SAP Collateral Management System (FS-CMS) Tables
Table | Description | Module |
CMS_ACG | Approved Coverage Gap Details | FS-CMS |
CMS_SHP | Description of a Ship - Master Table | FS-CMS |
CMS_RIG | CMS: Rights table. Includes claims, patents, other rights. | FS-CMS |
CMS_CAG | Collateral Agreement Details | FS-CMS |
CMS_REL | Relationship details | FS-CMS |
CMS_RBL | Receivable Details | FS-CMS |
CMS_CHG | Asset - Collateral Agreement Relationship | FS-CMS |
CMS_FOB | Financed object details | FS-CMS |
CMS_INS | Insurance Application Table | FS-CMS |
CMS_LIQ | Liquidation Details | FS-CMS |
CMS_TSK | Tasks | FS-CMS |
CMS_AST | Asset Details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PRD | Product description | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BPF | Business Partner Functions ( Customizing) | FS-CMS |
_LGL_MS" | Customizing table for Legal Measure types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CLNT | CMS: Clientdependent Customizing Data | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CTRL | CMS: UI Controller | FS-CMS |
CMS_PRD_BP | Product- Business Partner Relationship | FS-CMS |
CMS_CAG_SA | Special Arrangements | FS-CMS |
CMS_PCN_CR | Change Requests | FS-CMS |
CMS_AST_BP | Asset -Business Partner Relationship | FS-CMS |
CMS_MY_OBJ | My Objects (Favorites and Recent Objects) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PRD_T | Product(Text Table) | FS-CMS |
CMS_RBL_BP | Receivable-Business Partner Relationshio | FS-CMS |
CMS_CAG_BP | Collateral Agreement-Business Partner Relationship | FS-CMS |
CMS_RE_OBJ | Real estate header details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BPF_T | Business Partner Function Texts | FS-CMS |
CMS_LR_DE_A | Grundbuch - Section A | FS-CMS |
CMS_LR_DE_B | Grundbuch - Section B | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_TYP | Customizing table for real estate types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_STR | Customizing table for Building Structure types | FS-CMS |
CMS_SEC_ACC | Securities account details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LOC_SA | Search Application Details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_PL | Plausibility Check | FS-CMS |
CMS_LR_DE_2 | Grundbuch - Section II | FS-CMS |
CMS_INS_PSN | Insurance - Specifications of Persons | FS-CMS |
CMS_CAG_POR | Collateral Agreement Portion details | FS-CMS |
CMS_CAG_DOC | Collateral Agreement Documents | FS-CMS |
CMS_CAG_RBL | Collateral Agreement - Receivable Link Details | FS-CMS |
CMS_AST_DOC | Asset Documents | FS-CMS |
CMS_LIQ_CFL | CMS Liquidation Cash Flows (Tempoaray Solution for Rel 3.0) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_REL_CAT | Relationship category details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RBL_ORG | Receivable OrgUnit | FS-CMS |
TCMS_REL_GRP | Relationship Group Table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_REL_OBJ | Relationship Object | FS-CMS |
TCMS_REL_TYP | Relationship type description | FS-CMS |
CMS_AST_HIST | Asset Value History | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_ORG | Group table for Collateral Agreement Number ranges | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_GRP | Agreement type - Relationship Group mapping | FS-CMS |
TCMS_AST_ORG | Group table for Asset Number ranges | FS-CMS |
TCMS_AST_TYP | Asset Type Details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BPF_CAT | Business Partner Function Category | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_COND | Customizing table for real estate conditions | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BPF_SET | Business Partner Function Sets | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_BPRL | Customizing table for Business Partner roles | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_APPL | Customizing table for Applications | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_CAT | Collateral Agreement Category Details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PRD_SET | Product Sets | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PRD_CAT | Product Category Details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_TYP | Collateral Agreement type Description | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OBJ_SYS | Object System ID - BTE Relationship | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_CAT | Object Categories | FS-CMS |
TCMS_INS_TYP | Customizing table for Insurance Type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_INS_SET | Insurance Set | FS-CMS |
TCMS_INS_REB | Rebate Method for Insurance Policy | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_OBJ | Process Object | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_CKY | Process control key | FS-CMS |
TCMS_FOB_TYP | Financed object: Asset type - Product id relationship | FS-CMS |
TCMS_DOC_TYP | Document type Description | FS-CMS |
TCMS_DOC_SET | Define Document Sets | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CRD_SYS | Credit System ID - BTE Relationship | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CPY_GRP | Data group ID to be defined by SAP | FS-CMS |
TCMS_COR_GRP | Correspondence group definition(customizing) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CHG_TYP | Asset - Collateral agreement type relationship | FS-CMS |
TCMS_MOV_TYP | Customizing table for Movable Type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PRD_CAG | Product type -Collateral Agreement type Relationship | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LIQ_TYP | Liquidation types | FS-CMS |
CMS_LIQ_PROC | Process details for an enforcement measure | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RIG_TYP | Right Types (Patents & Claims) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_SAS_TYP | Sub-asset type details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_VAL_RES | Real estate valuation results | FS-CMS |
TCMS_APL_SRV | Application Services | FS-CMS |
TCMS_AST_CAT | Asset Category Details | FS-CMS |
CMS_MOVABLES | Movable Details - Vehicles, Devices & Aircraft | FS-CMS |
TCMS_TSK_TYP | Task Type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_SEC_AST | Asset type for securities accounts | FS-CMS |
TCMS_SMT_FRM | Smartform name and related function module | FS-CMS |
TCMS_SHP_TYP | Customizing table for Ship type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RFC_APPL | RFC Applications | FS-CMS |
TCMS_FSBP_R2F | Mapping FSBP-Role to CMS-Partner Function | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RFC_DEST | RFC Destinations | FS-CMS |
TCMS_COST_TYP | Cost type table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CALC_TYP | Calculation type based on relations of agreements | FS-CMS |
TCMS_ORG_PROC | CMS: Attributes of Administrative OrgUnit | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RISKCODE | Asset type RiskCode definitions | FS-CMS |
CMS_RE_OBJ_RL | Real Estate Object role details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_P_CAT | Building Part Category | FS-CMS |
CMS_RE_PRT_BP | Real Estate Part BP details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_PL_T | Plausibility definition texts | FS-CMS |
TCMS_INS_OSYS | Systems/ Other components using Insurance Service | FS-CMS |
TCMS_IFL_MORG | Organisation units and company codes | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RBL_PROD | Receivable Product | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_AREA | CMS: Process Control Area | FS-CMS |
TCMS_TSK_PRTY | Task Priroity | FS-CMS |
TCMS_INS_PORT | Insurance Policy Portfolio | FS-CMS |
CMS_SEC_VALUE | Securities value details for every ISIN | FS-CMS |
CMS_CAG_RULES | Rule Details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BDT_V_PL | Plausibility checks for view | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_FEAT | Object Classification | FS-CMS |
TCMS_AST_FLDS | Table for Asset field names | FS-CMS |
CMS_LIQ_CFLOW | Liquidation cashflow | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_LR_ID | Land Registers Identifiers | FS-CMS |
TCMS_INS_SRSN | Reason for Inactivating Insurance Policy | FS-CMS |
TCMS_VAL_COMP | Valuation components | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_FLDS | Table for Object field names | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_C_CAT | System table for Cost Category | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_U_TYP | Customizing table for Object usage | FS-CMS |
CMS_RE_PRT_LR | Real Estate Part LR details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_U_CAT | System table for Object Usage Category | FS-CMS |
TCMS_TSK_STAT | Task Status | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_T_CAT | System table for Object category | FS-CMS |
CMS_RE_OBJ_BP | Link between Real estate objects and BuPa is stored here | FS-CMS |
TCMS_AST_LTYP | Liquidation type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_STR_T | Building Structures Types(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_TYP_T | Object types(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_A_MSG | Message sverity change for business activity | FS-CMS |
TCMS_TSK_TYP_T | Task Type Text | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_CR_CT | Change Request Category | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_CKY_T | Process control key texts | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_CKY_B | Process control key Behavior | FS-CMS |
TCMS_VAL_PARAM | Valuation parameters | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LR_DE_TY2 | Section II Charge/Restriction Type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_A_CTM | Activity Categories for Process Mode | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LR_DE_TYA | Grundbuch Types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_MVTY_PRTY | Relation between Object Types -> Part Types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_REL_GRP_T | Realtionship Group (Text Table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OBJ_SYS_T | Object System ID (Text Elements) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_CAT_T | Object Category - Text Table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_ID_CT | Attribute Indicator category | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_ID_TY | Attribute Indicator type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_VALST | Value set | FS-CMS |
