R Lists

R List is kind of a generic vector, where it can store elements of different types.

The following code snippet is a simple example of a List in R.

x <- list(TRUE, 25, "Hello World")

Display of vector x in R Studio

R List Tutorials

R List Basics

The following tutorials on R Lists cover the basic CRUD operations of a List in R programming. The topics are creating lists, modifying lists, accessing them, etc.


The following R List tutorials cover scenarios where the contents of list are transformed.


These R List tutorials cover basic checks on the properties of Lists, elements of Lists, etc.

One or More Lists

These R List tutorials cover scenarios where one or more lists are involved.


These R List tutorials cover scenarios where a list is converted to other types, or other types are converted to a list.


In this R Tutorial, we learned about Lists in R programming, and covered different topics on R Lists.