SAP Table - FBICRC01020

SAP TableFBICRC01020
DescriptionNot in use
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting

SAP Financial Accounting Tables

TRASTInterval Names for Days in ArrearsFI
TICRC2Selection of Recon. Criteria for Recon. Affiliated CompaniesFI
FOTETAXCSettings Electronic Data Transmission to AuthoritiesFI
TACC_BWBER_PRAssignment of Accounting Principle to Target LedgerFI
T077ZAccount Group Names (Table T077S)FI
DTINPTechnical Customizing of Data Source Selection DTINFI
TFTMPTable for Time Stamp ComparisonFI
FBICRC_D_MAILICR: Mail InformationFI
T001AAdditional Local Currencies Control for Company CodeFI
T001UClearing Between Company CodesFI

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