SAP Travel Management (FI-TV) Tables

TA21LIATA LocationsFI-TV
T702QName: Reimburs.Group for Travel Costs/Add.Flat Rate TypesFI-TV
T702PReimbursement Groups for Travel Costs/Add.Flat Rate TypesFI-TV
TA20RTrip activity type - Travel PlanningFI-TV
T702OTrip country/Trip region/Trip country groupFI-TV
T702NTrip Provision VariantsFI-TV
TA20QDefine Queues of Sales OfficesFI-TV
T702LName of Service ProviderFI-TV
T706GNames for statutory trip typesFI-TV
T706HTrip Provision:Per-diem/Maximum Amount for Meals by TimeFI-TV
T706IName for statutory reimbursement group for meals/accomm.FI-TV
T706JName for enterprise-specific for meals/acc.FI-TV
TA23CEnterprise-Specific F4 Help for IATA LocationsFI-TV
T706LAssignment of Trip Country - Country Group - RegionFI-TV
T702RTrip Activity TypesFI-TV
T702VCalc.Guide Lines for Scaling Meals PD/Max.Amounts by HoursFI-TV
T702WVehicle ClassesFI-TV
TA21PTravel Service ProvidersFI-TV
T706BTravel Expense TypesFI-TV
T702BCredit Card Clearing Assignment TableFI-TV
T706ATrip Provision Deduction Amount/PercentageFI-TV
T706CNames for Travel Expense TypesFI-TV
T706DDefault Values for DialogFI-TV
T706ENames for vehicle typesFI-TV
T706FTrip Provision: Flat Rates for Travel CostsFI-TV
TA22AAssignment table expense code - service categoryFI-TV
TA22BAssignment trip schema - travel plan typeFI-TV
TA22CIATA RBD assignmentFI-TV
T702YEmployee Groupings for Travel ManagementFI-TV
T702XEnterprise-specific Trip TypesFI-TV
T702KService providerFI-TV
T702JEnterprise-spec.Reimbursement Groups for Meals/Accomm.FI-TV
T706WNames for vehicle classesFI-TV
T702CName for Employee Grouping for Travel Expense TypeFI-TV
T706XNames for enterprise-specific trip typesFI-TV
T702AEmployee Grouping for Travel Expense TypeFI-TV
T706YNames for Employee Groupings for Travel ManagementFI-TV
T706ZSingle Field Control for DialogFI-TV
TA20OSales officesFI-TV
TA23APayer of Travel ServicesFI-TV
TA20CEnterprise-Specific Travel Service CategoriesFI-TV
T706KInitial Account Assignment for FIFI-TV
TA20PTravel profilesFI-TV
TA23RAssign TVTTA - Trip Activity TypeFI-TV
TA20BControl Variant for Travel PlanningFI-TV
TA20AAPI Server Access ParametersFI-TV
T702EVehicle TypesFI-TV
T706VTrip Provision: Meals Per-diem/Maximum Amount by HoursFI-TV
T706NNames for trip provision variantsFI-TV
T702IStatutory Reimbursement Groups for Meals/AccommodationsFI-TV
T706ONames for Trip Country/Trip Country Group/Trip RegionFI-TV
T706PDate Interval for Miles/Kms AccumulationFI-TV
T706QNames for period indicator for miles/kms accumulationFI-TV
T706RNames for trip activity typesFI-TV
T706STrip SchemaFI-TV
T706MInput Tax for International Per DiemsFI-TV
TA21HHotel RatesFI-TV
T706UTrip Provision: Per Diem for AccommodationsFI-TV
T702GStatutory trip typesFI-TV
T706TNames for trip schemaFI-TV
T702HCaculation Guide Lines: Meals PD/Max.Amounts Scaled by TimeFI-TV
PA0472HR master record infotype 0472 (hotel preferences)FI-TV
T706B2Travel Expense Types: Default Value/Maximum AmountsFI-TV
PA0471HR master record infotype 0471 (flight preferences)FI-TV
PA0475HR master record infotype 0475 (customer programs)FI-TV
