SAP Table - EORD

DescriptionPurchasing Source List
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryMaterials Management
Sub CategoryPurchasing

SAP Purchasing Tables

T16FVRelease PrerequisitesMM-PUR
TMBW2Source of Supply KeysMM-PUR
WGRC_TLOADLoad table for calculating workloadMM-PUR
WDFR_DISPPerishables Planning HeaderMM-PUR
T163X"Zombie" T163XMM-PUR
WRFT_POHF_EKGRPCross-Purchasing-Group Purchasing in Seasonal ProcurementMM-PUR
SMC_C_EVENT_EVALEvents for SLC Vendor EvaluationMM-PUR
T162Field Selection, Purchasing DocumentMM-PUR
SMC_D_S_NRIVCustomizing for Supplier Number Range Interval per SystemMM-PUR
T166PItem Texts in Purchasing Document PrintoutsMM-PUR

Full List of SAP Purchasing Tables