SAP Table - T026Z

SAP TableT026Z
DescriptionAssignement of purchasing group to purchasing area
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryMaterials Management
Sub CategoryPurchasing

SAP Purchasing Tables

TAMPSPTManufacturer/Part Combinations: Texts for Blocking ReasonsMM-PUR
EBABPSettlement Runs Subsequent Settlement, Condition RecordMM-PUR
EKBEHRemoved PO History RecordsMM-PUR
WRFT_POHF_CHCK_VObsolete: Please do not useMM-PUR
EKETScheduling Agreement Schedule LinesMM-PUR
T160YScope of List: Buyer's Negotiation Sheet: DescriptionMM-PUR
FIP_D_STAT_TYPETStatistical Types Text TableMM-PUR
SMC_D_S_NRIVCustomizing for Supplier Number Range Interval per SystemMM-PUR
T175ESOA_DOC_CControl for Access to Documents / AttachmentsMM-PUR
AMPLTable of Approved Manufacturer PartsMM-PUR

Full List of SAP Purchasing Tables