SAP Table - TFK021KC

DescriptionDetail Screen Structure for Document Display (Customer)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable

SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tables

DFKKOPBEW_LDFI-CA Ledger-Specific Foreign Currency ValuationFI-CA
DFKKCDREFCash Desk Document ReferencesFI-CA
DFKKOPCOLLCollection: Log of Receivables SubmittedFI-CA
BCONTFORMCLASSDetermination of Contact Class, Activity and ConfigurationFI-CA
DFKKBIXC8153STBIT Class Configuration Version (Table TFK8153ST)FI-CA
DFKKCASHFCInterim Table for Cash Management and Forecast DataFI-CA
TFKBWCFICA BW - Maintain Fields for Extraction (Customer View)FI-CA
FKK_INSTPLN_HISTInstallment Plan HistoryFI-CA
TFK077DFI-CA: SD/FI-CA Customer Account Group EnhancementFI-CA
TFK8019Billing Rate TypesFI-CA

Full List of SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tables