SAP Table - FDT_APPL_0000S

DescriptionFDT: Application Data
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryBasis Services / Communication Interfaces

SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables

THOCDPublic holiday definitionsBC-SRV
SRMHLELEMSElements of Hierarchical ListsBC-SRV
AQGTBSAP Query: Texts for User GroupsBC-SRV
ADCPSShadow Table: Assignment Person/Addr. (Bus. Addr. Services)BC-SRV
KDP_PHRIKW: Incoming Links of Physical Information ObjectsBC-SRV
FPCONTEXTIForm Objects: Context - Internal InformationBC-SRV
SEPM_OIA_BPCLASEPM OIA: Customize Business Partner ClassificationBC-SRV
SRMPHRE06SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info ObjectsBC-SRV
SCMGATTRPROFCase: Attribute ProfilesBC-SRV
SFSRFW_REQ_HReplication Framework - RequesterBC-SRV

Full List of SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables