Table | Description | Module |
T556 | Substitution Types | PT |
T557 | Availability Types | PT |
T533 | Leave Types | PT |
T553S | Day Types for Special Days | PT |
T553A | Definition Rules for Day Types | PT |
T552W | Dynamic Daily WS Assignment: Planned/Actual Overlap | PT |
T552V | Dynamic Daily Work Schedule Assignment | PT |
T552A | Monthly Work Schedule | PT |
T551S | Period Work Schedule Texts | PT |
T551C | Period Work Schedule Valuation | PT |
T553T | Day Type Texts | PT |
T554A | Breakdown of Absences After Quota Deduction | PT |
T554L | Absence Valuation Rules | PT |
T556C | Counting Rule for Attendances and Absences | PT |
T554H | Evaluation Type for Attendances/Absences | PT |
T554G | Types of Birth | PT |
T554F | Counting Classes for Absence Valuation | PT |
T554E | Counting Classes for Absence Valuation | PT |
T554D | Military Service Ranks | PT |
T554C | Absence Valuation | PT |
T551A | Period Work Schedules | PT |
T550X | Daily Work Schedule Selection Rules | PT |
T550P | Break Schedules | PT |
T556G | Rule for Day Markers in Coverage History | PT |
T556F | Texts for Rule Group (Coverage Package) | PT |
T556E | Rule Group (Coverage Package) | PT |
T556D | Absence Counting With/Without Quotas Texts | PT |
T508A | Work Schedule Rules | PT |
T508S | Text Table for Work Schedule Rules (T508A) | PT |
T508T | Texts for Employee Subgroup Groupings for Work Schedules | PT |
T508Z | Assignment of PS Grouping for Work Schedules to Daily WS | PT |
T510I | Standard Working Hours | PT |
T510P | Premium Table | PT |
T510S | Time Wage Type Selection | PT |
T510T | Premium Texts | PT |
T510V | Check Table For Processing Types in T510S (WT Generation) | PT |
T510X | WTs Permitted for Transfer from Time Evaluation to MMS | PT |
T510Z | Texts for Time Wage Type Selection Rules | PT |
T533T | Leave Type Texts | PT |
T550A | Daily Work Schedule | PT |
T550S | Daily Work Schedule Texts | PT |
T554M | Absences for Maternity Protection: Rule Table | PT |
T554O | Valuation Classes | PT |
T555O | Access Control Groups (time-restricted) | PT |
T555N | Employee Grouping for the Time Evaluation Rule | PT |
T555M | PDC Accounting Types | PT |
T555L | Transfer to Absence Quotas | PT |
T555K | Transfer to Time Wage Types | PT |
T555J | Transfer to Time Types | PT |
T555I | PDC Master Record Information | PT |
T555H | Site-Restricted Access Control Groups | PT |
T555P | Employee Time Transfer Type | PT |
T555Q | Texts for Time Transfer Type | PT |
T555Z | Time Type Determination | PT |
T555Y | Processing Type/Time Type According to Att./Absence Class | PT |
T555X | Texts for Access Control Groups (time-restricted) | PT |
T555W | [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705K] Ext. Wages Types from Subsystem | PT |
T555V | Employee Status for Time Management: Texts | PT |
T555U | Employee Time Management status | PT |
T555T | Overtime Compensation Type Texts | PT |
T555R | Overtime Compensation Types | PT |
T555G | [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705H] Att./Absence Reasons Subssys. Text | PT |
T555F | Time Evaluation Error Texts | PT |
T554V | Defaults for Absence Types | PT |
T554T | Absence and Attendance Texts | PT |
T556B | Absence Quota Type Texts | PT |
T559U | Overtime rules | PT |
T554S | Attendance and Absence Types | PT |
T554R | Day Rules for Absence Valuation | PT |
T554Q | Assignment of Valuation of Absences | PT |
T554P | Symbols for Attendances and Absences (Calendar) | PT |
T554W | Periods of Military Service | PT |
