SAP Table - TF560

SAP TableTF560
DescriptionMethods for Reclassification
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryEnterprise Controlling
Sub CategoryConsolidation

SAP Consolidation Tables

TF90SDBasis Field Catalog - Consolidation, Char. DependenciesEC-CS
TF241Consolidation Frequencies: NameEC-CS
TF591Elim of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: FS Items (NOT USED)EC-CS
TF100Financial Statement ItemsEC-CS
TF171Position of Contact Person: DescriptionEC-CS
TFMIG05Allocation: Transaction Type -> SubitemEC-CS
TF381Upload Methods: TextsEC-CS
TF201Versions: NameEC-CS
TF593Subassignments of Inventory ItemsEC-CS
TF350Download: Assign CG PC PathEC-CS

Full List of SAP Consolidation Tables