SAP Table - ANLA

DescriptionAsset Master Record Segment
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryAsset Accounting

SAP Asset Accounting Tables

ANATAsset type textFI-AA
TA1MLine Item SchemaFI-AA
J_1AAT089Revaluation area assignmentFI-AA
ANGBAsset catalog deprec. areaFI-AA
TFAA_PC_PSAssignment Process -> SubprocessFI-AA
IDCN_GA_DEPParameters for Asset Depreciation (Golden Audit)FI-AA
T090NHMaximum Amount MethodFI-AA
TAAPM1TAssignment for Field Link between FI-AA and PMFI-AA
T097TDescription of the Property IndicatorFI-AA
ANLBZWAsset-specific base valuesFI-AA

Full List of SAP Asset Accounting Tables