TCMS_VAL_RES_T | Text table of real estate valuation results | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_VALTY | Value type (customizing) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_CR_ST | Change Request Type: Status Transition | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_ACTVT | Business activity definition | FS-CMS |
TCMS_VAL_PARGP | Grouping factor for valuation fields in formula builder | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_LIQ_V | Mapping: Object + Value Type with Liquidation Value Cat. | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_A_CAT | Activity category | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LR_DE_TY3 | Section III ChargeType - Customizing table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_CR_TY | Change Request Type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_FCODE | FCODE exclusion set definition for activity | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_ACS_TY | Customizing table for Object Accessories Type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_APPL_T | Application name(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_BPRL_T | Business partner roles(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_COND_T | Object condition(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_CST_TY | Customizing table for Object Cost Type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_ENV_ST | Customizing table for envirnonmental status | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_EX_DOC | Customizing table for External Doc types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_EX_TYP | Customizing table for External object types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_FX_FIT | Customizing table for fixtures and fitting types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_HER_RG | Customizing table for Heritable building rights | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_LOC_MA | Customizing table for Macro location types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_LOC_MI | Customizing table for Micro location types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_PRT_TY | Customizing table for Object Part Type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_SP_TYP | Customizing table for space types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_STATUS | Customizing table for Object status | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LIQ_P_TYP | Liquidation Process Date Types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_ST_CAT | System table for Object Status Category | FS-CMS |
TCMS_REL_TYP_T | Relationship type (Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_REL_OBJ_T | Relationship Object (Text Table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RIG_TYP_T | Right Types (Claims & Patents) - Text table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_OBJ_M | Process Control Object: Mode Attributes | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_OBJ_S | Process Control Object: Mode Attributes | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_OBJ_T | Process object category texts | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_PLMSG | Messages associated to Plausibility | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_PLPRC | Process Object and Plausibility Processor relation | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_PLSET | Plauisbility set definition | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_PLSPL | Plausibility set- Plausibility relation | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_SSTTR | Activity categories for a Process object | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_USTTR | User status transition definition | FS-CMS |
TCMS_SHP_TYP_T | Customizing table for Ship type (Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PRD_CAT_T | Product Category (Text Table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PRD_FSTAT | Product field status | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PRD_SET_T | Product combinations (Text Table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RBL_ORG_T | Text: Receivable OrgUnit | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RBL_SYS_A | Creditsystem attributes | FS-CMS |
TCMS_SAS_TYP_T | Sub-asset type (text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_REL_CAT_T | Relationship Category (Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_TR_CON | Customizing table for Transport connection types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LR_DE_CTA | Grundbuch Categories | FS-CMS |