PA0474HR master record infotype 0474 (train preferences)FI-TV
PA0469HR master record for infotype 0469FI-TV
PA0473HR master record infotype 0473 (rental car preferences)FI-TV
T706B1Travel Expense TypesFI-TV
TA21CARental Car ClassesFI-TV
TA20P1Travel Profiles (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
TA20OZResubmission (queue) of sales officesFI-TV
TA20PITrip RuleFI-TV
TA20PSClass RuleFI-TV
TA20O1Sales offices (language-dependent)FI-TV
TA20NHNegotiated hotel rates (corporate nego rates)FI-TV
TA20NFNegotiated Flight Fares (Corporate Nego Fares)FI-TV
TA20PFTravel Profiles - Methods of PaymentFI-TV
TA23XISales Office Determination: Categories with XI IntegrationFI-TV
TA20HHMaximum Rates for Hotel StayFI-TV
T706B4Travel Expense Types: Assignment of Wage TypesFI-TV
TA23CTAmadeus ProfileFI-TV
TA22STAmadeus: status flight/car rental/hotelFI-TV
TA20K1Reasons (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
TA20LBTrees (Current Settings for Travel Planning)FI-TV
TA20LETree Node (Current Settings for Travel Planning)FI-TV
TA20LTCurrent Settings for Travel Planning Control VariantsFI-TV
TA20DBAccess Parameters for Deutsche Bahn via APIFI-TV
TA23OAOffice activityFI-TV
TA20B1Control Variants - Travel Planning (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
TA20BAAccess Parameters of User Groups per Reservation SystemFI-TV
TA20BHDisplayable Hotel Rates of User GroupsFI-TV
TA20C1Enterprise-Spec. Travel Service Categories (Language-Dep.)FI-TV
T706Z1Single Field Control for DialogFI-TV
TA23PFPayment MethodFI-TV
TA21RHRegion HierarchyFI-TV
TA23OSField Control for Travel Res. Request Item: Other ServicesFI-TV
PA0470HR master record infotype 0470 (travel profiles)FI-TV
TA20NCNegotiated rental car rates (corporate nego rates)FI-TV
PA0468HR master record for infotype 0468FI-TV
TA21PFProvider-Specific Customer ProgramsFI-TV
TA21OAOffice ActivityFI-TV
TA21L1IATA Locations (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
T706B5Names for Travel Expense TypesFI-TV
TA21PHCustomer-Specific Hotel CatalogFI-TV
TA21HORoom categoryFI-TV
TA21H1Hotel Rates (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
T706B3Travel Expense Type GroupingFI-TV
PA0017HR master record: Infotype 0017 (Travel Privileges)FI-TV
T706B6Default Values When Difference Values Are ExceededFI-TV
T706F1Cumulation Procedure Dependent on Vehicle Type/ClassFI-TV
TA21R1Regions (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
T706F2Amount Accumulation Depending on Vehicle Type/ClassFI-TV
TA22CERBD assignment of airline exceptionsFI-TV
TA20NRHDiscount Agreement for Hotel AccommodationsFI-TV
TA20LB1Trees (Current Settings for Travel Planning, Lang.-Depend.)FI-TV
TA20BPRProvider-Specific Reservation SystemsFI-TV
TA20NCRNegotiated Car Rental RatesFI-TV
TA20LE1Tree Node (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
TA20LT1Current Settings for Control Variant (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
TA20NRFDiscount Agreement for FlightsFI-TV
TA20NRCDiscount Agreement for Rental Car UsageFI-TV
TA20NHSNegotiated Hotel Rates (Nego Rates) with Catalog HotelFI-TV
