R sqrt

R sqrt() function is used to find the square root of a number.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use sqrt() function to compute the square root of given value.


The syntax of sqrt() function to compute square root of x is


Returns the square root of x.

x can be a numeric or complex vector or array.


In the following program, we will find the square root of a number 16.


x <- 16
result <- sqrt(x)
cat("The sqaure root of", x, "is :", result)


The sqaure root of 16 is : 4

Now, let us take an array of numbers, and find their square roots.


x <- array(c(1, 16, 9), dim=c(3,1))
result <- sqrt(x)
cat("The sqaure root of array [", x, "] is :", result)


The sqaure root of array [ 1 16 9 ] is : 1 4 3


In this R Tutorial, we learned how to find the square root of a numeric value using sqrt() function, with the help of examples.