TCMS_DOC_TYP_T | Document type text elements | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_RNPER | Min notice period reqd before exercising termination rights | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_ORG_T | Text table for number range group element | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_MQEXP | Exceptions for minimum risk weight | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_MQCRT | Minimum Qualitative Criterion | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_CAT_T | Collateral Agreement Category Text Elements | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_BREAS | Reason for the portion being blocked | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_BLKRS | Reason for the portion being blocked | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BPF_SET_T | Business Partner Function Sets | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_SA_CT | Special Arrangement Categories | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_SA_ST | Special Arrangement Set | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_SA_TY | Special Arrangement Types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_DOC_SET_T | Document set (text table) | FS-CMS |
CMS_BCM_TMPOBJ | CMS BCM: Object List for a BCM Run | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CRD_SYS_T | Credit System ID (Text Elements) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CPY_GRP_T | Text table for the Data group ID table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_COR_GRP_T | Correspondence group(text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CALC_PROC | Calculation results types used by Business Processes | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_TYP_T | Collateral Agreement type text elements | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_TRTYP | Termination right type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BPF_CAT_T | Business Partner Function Category (Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BII_DEXPR | CMS-Basel II: Data Extraction Process Settings | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BDT_VR_AP | Applications for a BDT variant | FS-CMS |
CMS_SEC_ACC_BP | Link between securities account and BuPa is stored here | FS-CMS |
CMS_RE_PRT_VAL | Real Estate Part value details | FS-CMS |
CMS_RE_PRT_CST | Real Estate Part Cost details | FS-CMS |
CMS_RE_PRT_ACS | Real Estate Part accessory details | FS-CMS |
CMS_RE_OBJ_SPC | Space Details to describe a real estate object | FS-CMS |
CMS_RE_OBJ_PRT | Real Estate Object part details | FS-CMS |
CMS_RE_OBJ_DOC | Link between Real estate objects and Doc is stored here | FS-CMS |
CMS_CAG_TRMCST | Termination and Cost details for Agreement/Agreement BP | FS-CMS |
CMS_SEC_CL_MST | Class master data in external system for every ISIN number | FS-CMS |
TCMS_AST_CAT_T | Asset Category (Text Table) | FS-CMS |
CMS_RE_PRT_DOC | Real Estate Document details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BDT_VAR_T | Text Table for BDT Variant | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BDT_FSTAT | Field Status Variant | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BDT_FC_PL | Plausibility checks on FCODE | FS-CMS |
TCMS_ATT_ID_TY | Attribute Indicator type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_ATT_ID_CT | Attribute Indicator category | FS-CMS |
TCMS_AST_TYP_T | Asset Type (Text Table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_AST_ORG_T | Text table for number range group element | FS-CMS |
TCMS_AST_FLIST | Table for Asset field names | FS-CMS |
CMS_OMS_BP_LNK | Business Partner Link | FS-CMS |
TCMS_IFL_MPROD | CMS-CML product linking | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LIQ_TYP_T | Liquidation Type text table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LIQD_MODE | Liquidation Mode | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LR_DE_CT3 | Section III Charge Categories | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LIQ_C_TYP | Liquidation cash flow types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_IFL_MORGU | Organisation units and company codes | FS-CMS |
TCMS_INS_TYP_T | Insurance Type - Text Table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_FSBP_APPL | Application that interface with CMS and passes FSBP-data | FS-CMS |
TCMS_INS_REB_T | Text table for insurance rebate types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_INS_SET_T | Insurance Set- Text Table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LR_DE_CT2 | Section II Charge/Restriction Categories | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RISKCODE_T | Risk Code(Text Table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RFC_APPL_T | RFC Applications | FS-CMS |
CMS_SEC_ACC_POS | Securities position details | FS-CMS |
CMS_BCM_CGP_RES | Coverage gap calculated results-BCM | FS-CMS |
CMS_SEC_ACC_DOC | Link between securities account and Documents is stored here | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_ACS_SAS | Acs type - Sub Asset relation | FS-CMS |
