R Data Frame Access Data

R Data Frame is 2-Dimensional table like structure. In a data frame, row represents a record while columns represent variables of data frame.

In this tutorial, we shall learn to Access Data of R Data Frame like selecting rows, selecting columns, selecting rows that have a given column value, etc., with Example R Scripts.

We shall look into following items to access meta information and data of an R Data Frame :

We shall use an R data frame for examples with columns : name, age, income.

Get Element of R Data Frame

To extract element from ith row, jth column of an R Data Frame, use the index notation and pass the row numbers and column numbers as vectors in square brackets after data frame, as shown in the following code snippet.

dataframe[row_numbers, column_numbers]


In this example, we initialize a data frame and access elements using row and column numbers.


celebrities = data.frame(name = c("Andrew", "Mathew", "Dany", "Philip", "John", "Bing", "Monica"),
				age = c(28, 23, 49, 29, 38, 23, 29),
				income = c(25.2, 10.5, 11, 21.9, 44, 11.5, 45))

# get elements from rows(2,5), columns(1,3)
elements = celebrities[c(2,5),c(1,3)]



$ Rscript r_df_get_element.R 
    name income
2 Mathew   10.5
5   John   44.0

Extract columns of Data Frame

To extract some of the columns from a R Data Frame, call data.frame() function and provide the required columns in the data frame as arguments.

The syntax to extract columns of a data frame is

data.frame(dataframe$column_name_1, dataframe$column_name_2>)

You may select one or more columns from a data frame. If you are selecting multiple columns, use a comma separated list. Please observe that to select a column, we use dataframe followed by $ symbol followed by the required column name.

We may write the result to a new Data Frame or overwrite the original data frame.


In this example, we initialize a data frame and access its columns.


celebrities = data.frame(name = c("Andrew", "Mathew", "Dany", "Philip", "John", "Bing", "Monica"),
				age = c(28, 23, 49, 29, 38, 23, 29),
				income = c(25.2, 10.5, 11, 21.9, 44, 11.5, 45))

# extract columns (age, income)
extractedDF = data.frame(celebrities$age, celebrities$income)

# print to output

print("New data frame with two columns extracted from celebrities : ")


$ Rscript r_df_extract_columns.R 
[1] "New data frame with two columns extracted from celebrities : "
  celebrities.age celebrities.income
1              28               25.2
2              23               10.5
3              49               11.0
4              29               21.9
5              38               44.0
6              23               11.5
7              29               45.0

Add rows to R Data Frame

To add more rows to an R Data Frame with the rows from other Data Frame, call rbind() function, and pass the original and other data frames as arguments to the function.

The syntax to call rbind() function is

resulting_data_frame = rbind(<existing_data_frame_name>,<additional_data_frame_name>)


In this example, we initialize a data frame and add some more rows to it.


celebrities = data.frame(name = c("Andrew", "Mathew", "Dany", "Philip", "John", "Bing", "Monica"),
				age = c(28, 23, 49, 29, 38, 23, 29),
				income = c(25.2, 10.5, 11, 21.9, 44, 11.5, 45))

new_data = data.frame(name = c("Gary", "Lee", "Scofield"),
				age = c(29, 22, 33),
				income = c(21, 5, 31))

# add rows of new_data to celebrities
celebrities = rbind(celebrities, new_data)

# print to output

print("Resulting celebrities data frame with three newly added rows : ")


$ Rscript r_df_add_row.R 
[1] "Resulting celebrities data frame with three newly added rows : "
       name age income
1    Andrew  28   25.2
2    Mathew  23   10.5
3      Dany  49   11.0
4    Philip  29   21.9
5      John  38   44.0
6      Bing  23   11.5
7    Monica  29   45.0
8      Gary  29   21.0
9       Lee  22    5.0
10 Scofield  33   31.0

Add columns to R Data Frame

Following R function is used to add more columns to an R Data Frame.

resulting_data_frame = rbind(<existing_data_frame_name>,<new_data_frame_name>)


In this example, we initialize a data frame and add some more columns to it.


celebrities = data.frame(name = c("Andrew", "Mathew", "Dany", "Philip", "John", "Bing", "Monica"),
				age = c(28, 23, 49, 29, 38, 23, 29),
				income = c(25.2, 10.5, 11, 21.9, 44, 11.5, 45))

# add column to the celebrities data frame
celebrities$car = c("Audi","Toyota","Bugati","Audi","Agera R","Bugati","Audi")

# print to output

print("Resulting celebrities data frame with newly added column : ")


$ Rscript r_df_add_column.R 
[1] "Resulting celebrities data frame with newly added column : "
    name age income     car
1 Andrew  28   25.2    Audi
2 Mathew  23   10.5  Toyota
3   Dany  49   11.0  Bugati
4 Philip  29   21.9    Audi
5   John  38   44.0 Agera R
6   Bing  23   11.5  Bugati
7 Monica  29   45.0    Audi

Delete columns of R Data Frame

To delete a column from R Data Frame, you may select the columns you want to keep using extract columns of data frame and overwrite the existing data frame.


In this R Tutorial, we have learnt to Access Data of R Data Frame like selecting rows, selecting columns, selecting rows that have a given column value, etc., with Example R Scripts.