SAP Table - TFK044F

SAP TableTFK044F
DescriptionValuation Plan Variants
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable

SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tables

DFKKINVBILL_TTax Items of Billing DocumentFI-CA
DFKKBIXG8164TCIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8164T)FI-CA
DFKKCOPALog Table for COPA TransferFI-CA
TFK003TDocument typesFI-CA
FKKBSTEMAcct Statement Transfer: Messages for Incorrect RecordsFI-CA
TFK059EWithholding Tax SupplementFI-CA
TFK062ATInstallment Plan Category (Text Table)FI-CA
DFKKPNBKAPrenotification data (latest)FI-CA
TFK043VTolerance groups for contract A/R+A/PFI-CA
DFKKOPUSTAXOUT10Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)FI-CA

Full List of SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tables