SAP Table - TFK8024

SAP TableTFK8024
DescriptionAxle Classes
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable

SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tables

DFKKODNREPOfficial Document Number for ReportingFI-CA
BCONTCDTContact Directions: TextsFI-CA
TFKP2PCTCategories of Promises to PayFI-CA
TFK8165EException Reasons for Consumption ItemsFI-CA
FKKPREPACC_MIGMigration of Prepaid BalanceFI-CA
TFK053CChange Payment Data: Processing VariantsFI-CA
DFKKBIXG8162CIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8162)FI-CA
DFKK_SELP_TXTFI-CA Selection - Result Records - Long TextFI-CA
DFKKDTAccounting Data (INDX Structure)FI-CA
TFK047WAmount Limits for DunningFI-CA

Full List of SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tables