AICRC: GL Accounts: DocumentsFI
T030CGlobal Standard Account TableFI-SL
FMSGLCLASSClassification for SGL accountsPSM-FG
FIAPSAC_GLCSTDGL account mapping with custodyFI-LOC
FMAC2FM to FI - GL Account AssignmentPSM-FM
FBICRC002CICRC: GL Accounts: Object table 2FI
FBICRC002OICRC: GL Accounts: Object table 1FI
PTSAFT_MATACCNTGL Account based material numbersFI-LOC
FBICRC001TICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: TotalsFI
FMFGF2EDSGLSGL Account Edits 4, 7, 12 (FACTS II)PSM-FM
FBICRC001AICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: DocumentsFI
J_3GSTATUSSingle Display-Relevant Status of ObjectIS-EC
IDITSR_GLDATAGL accounts for company code and countryFI-LOC
ACEDTF7300087Derivation rule:Posting Rule to GL AccountsCO-PA
FBICRC001CICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Object Table 2FI
FBICRC001OICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Object table 1FI
RDBAA_REC_HEADERSingle Record Header for Accounting AnalyzerFIN-FSCM
FMFGF2EDGRPSGL Accounts Edits 2, 3, 5, 10, 11 (FACTS II)PSM-FM
GMGMDTID38000014Derivation rule:GL Account to Sponsered ClassCA-GTF
TF692Global Chart of Accounts-Based Settings for C/IEC-CS
BKKC13Gen.Ledger: Changes GL Fields in Account MasterIS-B
RFITEMGL_NO_ITEMItem wise detail for the GL Account TransactionsFI-LOC
PSO43Global Settings for Requests/Financial AccountingPSM-FM
FBICRC_C_OVICR: Overview Chart with Single Company DisplayedFI
IDITSR_DATAOeNB ID number of customers, vendors and GL accountsFI-LOC
CFX_ECN_SETGlobal setting for displaying Engineering Change NumberPLM-CFO
FMFGF2_SGLATRVALFMFG2 - FACTS II SGL Account Attribute Allowable ValuesPSM-FM
GLE_ECS_BALECS+GL Balances by Company Code, Account, Fiscal Year, CrcyAC-INT
MT"ACE Account Determination: Account SymbolFI-GL
BSEGAccounting Document SegmentFI
AUAWSettlement Document: Accounts for WIP SettlementCO-OM
BSAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)FI
C495Document Category/Condition Type/Own-External/Account KeyIS-EC
BWKSAccounts Blocked by Valuation SelectionFI-GL
ANKLGeneration table for generating asset classes from accountsFI-AA
BSIDAccounting: Secondary Index for CustomersFI
BSASAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)FI
A087Taxes: Plant, Account Assignment and OriginSD-MD
AMHDGlobal Performance Analysis: Header Data Log OperationBC-TWB
A088Taxes: Material, Plant, Account Assignment and OriginSD-MD
A140Sales Area / Accounting IndicatorSD-MD
A600IDES_Global Agreement for Valuation, depend on the CatagorySD-MD
C002Cust.Grp/Account KeySD-MD
BKPFAccounting Document HeaderFI
AGKOCleared AccountsFI
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