SAP Table - THM020

SAP TableTHM020
DescriptionEHS: Transport Symbol Group Descriptions
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryCross-Application Components
Sub CategoryGeneral Application Functions

SAP General Application Functions Tables

CNV_20308_STAFFAssignment of Users to ObjectsCA-GTF
TXW_S_VBAKRetrieve VBAK from archiveCA-GTF
WFMTM_ITC_REGi-Time Clock registrationCA-GTF
EFCLSTRTForm Class Structure (Text Table)CA-GTF
SDMONICHATSD Monitor: Texts for Key FiguresCA-GTF
WFMC_LOCSETTN_TGen. Location Settings Translation TableCA-GTF
KPEP_WL_VIEWView of WorklistCA-GTF
WFMC_WKRL_DFLTDefault Work Rules (Out of Use for Retail)CA-GTF
CNV_20200_SP_TABDefinition of tables for the Special Priority HandlingCA-GTF

Full List of SAP General Application Functions Tables