T554X | Rules for Attendance/Absence Counting and Leave Deduction | PT |
T555E | Time Evaluation Messages | PT |
T555D | [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705A] Abs./Attendance Reasons Subsystem | PT |
T555C | Permitted PDC PIN Codes | PT |
T555B | Time Type Texts | PT |
T556A | Absence Quota Types | PT |
T555A | Time Types | PT |
T5550 | [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705Q] Ext. Wage Types from Subsystem Txt | PT |
T554Y | Time Constraints in HR TIME | PT |
T554N | Texts for Day Rules | PT |
TOPRK | Log Messages | PT |
T572G | Permitted Values for Events | PT |
T572H | Event Value Texts | PT |
T582Z | Control Table for PA Time Management | PT |
T588N | Screen Modification for Account Assignment Block | PT |
T588O | Screen Modification for Assignment Data | PT |
T589Z | F Status of Each Module Pool and Screen | PT |
P0ASB | Assignment Subsystem -> PDC Group | PT |
T599Y | Convert External Wage Types | PT |
T572F | Event Texts | PT |
T572E | Control table for additional absence data | PT |
T559W | Text Table for Time Evaluation Classes | PT |
T559X | Evaluation Classes for Times (Internal Table TIP) | PT |
T559Y | Text Table for Conditions for Employee Times | PT |
T559Z | Conditions for Employee Times in Time Evaluation | PT |
T569B | Archiving Information for Cluster B2 | PT |
T569R | Earliest Recalculation Dates for Time Management | PT |
T569W | Texts for Recalculation Categories | PT |
T572B | Illness Texts | PT |
T599Z | Time Wage Types to Third-Party Systems | PT |
T7050 | Time Management: Communication Times | PT |
COIFT | Interface to Activity Allocation | PT |
T705M | Indicator: External Wage Types Grouping | PT |
T705P | Work Time Event Type Groups | PT |
T705Q | External Wage Types Long Texts from Subsystem | PT |
TEVEN | Time Events | PT |
TOBAE | Transfer Times: Control Station Communication | PT |
ASSOB | Assignment Objects | PT |
ASSHR | Assignment of HR to AFRU/ASSOB | PT |
T705L | Indicator: Attendance/Absence Reason | PT |
T705K | External Wage Types for Subsystem | PT |
T705A | Attendance/Absence Reasons for Subsystem | PT |
T705B | PDC Processing Statuses | PT |
T705E | Reaction to Error Transaction | PT |
T705F | Work Time Event Type Groups | PT |
T705G | Texts for Work Time Event Type Groups | PT |
T705H | Attendance/Absence Reason Texts for Subsystem | PT |
T705I | Absence/Attendance Reason Grouping | PT |
T705J | Grouping for External Wage Types | PT |
T559V | Validity Period: Absence Quotas for Default Values | PT |
T559T | Texts for Leave Accrual Rule | PT |
T556M | Process Partial-Day Absences Using XNAB Function | PT |
T557K | Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting | PT |
T557J | Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting | PT |
T557I | Relation Table: Time Wage Types Accumulation | PT |
T557H | Relation Table: Time Types Accumulation | PT |
T557G | Relation Table: Absence/Attendance Accumulation | PT |
T557E | Quota Type Descriptions for Reporting | PT |
T557D | Reporting Quota Types | PT |
T557B | Time Type Descriptions for Reporting | PT |
T557A | Reporting Time Types | PT |
T556W | Wage Type Assignment for Att./Absence Quota Compensations | PT |
T556V | Texts for Attendance/Absence Quota Compensation Types | PT |
T556U | Attendance/Absence Quota Compensation Types | PT |
T556T | Substitution Type Texts | PT |
T556S | Texts for Deduction Sequence Rules for Absence Quotas | PT |
T556R | Rules for Deduction Sequence for Absence Quotas | PT |
