SAP Table - ADR6S2

DescriptionShadow Table 2: SMTP Numbers (Business Address Services)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassL
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryBasis Services / Communication Interfaces

SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables

SRMLORE06SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Logical Info ObjectsBC-SRV
TSINGSAPBPT: Config. - Classes Columns Belong ToBC-SRV
ADR4SShadow Table: Teletex Numbers (Business Address Services)BC-SRV
AUT_D_DBTABLOGAudit Trail (ILM): Storage of Archived Table LogsBC-SRV
STXSVARLSmart Styles: Language Assignment of VariantsBC-SRV
FSYSPHRISDOK: Physical information object incoming relationshipsBC-SRV
BDSCHKO16BDS: Check Out Data for Physical Information ObjectBC-SRV
SDOKIOTYPESDOK: BOR object types for information object classesBC-SRV
PCDPOS_UIDAdditional Table for Inclusion of TABKEY>70 Chars-Plnnd Chg.BC-SRV
BUT052BP Relationship: AddressesBC-SRV

Full List of SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables