SAP Table - CNV_20551_SCOB2

SAP TableCNV_20551_SCOB2
DescriptionObjects selected for deletion (with 1 parameter)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassL
Main CategoryCross-Application Components
Sub CategoryGeneral Application Functions

SAP General Application Functions Tables

TCURUSuperuser for Expiring CurrenciesCA-GTF
CRMD_IC_XMLSTORTXML storage for IC applicationsCA-GTF
SMSTNode Structure and Task Name in the Schedule ManagerCA-GTF
WFMCAS_TEAMAssignment of an Org Unit as a Team for IC WFMCA-GTF
WFMC_SN_PRFSeniority Date Profile (out of use for Retail)CA-GTF
WFDSC_PROF_RSTYPConsider resource type for scheduling prfileCA-GTF
RMPS_OPOSTAT_TDescription of Status of Objects in Recursive OperationsCA-GTF
CRMD_IC_SCRUFInteractive Scripting fieldsCA-GTF
NOTE_VIEWViews for NotesCA-GTF

Full List of SAP General Application Functions Tables