T556Q | Attendance Quota Type Texts | PT |
T556P | Attendance Quotas | PT |
T557L | Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting | PT |
T559S | Texts for Rounding Rules | PT |
T559J | Convert Leave Types to Quota Types | PT |
T559L | Automatic Absence Quota Generation | PT |
T559M | Reduction Rules for Absence Quota Generation | PT |
T559N | Texts for Reduction Rules for Leave Accrual | PT |
T559P | Limits for Time Balances | PT |
T559Q | Texts for Time Balance Limits | PT |
T559R | Rounding Rules | PT |
T556H | Texts for Rule on Determining the Coverage History | PT |
T559H | Quota Generation: Text for Transfer Times Rule | PT |
T559A | Working Weeks | PT |
T559G | Quota Generation: Rule for Transfer Times | PT |
T559F | Processing of Absence Quota Remainders | PT |
T559E | Base Entitlement for Leave Accrual | PT |
T559D | Validity/Deduction Interval for Absence Quotas | PT |
T559B | Working Week Texts | PT |
T557M | Time Types Relationships Table (from Period Totals Table) | PT |
T557T | Availability Types Texts | PT |
T559QT | Transfer Remaining Quota to New Quotas | PT |
TEXLGA | Employee Expenditures | PT |
T557CU | Reporting Time Types | PT |
PA2500 | HR Master Record for Infotype 2500 | PT |
PA2007 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2007 (Attendance Quotas) | PT |
PA0416 | Time Quota Compensation Infotype: Database Table | PT |
PA0080 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0080 (Maternity Protection) | PT |
PA2004 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2004 (Availability) | PT |
PA2003 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2003 (Substitutions) | PT |
PA2002 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2002 (Attendances) | PT |
PA0005 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0005 (Leave Entitlement) | PT |
PA0007 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Planned Working Time) | PT |
PA0050 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0050 (Time Recording) | PT |
PA2001 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2001 (Absences) | PT |
PA0081 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0081 (Military Service) | PT |
PA0082 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0082 (Additional Absence Data) | PT |
PA0439 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0439 (Data Transfer) | PT |
PA0083 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0083 (Leave Compensation) | PT |
CC2TIM | Table of Planned Changes: HR Actual Times for CC2 Available | PT |
CC1TEV | Temporary Buffer for Time Events from CC1 | PT |
PA2005 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2005 (Overtime) | PT |
CC1ERH | Incorrect Time Events from CC1, Header Information | PT |
PA2013 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2013 (Quota Corrections) | PT |
CC1ERM | Incorrect Time Events from CC1, Error Messages | PT |
PA2502 | HR Master Record for Infotype 2502 | PT |
PA2012 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2012 (Time Transfer Specifications) | PT |
CC1ERP | Incorrect Time Events from CC1, Postings | PT |
T554HT | Evaluation Type for Attendances/Absences: Texts (for T554H) | PT |
PA2006 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2006 (Absence Quotas) | PT |
PA2010 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2010 (Employee Remuneration Info.) | PT |
AFRUHR | Order Confirmations for HR | PT |
PA3355 | HR Master Record Infotype 3355 | PT |