TA20NHCNegotiated Hotel RatesFI-TV
TA20NH1Negotiated hotel rates (language-dependent)FI-TV
TA20WWWWWW Link Catalog for Information SourcesFI-TV
TA20HH1Maximum Rates for Hotel StayFI-TV
TA20NF1Negotiated flight fares (language-dependent)FI-TV
T706WWWHTML Links and File PathsFI-TV
TA20NC1Negotiated rental car rates (language-dependent)FI-TV
TA23HRSHRS Access ParametersFI-TV
TA23EXTAccess Parameters for External Content of Front EndFI-TV
TA23L_HAssign Locations to IATA Locations (Hotel)FI-TV
TA23OA1Sales Office Activitiy (Language Independent)FI-TV
TA22RSASTART: Train AttributesFI-TV
TA23OS1Field Control Travel Req. Item: Other Services (Lang.-Depen)FI-TV
TA20RTGRoute Segments for Routings for Airfares and DiscountsFI-TV
TA23PAFAirline Programs for Corporate CustomersFI-TV
TA23DECSituations for GDS-Specific DecisionsFI-TV
TA21CAZAssignment car rental classes - booking specificationsFI-TV
TA23PICCar Rental Trip Rule (Filter before Availability Query)FI-TV
TA23PIFFlight Trip Rule (Filter before Availability Query)FI-TV
TA22EQUEquipment TypesFI-TV
TA21PHCHotel Codes of a Catalog Hotel in Reservation SystemFI-TV
TA23IGSAccess URLs for the Internet Graphics ServerFI-TV
TA21PFAAssignment of Customer Programs to Additional ProvidersFI-TV
TA21HOZAssignment Room Category - Class RuleFI-TV
TA21HO1Room category (language-dependent)FI-TV
TA23GKTMCR (Major Customer Rate German Railway)FI-TV
TA21RZCAssignment: Country-Subdividing Region to LocationFI-TV
TA21CARRental Car RateFI-TV
TA21CA1Rental Car Classes (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
TA21RZLAssignment: Region of Several Countries to CountryFI-TV
TA23L_CAssign Locations to IATA Locations (Car Rental)FI-TV
TA23L_FAssign Locations to IATA Locations (Flight)FI-TV
TA20PVPSetting for Lowest Fare Availability SearchFI-TV
TA20PSTClass Rule for a Trip Rule (Train)FI-TV
TA20PSHClass Rule for a Trip Rule (Hotel)FI-TV
TA20PPIAssignment Table of Trip Rules for Travel ProfilesFI-TV
TA20PIHHotel Trip RuleFI-TV
TA23ADRPredefined Addresses in Travel ManagementFI-TV
TA20PICCar Rental Trip RuleFI-TV
TA20PI1Trip Rule (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
TA23CT1Amadeus Profile Text TableFI-TV
TA23PITFlight Trip RuleFI-TV
TA20PHCAssignment Table of Hotel Catalog Items for Travel ProfilesFI-TV
TA20PIFFlight Trip RuleFI-TV
TA23PIHHotel Trip Rule (Filter before Availability Query)FI-TV
TA20PPPPriority of Trip RulesFI-TV
TA20PS1Class Rule (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
TA22RSSSTART: Train StationsFI-TV
TA20PSFClass Rule for a Trip Rule (Flight)FI-TV
TA20PSCClass Rule for a Trip Rule (Car Rental)FI-TV
TA20PPTAssignment Table of Trip Rules for Travel ProfilesFI-TV
TA20PPZMessage handling: chosen priority with top priorityFI-TV
TA22RSFSTART: Error MessagesFI-TV
TA23BIBEParameters for Access to Deutsche Bahn Through BIBE PortalFI-TV
TA23DEC1Situations for GDS-Specific DecisionsFI-TV
T706ESS2Travel Expenses Customizing for ESS ScenarioFI-TV
TA23CEXCRBD assignment of airline exceptionsFI-TV
TA22PRFRPricing Functionality RestrictionsFI-TV
