SAP Table - USR08

SAP TableUSR08
DescriptionTable for user menu entries
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategorySecurity

SAP Security Tables

TPRVORTTemplates Profile Generator: Entity TableBC-SEC
USOB_SMControl Table SU22: Auth. Obj. Maint. for Transact./ServiceBC-SEC
USOBTRelation transaction > authorization objectBC-SEC
AGR_MINIT2Role mini-application textsBC-SEC
WP3ROLEHIERRole Data Read from Child Systems for User AssignmentBC-SEC
USADDEFSShadow table: Default company addressBC-SEC
USADDEFDefault company addressBC-SEC
SEC_POLICY_CUSTConfiguration of Security PoliciesBC-SEC
VSCAN_PROF_PARConfig. Parameters for each Virus Scan Profile/Scanner GroupBC-SEC
OA2_SD_CL_SCOAuth2 Client-Scope-Assignment (Server Impl., Designtime)BC-SEC

Full List of SAP Security Tables