SAP Table - SOC3

DescriptionSAPoffice: DB for objects (import/export)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryBasis Services / Communication Interfaces

SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables

STRX_LPIXSAssignment of Physical Indexes to Logical IndexesBC-SRV
TBCS_RECIPControl Table for Possible Dialog Recipient TypesBC-SRV
SXCONVERT2SAPconnect: Conversion Functions for Format CategoriesBC-SRV
SOCXSAPoffice: table for storing SAPcomm IDsBC-SRV
BDSCHKF2BDS: File Name for Last Check-OutBC-SRV
TFO15PDF converter: Adobe font dataBC-SRV
STXITFRSAPscript Verification: ITF reference tableBC-SRV
MTOBLRELModel Data: Text for Relationship TypesBC-SRV
BDSLORE6BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information ObjectsBC-SRV
SSPICSTRPRSPI: Tracking Record / Instance of Lower-Level ProcessBC-SRV

Full List of SAP Basis Services / Communication Interfaces Tables