TA20LBEZTree Structure (Current Settings for Travel Planning)FI-TV
TA22RSA1START: Train Attributes (Lang.-Dependent)FI-TV
TA23ADR1Name of Predefined Addresses in Travel ManagementFI-TV
TA22CEXCRBD Assignment of Airline ExceptionsFI-TV
FTPT_PNRElements of passenger name records of travel plan variantFI-TV
TA22RSSYSTART: Train Station SynonymsFI-TV
TA22RSF1START: Error Messages (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
T706ESS3Mapping table for docu in Excel sheetFI-TV
T706ESS1FI-TV: Customizing Table Intranet ScenarioFI-TV
T706B6_TDefault Values When Difference Values Are ExceededFI-TV
TA20PPZ1Message handling (language-dependent)FI-TV
TA23PIFTTrip Rule for Mandatory Combined Display of Flights/RailFI-TV
TA20PPP1Priorities of Trip Rules (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
TA20NHC1Negotiated Hotel Rates (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
TA20NREXExceptions to Negotiated RatesFI-TV
TA20NRHSDiscount Agreement for Hotels (Individual Hotel)FI-TV
TA23PROTLog for Sabre InterfaceFI-TV
FTPT_CARTravel Request Item - Car Rental ServiceFI-TV
TA20REBFDiscount Agreement for FlightsFI-TV
TA20RMRKCompany-Specific PNR ElementsFI-TV
TA23PAF1Airline Programs for Corporate CustomersFI-TV
TA21CAR1Car Rental Rates (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
TA20WWW1WWW LInk Catalog for Information Sources (Language-Depend.)FI-TV
TA20NCR1Negotiated Car Rental Rates (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
T702_SICList of MCC CodesFI-TV
T702_BKZCountry and Industry Specific Indicator (Public Sector)FI-TV
FTPT_IMRIMR - General InformationFI-TV
PTRV_CCCError Receipts for Credit Card ClearingFI-TV
TA23RTG1Route Segments for Routings for Airfares and DiscountsFI-TV
T706_ABWHAbsence Types from Place of Work (PS; Separation Allowance)FI-TV
TA23APIS1APIS ( Advanced Passenger Information System ) - sprachabh.FI-TV
TA20RTG_PRoute Segment ProviderFI-TV
TA20RTG_GGeographical Description of a Route SegmentFI-TV
TA20ROUTERoutes for Airfares and DiscountsFI-TV
PTRV_SADDTrip Statistics - Add. Receipt DataFI-TV
PTRV_COMPComparison Calculation Results PSFI-TV
TA20Q_CATDefine Queue Categories of Sales OfficeFI-TV
TA20Q_ASGProcessing Types of Fulfillment Sales OfficesFI-TV
PTRV_HEADGeneral Trip DataFI-TV
TA20RTG_RBooking Classes for Route SegmentFI-TV
PTRV_SCOMTravel Statistic - Request/Plan/Settlement Cost ComparisonFI-TV
PTRV_SHDRTrip Statistics - Trip AmountsFI-TV
FTPT_PLANGeneral Plan DataFI-TV
PTRV_SRECTrip Statistics - ReceiptsFI-TV
TA20NRADDAdditional Info for Negotiated Rates and DiscountsFI-TV
PTRV_SCOSTrip Statistics - Cost AssignmentFI-TV
FTPT_ITEMTravel Service Request ItemFI-TV
TA20NEGOFNegotiated Flight Fares (Corporate Nego Fares)FI-TV
TA23P_FOIDTravel Service ProvidersFI-TV
TA23ROUTE1Routes for Airfares and DiscountsFI-TV
TA20OFFICEReservation System-Specific Sales OfficesFI-TV
TA20CORPIDCompany Specific Contract for Negotiated AirfaresFI-TV
TA20SWITCHGlobal Control ParametersFI-TV
TA20NEGOF1Negotiated Flight Fares (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
TA23_PAPTFAdditional Airport for Availability QueryFI-TV