TCMS_INS_SRSN_T | Text table for insurance rebate types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BANKAREA_T | Text: Bankarea | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_U_CAT_T | Object usage category(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_P_CAT_T | System table for Building Part Category (text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_FEAT_T | Object Classification - Text | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_PRT_SAS | Building Part type - Sub Asset relation | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_OBJ_PRT | Real Estate object type - Building Parts relationship | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_OBJ_ACS | Real Estate object type - Accessories relationship | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_LR_ID_T | Land Registers Identifiers Text | FS-CMS |
TCMS_AST_LTYP_T | Liquidation type (Text table) | FS-CMS |
CMS_BCM_RBL_CGP | CMS BCM: Receivables Coverage Gap | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_FLDS_T | Text Table for Object field names | FS-CMS |
TCMS_AST_FLDS_T | Text Table for Asset field names | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_EX_BPRL | Customizing table for External BuPa roles | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_C_CAT_T | System table for Cost Category (text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_T_CAT_T | Object category(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_TRNSCTN | Customizing table for Transaction codes | FS-CMS |
CMS_OMS_INS_LNK | Object - Insurance Link Data | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CD_BUSINFO | Classification of a change to a business object - internal | FS-CMS |
TCMS_TSK_STAT_T | Task Status Text | FS-CMS |
CMS_LIQCFL_OBKM | Object key Mapping: Liq.CFL Key and PP key | FS-CMS |
CMS_OMS_VAL_LNK | Value Link | FS-CMS |
TCMS_COST_TYP_T | Cost type Text table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_VAL_COMP_T | Text table for valuation components | FS-CMS |
CMS_BCM_CGP_ADM | Admin data of covarage gap monitoring report | FS-CMS |
CMS_OMS_PRT_LNK | Part-Link Data | FS-CMS |
CMS_OMS_DOC_LNK | Documents Link | FS-CMS |
TCMS_FSBP_MROLE | Invalid / Replaced in Rel3.0 by TCMS_FSBP_R2F | FS-CMS |
TCMS_IFL_MCLASS | Mapping of product category and classes | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CALC_TYP_T | Text table for calculation types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_AREA_T | Process Control Area Texts | FS-CMS |
TCMS_SEC_CL_TYP | Securities classification types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_INS_PORT_T | Insurance Policy Portfolio | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RBL_PROD_T | Receivable product (Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_INS_OSYS_T | Text table for insurance rebate types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_U_TYP_T | Object usage(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_TSK_PRTY_T | Task Priroity Text | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RBL_CRDSYS | name of receivable implementation | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LR_DE_CT2_T | Section II Charge/Restriction Categories Text | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LIQ_O_SYS_T | Text table for Object System ID - Liquidation | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_STATUS_T | Object status(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_SEC_CL_TY_T | Text table securities classification types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LR_DE_TY2_T | Section II Charge/Restriction Type Text - Customizing Table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_VAL_PARAM_T | Text table for valuation parameters | FS-CMS |
TCMS_VAL_PARGP_T | Text table for parameter groups of valuation | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LIQ_OBJ_SYS | Object System ID -Liquidation | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_SP_TYP_T | Space Types(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_ST_CAT_T | Object Status category(Text table) | FS-CMS |
CMS_BII_PP_APPLP | CMS-Basel II: Data Extr. Application Params for Parall. Proc | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LR_DE_TY3_T | Section III ChargeType - Customizing text table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LR_DE_TYA_T | Grundbuch Types Text | FS-CMS |
CMS_BII_PP_APOFL | CMS-Basel II: Data Extr. Appl Params for Parall.Proc Obj Flt | FS-CMS |
CMS_BII_DX_PP_PI | CMS-Basel II: DEX PPr Application data for Package - Header | FS-CMS |
TCMS_TRANSACTION | Details for the CMS programs to start | FS-CMS |
TCMS_APPLICATION | Application-Transactions | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_A_GRP_T | Business activity group text definition | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LR_DE_CT3_T | Section III Charge Categories Text | FS-CMS |
