SAP Table - CNV_10030_DTDICL

DescriptionIncludes for direct determination
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassL
Main CategoryCross-Application Components
Sub CategoryGeneral Application Functions

SAP General Application Functions Tables

CNV_00001_OPTPRTTexts for optimization transactionsCA-GTF
RMPSXML_XSLT_NSXML Export: Linkage SPID and XML Namespace with XSLTCA-GTF
CNV_10030_PACKDPDependent packages and dependencies between themCA-GTF
RMPSAPREL_T_CLNTTemplate for Area-Specific POID-POID Relation (Client)CA-GTF
CGPL_TASKProject Planning: Attribute Table for ActivitiesCA-GTF
RPRPHF05Gen. Search: Files of Physical Information ObjectsCA-GTF
TDG15Water Pollution ClassesCA-GTF
TUPS01TALE Distribution Unit: Object Types - Text TableCA-GTF
WFATM_RSTR_RULETText table for restriction ruleCA-GTF

Full List of SAP General Application Functions Tables