TA20WIZARDStrategic Settings for Travel PlanningFI-TV
T706_LGARTWage Type Assignmt Table for Clearing Add.Amts/Inc.Rel Exp.FI-TV
T706Z1_TXTText table: Individual Field Control for DialogFI-TV
PTRV_COUNTNumber of function calls in posting run managementFI-TV
T706_CCOMPCredit Card CompaniesFI-TV
PTRV_ADMINTravel Management: Administrative Data for Personnel NumbersFI-TV
FTPT_OTHERTravel Reservation Request Item - Other ServiceFI-TV
FTPT_TRAINTravel Request Item - Train ServiceFI-TV
TA23ADRCATCategories of Predefined AddressesFI-TV
T706T_ABWHTexts for Absence Types (PS Separation Allowance)FI-TV
TA20LOGGDSLogical Global Reservation SystemFI-TV
PTRV_PERIOPeriod Data of a TripFI-TV
T706_CONSTPA parameters: Travel ManagementFI-TV
FTPT_HOTELTravel Request Item - Hotel ServiceFI-TV
T702_SIC_TDescription of Merchant Category CodeFI-TV
PTRV_F_CLMColumns for Which Suppression in Form Block is AllowedFI-TV
PTRV_KMSUMTable for Use of Miles/Kms AccumulationFI-TV
FTPT_QT_CARQuicktrip Travel Request Item - Flight ServiceFI-TV
TA20CORPID1Company Specific Contract for Negotiated AirfaresFI-TV
T702_VCF4_DAssignment of Detail Info. to Trans. Keys of Card CompaniesFI-TV
T706WWW_TXTText Table HTML Links and File PathsFI-TV
PTRV_DOC_HDTransfer Travel -> FI/CO: Header of TRV int. documentFI-TV
TA20IH_MAILInternal MailFI-TV
TA20_SWITCHGlobal Control ParametersFI-TV
PTRV_DOC_ITTransfer Travel -> FI/CO: Lines of TRV interm. documentFI-TV
TA20ROUTINGRoutes for Airfares and DiscountsFI-TV
TA23DEC_VALSituations for GDS-Specific DecisionsFI-TV
PTRV_F_FBLKForm Blocks of the Trip Costs FormFI-TV
TA23ADRCAT1Names of Categories of Predefined AddressesFI-TV
TA23PAF_ASGPermissibility of Airline Programs for Corporate CustomersFI-TV
FTPT_FLIGHTTravel Request Item - Flight ServiceFI-TV
FTPT_QT_ITEMQuicktrip Travel Service Request ItemFI-TV
PTRV_WAFGUIDLogging for Synchronization GUID (DUPRECS)FI-TV
TA23DEC_VAL1Situations for GDS-Specific DecisionsFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_FOPIMR : Information on Payment MethodFI-TV
PTRV_DOC_TAXTransfer Travel -> FI/CO: Tax lines of TRV documentFI-TV
TA23ROUTING1Routes for Airfares and DiscountsFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_FSPIMR: Assignment Table Passengers-Segments-TSTFI-TV
FTPT_TM_MEMOMemo table for Travel ManagementFI-TV
FTPT_REQ_CATType of Transport/Accomm. and Est.Cost of Travel RequestFI-TV
FTPT_REQUESTTravel Plan RequestsFI-TV
FTPT_PNR_SSRSpecial PNR service requestsFI-TV
FTPT_PNR_OSIOther PNR service informationFI-TV
FTPT_VARIANTTable of Travel Plan VariantsFI-TV
FTPT_LOG_GDSCluster for GDS Log DataFI-TV
PTRV_ARCHIVEAdministrative Table for Archived Trip DataFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_TKTIMR : Ticket InformationFI-TV
TA20SUBSCRPTDefine Access Parameters for Reservation SystemFI-TV
TA23PAF_CONNAssignment of Airline Programs Corporate Cust. - Route/ClassFI-TV
PTRV_BTRGSUMTable for Treatment for Amount AccumulationFI-TV
STATUSAGENCYDisplay the Status of a Travel PlanFI-TV
T706_COST_CPCost Comparison on Trip Level: Maximum DifferenceFI-TV
