SAP Table - FBICRC01050

SAP TableFBICRC01050
DescriptionDifferences per Company Pair and Display Category
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting

SAP Financial Accounting Tables

KNC1Customer master (transaction figures)FI
T001OCross-System Company CodesFI
T076SEDI-INVOIC: Program ParametersFI
BWVSNVersion Management for Changes in the Valuation ProgramFI
J_1UF_PROFITDECLSetting profit declarationFI
KNC1_BAKCustomer Master (Transaction Figures)FI
T042ZDTScreen Control when Creating Payments in CountryFI
T033IAcct Determination: Account SymbolsFI
T000FCross-Client FI SettingsFI
TFAVAFI: Details of Automatically Generated WorklistsFI

Full List of SAP Financial Accounting Tables