SAP Table - TFK003B

SAP TableTFK003B
DescriptionParallel number ranges for FI-CA documents
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable

SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tables

DFKKVBUNDHHistory: VBUND Adjustment PostingsFI-CA
DFKKORDERAPPROVERequests to be ApprovedFI-CA
DFKKREPAPRecording RecordFI-CA
TFKCOMPFI-CA Components: Supported Integrated ComponentsFI-CA
TFK8002_BILLPROCLog Table for Billing ProcedureFI-CA
TFKPREPPCA_BUKRSPrepaid: Specifications for Payment Authorization per CoCdFI-CA
DFKKBIXG8152BIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8152)FI-CA
DFKKINVBILL_HBilling Document HeaderFI-CA
DFKKCR2PCheck Repository: Additional PayeesFI-CA
FKK_FDT_EXPR000SBFR/BPEM case expression table SFI-CA

Full List of SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tables