T706FORM_VARForm variantFI-TV
T706_REQ_CATTypes of Transport/Accomm. and Est.Cost of Travel RequestFI-TV
T702_VCF4_EREnhanced Data Record TypesFI-TV
T702_SIC_ATRAssignment of MCC to Transaction Key of Credit Card CompanyFI-TV
PTRV_SBACKLOGTrip Statistics - Batch/Backlog ProcessingFI-TV
PTRV_COMM_AMTDetail Data: Transfer to FM When Trip SavedFI-TV
PTRV_F_COLDEPDisplay Forms for TextsFI-TV
PTRV_COMM_ITMHeader Data: Transfer to FM When Trip SavedFI-TV
T706_VAT_FLDSCountry-Dependent Field Control for Receipt DataFI-TV
PTRV_DOC_MESSTransfer Travel -> FI/CO: CO Replacements of TRV ReceiptFI-TV
FTPT_REQ_HEADFramework Data of Travel RequestFI-TV
T706B4_ALTERNTravel Expense Type: Alternative Assignment of Wage TypesFI-TV
T706_WEB_DOCUDocumentation for a Web ApplicationFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_SSRSIMR: Information on Special Service RequirementsFI-TV
PTRV_SYNC_OUTSynchronization Table for Trips in Microsoft OutlookFI-TV
TA20GDS_CODESAssignment of SAP Codes to GDS CodesFI-TV
STATUSAGENCYTDisplay the Status TextsFI-TV
PTRV_BEIHILFESubsidies for Trips Home for Entire Separation AllowanceFI-TV
TA23TRVCD_ASGModifier Car Rental RatesFI-TV
PTRV_BEIH_BELAssignment of Receipts to a Subsidy for Trips HomeFI-TV
PTRV_BEIH_TAGAssignment of Days to a Subsidy for Trips HomeFI-TV
T706FORM_FLDSInformation in fixed positionsFI-TV
FTPT_QT_HOTELQuicktrip Travel Request Item - Flight ServiceFI-TV
FTPT_CAR_PREFRental car service preferences of a travel planFI-TV
T706S_RECEIPTTrip Schemas: Assignment of Travel Expense TypesFI-TV
PTRV_BEIH_WEGAssignment of Trip Segments to a Subsidy for Trips HomeFI-TV
FTPT_VAR_INFOInfo texts for travel plan variantsFI-TV
T706_SRV_CODEVAT Refund CodesFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_FQTVIMR: Customer ProgramsFI-TV
PTRV_CCC_RUNSAssign Personnel Number to Credit Card Clearing RunFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_SEATSIMR: Seating InformationFI-TV
T706_CCOMP_TXTName of Credit Card CompanyFI-TV
FITV_NOT_CH_TRKey Fields of Temp. Non-Changeable Trips/Duty AllocationFI-TV
FTPT_SYNC_DATAData Synchronization: SAP - External SystemFI-TV
PTRV_REASGN_FMConversion of FM Data in Trip (e.g. Fiscal Year Change)FI-TV
FTPT_QT_FLIGHTQuicktrip Travel Request Item - Flight ServiceFI-TV
TA23TRVCD_FINDGroupings for Negotiated Car Rental RatesFI-TV
TA23TRVCC_FINDPayment Method ModifierFI-TV
T706_COST_CP_RCost Comparison at Trip Level: Default ValuesFI-TV
TA23OFFICE_ADRSales Office AddressesFI-TV
TA23TVTTA_FINDGrouping For Eligibility of Activity TypesFI-TV
TA23GDS_DECVALGDS-Specific DecisionsFI-TV
T706_SUB_SRV_CSubcodes for Goods and ServicesFI-TV
T706_TEXTNAMESNames of Reference Texts for Entering TripsFI-TV
TA23CORPID_ASGValidity of Enterprise-Specific Airfare ContractsFI-TV
T706_VAT_DEFLTCountry- and Expense Type-Dependent Defaults f. Receipt DataFI-TV
T706_CITY_CODETable for Specifying the City Code/Community Code NumberFI-TV
FTPT_PNR_PHONEPNR telephone referencesFI-TV
T706_CITY_CD_DDefinition: City Codes / Community Code No., Date-DependentFI-TV
FTPT_QT_ALTERNQuicktrip Trip AlternativeFI-TV
