Description | Number Group for Official Document Number |
Table Type | TRANSP |
Delivery Class | C |
Main Category | Financial Accounting |
Sub Category | Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tables
Table | Description | Module |
TFK2671Q | Invoicing Document Check: Limit Values for Quantities | FI-CA |
TFK054B | Assignment of Sender Institution Error Reason -> Internal | FI-CA |
DFKKWEBP | EBPP: Payment Data for Payments via Web | FI-CA |
TFK8156F | Group Fields for Maintenance Dialogs | FI-CA |
TFK2661 | Reversal Reasons for Invoicing Documents | FI-CA |
DFKKORDERHIST | Requests: Document History | FI-CA |
DFKKORDERPOS | Requests: Items | FI-CA |
DFKKINVDOC_P | Invoicing: Posting Document Reference Table | FI-CA |
TFKBWT01D | FICA to BW - Intervals | FI-CA |
DFKKCOLFILE_P_W | Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Item Buffer | FI-CA |
Full List of SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable Tables