SAP Table - TSHM0

DescriptionName texts for shared memory segments
Table TypePOOL
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryUse Subcomponents

SAP Use Subcomponents Tables

ALVFOBMOAlerts: Association Between Object Type and Monitor SetBC-CCM
CSM_TEXTSTranslation Table for SCR Classes and Other TextsBC-CCM
DBSTATTORAActual size of tables on the databaseBC-CCM
DBSTAIHADAActual size of indices on the database (history)BC-CCM
ALALRTGUIDGUIDs for CCMS Alert IDs (for Alert Framework)BC-CCM
ARCH_GENERDefinition of Events for Archiving Generation ProgramBC-CCM
AIND_STATUStatus management of archive information structuresBC-CCM
SLGSYSystem Log Statistics by Time StampBC-CCM
TRK10Table for reorg structureBC-CCM
AIND_STR8ation System: indexes, fields"BC-CCM

Full List of SAP Use Subcomponents Tables