PTRV_ARCH_HEADPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from PTRV_HEAD (Temporary)FI-TV
PTRV_F_CLM_TXTColumns that may be suppressed in form block (sp)FI-TV
TA20OFFICE_AS0Assignment of Fulfillment Sales OfficesFI-TV
FTPT_FARE_COMPRate componentsFI-TV
PTRV_ROT_AWKEYAssignment of Trip Results to Posting Doc. Number and LineFI-TV
PTRV_F_COLDEPSDisplay Formats for Texts (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
PTRV_USERPREFSUser Profiles in Travel ManagementFI-TV
PTRV_VATDETAILSupplier Data for VAT Refund in Travel ManagementFI-TV
T706_CONSTTEXTNames of Accounting Constants for Travel ExpensesFI-TV
PTRV_NOT_CH_TRStorage of New Data from Temporarily Unchangable TripsFI-TV
T702_BEREI_RELAssignment of Trip Types Enterprise-Specific (PS AT)FI-TV
PTRV_REDUCTIONDecision Fields: Change of Statutory Trip Type for ReductionFI-TV
PTRV_RECDETAILParticipant(s) in Entertainment ReceiptsFI-TV
T702_ACCT_TYPEAMEX: Account TypesFI-TV
T702_ACCTTYPETDescription of American Express Account TypesFI-TV
PTRV_F_SORTKEYSort Key for Individual Receipt BlockFI-TV
T706_SRV_CODE_TCountry-Dependent Field Control for Receipt DataFI-TV
TA20OFFICE_TEXTSales Offices (Language-Dependent)FI-TV
FTPT_IMR_FOPSEGIMR: Assignment Table Payment Method to Flight SegmentsFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_DETAILIMR - Detail InformationFI-TV
PTRV_T706Z_DNPRField Control ScreensFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_MANUALIMR - Manually Created SegmentsFI-TV
TA23FILTER_CTRLControl Parameter (Flight Availability Query)FI-TV
TA23TVGKT_FIND1MCR Modifier (Language Dependent)FI-TV
TA23TRVCD_FIND1Groupings for Negotiated Car Rental Rates (Language-Dep.)FI-TV
TA23TRVCC_FIND1Payment Method Modifier (Language Dependent)FI-TV
FITV_MEAL_ACCOMAdditional Amounts for Meals in Accommodations ReceiptsFI-TV
PTRV_SUBSTITUTEESA Fast Track - Expense Reporter Substitute (Travel Proxy)FI-TV
PTRV_TRIP_CHAINTable of all Trip Destinations f. Processing Recurring Dest.FI-TV
FTPT_FLIGHT_TSTTicket informationFI-TV
PTRV_T706Z_FLDSField Names for Field ControlFI-TV
FTPT_HOTEL_PREFHotel service preferences of a travel planFI-TV
TA23TVTTA_FIND1Activity Type ModifierFI-TV
TA20OFFICE_FINDAccess Parameters per Group ID - Sales Office DeterminationFI-TV
PTRV_PERNRPREFSPersonalization at Employee LevelFI-TV
PTRV_F_FBLK_TXTForm Blocks of the Trip Costs FormFI-TV
PTRV_DELETE_LOGLog Table for Deleted TripsFI-TV
FTPT_TRAIN_PREFTrain service preferences of a travel planFI-TV
FTPT_REQ_REASONReason for Travel RequestFI-TV
T706_CITYCD_CHGReplacement/Combination of Community Code Numbers, Date-Dep.FI-TV
T706FORM_VARFLDVariable fieldsFI-TV
PTRV_ME_CCC_RUNAssign Personnel Number to Credit Card Clearing RunFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_TKTSEGIMR: Table for Assignment of Ticket to Flight SegmentFI-TV
PTRV_ARCH_PERIOPrearchiving FI-TV: Entries from PTRV_PERIO (Temporary)FI-TV
TA20LOGGDS_TEXTLogical Global Reservation SystemFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_SSRSEGIMR: Assignment Table Special Serv.Request to Flight SegmentFI-TV
