SAP Use Subcomponents Tables
Table | Description | Module |
TSPOPIPRN | Printer / device type relations | BC-CCM |
SWNCCOLLPERF | Performance Data of the Workload Collector | BC-CCM |
TSP01 | Spool Requests | BC-CCM |
SCMC_NODE_MSC | Additional Attributes for Message Container Nodes | BC-CCM |
ALAVLGCNTL | CCMS Avail. Mon.: Control Table for Reference System Group | BC-CCM |
LCRT_QUAL_LU | AI-LCR: Qualifier Declarations Lookup | BC-CCM |
OSMON | Operating system monitoring data | BC-CCM |
CSMBK_TK2 | Token Definition in CCMS Repository | BC-CCM |
CSM_EXTVAL | Extended Keys for SCR Objects | BC-CCM |
TST06 | Right to use 'rstsmain', 'rspomain' | BC-CCM |
Full List of SAP Use Subcomponents Tables