CMS_ACG_CRITERIA | Approved Coverage Gap: Criteria Details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_TR_CON_T | Transport connection types(Text table) | FS-CMS |
CMS_BII_PP_OBFLT | CMS-Basel II: Data Extr. Appl Params for Parall.Proc Obj Flt | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LIQ_P_TYP_T | Text Table: Liquidation Process date types | FS-CMS |
CMS_BII_PP_AP_PR | CMS-Basel II: Data Extr. Appl Params for Parall.Proc Dex Set | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LIQ_C_TYP_T | Text table for Liquidation cash flow types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_FSBP_ADRTYP | FSBP: Address type for use in correspondence | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_SA_TY_T | Special Arrangement Type Text | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PRD_PRD_SET | Product set table for product combinations | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_SA_ST_T | Special Arrangement Set Text | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_SA_STTY | Special Arrangement Types in a Set | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RBL_CRDSY_T | text: name of receivable implementation | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_SA_CT_T | Special Arrangement Category Text | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_ACTVT_T | Business activity definition texts | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_RNPER_T | Required notice period (Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_MQEXP_T | Exceptions for minimum risk weight (Text table) | FS-CMS |
CMS_ACG_PROPOSAL | Approved Coverage Gap: Proposal Details | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_TRTYP_T | Termination right type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_A_CAT_T | Activity Category texts | FS-CMS |
CMS_BII_CP_ER_ST | CMS-Basel II:Objects encountered error during DataExtraction | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_CR_CT_T | Texts for Change Request Category | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LR_DE_CTA_T | Grundbuch Categories Text | FS-CMS |
TCMS_DOC_TYP_SET | Define relationship between Document sets and types | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_CR_TY_T | Texts for Change Request Type | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_A_SSTTR | System Status Transition for an Activity | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CPY_GRP_APL | Data groups associated with Application | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_PLPRC_T | Plausibility processor texts | FS-CMS |
TCMS_COR_TYP_GRP | Correspondence type grouping | FS-CMS |
TCMS_PCN_PLSET_T | Plausibility Set definition texts | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_VL_VLST | Value sets | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_MQCRT_T | Minimum Qualitative Criterion (Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_ID_CT_T | Attribute Indicator category - Text table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_LIQD_MODE_T | Liquidation Mode(Text Table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BDT_FSTAT_T | Field Status Variant (Text Table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_FX_FIT_T | Fixtures and Fittings type(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_HER_RG_T | Heritable Building rights(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_LGL_MS_T | Legal measure types(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_LOC_MA_T | Macro location types(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_LOC_MI_T | Micro location types(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_ATT_ID_TY_T | Attribute Indicator type - Text Table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_PRT_TY_T | Customizing table for Object Part Type (text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_ENV_ST_T | Environmental Status(Text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BII_DEXPR_T | CMS-Basel II: Data Extraction Process Settings ( Text Table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_CST_TY_T | Customizing table for Object Cost Type (text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_VALTY_T | Value type texts | FS-CMS |
TCMS_REL_TYP_GRP | Relationship Type - Group Mapping | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_VALST_T | Value set texts | FS-CMS |
TCMS_RE_ACS_TY_T | Customizing table for Object Accessories Type (text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_CAG_BLKRS_T | Reason for portion being blocked (text table) | FS-CMS |
TCMS_INS_TYP_SET | Insurance Types-> Insurance Sets | FS-CMS |
CMS_BII_DXOBJTMP | CMS-Basel II: DEX Objects - Temporary | FS-CMS |
TCMS_OMS_ID_TY_T | Attribute Indicator type - Text Table | FS-CMS |
TCMS_BPF_BPF_SET | Business Partner Function Sets | FS-CMS |
CMS_BII_DX_PP_PH | CMS-Basel II: DEX PPr Application data for Package - Items | FS-CMS |
TCMS_ATT_ID_CT_T | Attribute Indicator category -text table | FS-CMS |