T706FORM_CLMATTRSuppressable columns per blockFI-TV
T706_COST_CP_R_TCost Comparison at Trip Level: Default ValuesFI-TV
FTPT_CSX_PROFILERelationship SAP Human Resources Number - Amadeua ProfileFI-TV
TA23PROFILE_SYNCAssignment Parameters for Preference SynchronizationFI-TV
FTPT_FLIGHT_FCMPAssignment table: flights <-> rate componentsFI-TV
T706_DEFAULTTEXTNames of Reference Texts for Entering TripsFI-TV
FTPT_FLIGHT_FAREAssignment table: flights <-> rate componentsFI-TV
PTRV_TRIP_DELETETrips Deleted in SAP System for Offline Travel ManagerFI-TV
TA20FINALMESSAGEStrategic Settings for Travel PlanningFI-TV
FITV_HINZ_WERB_BAdditional Amounts and Income-Related Expenses for ReceiptsFI-TV
FITV_HINZ_WERB_SAdditional Amounts and Income-Related ExpensesFI-TV
T706FORM_VAR_TXTForm variant (language-dependent)FI-TV
TA20SUBSCRPT_ASGLogon to External Reservation System per Sales OfficeFI-TV
PTRM_POWL_SUBS_RSubstitution rules maintanence for approver POWLFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_HTL_DIRIMR - Hotel (Direct Access)FI-TV
PTRV_WAF_RESTARTRestart File for Mobile Solution with Overlapping TripsFI-TV
PTRV_WAF_CONFLCTOffline Travel Management: Conflict ProcessingFI-TV
T706FORM_FIXTXTSFixed texts (language-dependent)FI-TV
FTPT_IMR_FELMSEGIMR: Table for Assignment of Ticket to Flight SegmentFI-TV
TA23SUBSCRPT_ASGLogon to External Reservation System per Sales OfficeFI-TV
T706FORM_BLK_HDLForm block titlesFI-TV
PTRV_TRIPCHN_46CTable of all Trip Destinations f. Processing Recurring Dest.FI-TV
FTPT_FLIGHT_PREFFlight service preferences of a travel planFI-TV
T706_CITY_CD_D_2Definition: City Codes / Community Code No., Date-DependentFI-TV
T706_SUB_SRV_C_TSubcodes for Goods and ServicesFI-TV
PTRV_F_SORTKEY_TSort Key for Individual Receipt BlockFI-TV
PTRV_T706Z_DNPRTField Control ScreensFI-TV
T706FORM_BCKGRNDForm backgroundFI-TV
FTPT_PNR_ADDRESSPNR delivery / billing addressesFI-TV
T706_WEB_DOCUTXTDocumentation for a Web ApplicationFI-TV
T706_VAT_POSTINGData Entry and Posting of VAT Amount per Country of ReceiptFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_SURFACEIMR - Other Segments of Trip as FlightsFI-TV
T706FORM_VARFLDSVariable fields (language-dependent)FI-TV
TA20OFFICE_FIND1Specify Access Parameters per Group IDFI-TV
FTPT_QT_BPROFILEQuicktrip Reservation ProfileFI-TV
FTPT_REQ_ADVANCETravel Request AdvanceFI-TV
T706_REQ_CATTEXTName for Types of Transp/Accomm. and Est.Cost of Travel Req.FI-TV
FTPT_REQ_ACCOUNTTravel Request Cost AssignmentFI-TV
T706FORM_BLKHDLSForm block titlesFI-TV
T706FORM_BLKATTRForm block attributesFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_FQTVSEGIMR: Assignment Table Customer Programs to Flight SegmentsFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_FAREDATIMR - Price Data DescriptionFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_FAREELMIMR: Passenger Information for Price DeterminationFI-TV
T706_CITY_CD_46CTable for Specifying the City Code/Community Code NumberFI-TV
FTPT_IMR_SEATSEGIMR: Table for Assignment of Seats to Flight SegmentsFI-TV
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