CC1PAR | Communication Parameters | PT |
PA2501 | HR Master Record for Infotype 2501 | PT |
HRAAERR | Error Table for Activity Allocation Documents in HR | PT |
HRAAHDR | HR Interface Table: Document Header for Activity Allocation | PT |
HRAAITM | HR Interface Table: Document Item for Activity Allocation | PT |
PTEXDIR | Interface Table for Infotypes (Directory Table) | PT |
PTIMEOV2 | Overview of an Employee's Time Data, Part 2 | PT |
PTQUODED | Deduction of Time Quotas | PT |
PTIMEOV1 | Overview of an Employee's Time Data, Part 1 | PT |
PTEX2000 | Interface Table for Attendances/Absences Infotype(2001/2002) | PT |
PTEX2010 | Interface Table for EE Remuneration Info. Infotype (2010) | PT |
T559D_WEB | ESS Leave Request: Obsolete; Now T556A_WEB | PT |
T556A_WEB | ESS Leave Request: Quota Types for Display | PT |
T554S_WEB | ESS Leave Request: Attributes of Attendance/Absence Types | PT |
T556P_WEB | ESS Leave Request: Quota Types to Be Displayed | PT |
T555A_WEB | Time Types to Be Displayed | PT |
PTARQ_DIR | ESA: Interface Table for Infotypes (Directory Table) | PT |
TPTEXTAPP | External Application | PT |
PTLRPRC2SP | Time Data Structure for LRP Time Descriptions | PT |
TPTEXTAPPT | Text Table for External Applications | PT |
TMW_TDLANT | Definition Set | PT |
TEVEN_MORE | Additional Data for Time Events | PT |
PTMLEACONV | Assignment Table IT0005 - IT2006 (RPTLEACONV Report) | PT |
PTREQ_TYPE | Request Types | PT |
PTEX2003GEN | Interface Table for IT 2003: General Information | PT |
TPTREQ_TEAM | Assignment of Rule Group to View Group/Grouping ID | PT |
T554S_ESSEX | ESS: Deactivation of Attendance/Absence types | PT |
PTREQ_ACTOR | Request Participant | PT |
PTREQ_BATCH | Time Stamp for Run of Background Jobs | PT |
PTDW_PWS_DB | Time Data Extract (Hours from Personal Work Schedule) | PT |
PTREQ_ITEMS | Request Items | PT |
PTEX2003SPEC | Interface Table for IT 2003: Interval Information | PT |
TPT_SCR_AREA | Screen Area | PT |
PTREQ_HEADER | Request Header | PT |
T77TIM_AQGRP | Absence Quota Groups | PT |
TPTARQ_TCALE | ESS Leave Request: Team Calendar Settings | PT |
T7TIM_BURULE | Time Management Business Rules | PT |
T7TIM_BURULM | Business Rule Module Assignment | PT |
T7TIM_BURULT | Business Rule Text Table for Time Management | PT |
T7TIM_BUSUBE | Business Subjects of Time Evaluation | PT |
T7TIM_BUSUBT | Text Table for Business Subject | PT |
T7TIM_NAT_IF | Native Interfaces | PT |
PTREQ_NOTICE | Note for Request | PT |
PTDW_QUOT_DB | Time Data Extract (Quota Transaction) | PT |
PTDW_COST_DB | Time Data Extract (Account Assgnmnt Objects/Cost Assignment) | PT |
PTDW_WPBP_DB | Time Data Extract (Reference Table for IT 0001 and 0007) | PT |
PTDW_ACTS_DB | Time Data Extract (Sender Objects/Activity Allocation) | PT |
PTDW_ACTR_DB | Time Data Extract (Receiver Objects/Activity Allocation) | PT |
TPT_SLIPSTATE | Time Ticket Generation: Status Table | PT |
T77TIM_AQGRPT | Absence Quota Groups Description | PT |
HRESSAPPROVER | Store Last Approver to be Chosen | PT |
T7TIM_BUSUBRU | Assignment of Business Rules to Business Subjects | PT |
T7TIM_BUSUBGR | Assignment of Reasons Grouping to Business Subjects | PT |
TPT_FIELD_CAT | Field Catalog | PT |
PTDW_TIMES_DB | Time Data Extract (Working Times) | PT |
T7TIM_BURULMT | Text Table for T7TIM_BURULM | PT |
TPT_EVENTATTR | Pair Formation: Characteristics of Time Event Types | PT |
HRWEB_ABS_REQ | OBSOLETE! General Attributes of ESS Leave | PT |
TPT_PAIRSTAT2 | Pair Formation: Status Table | PT |
TPT_FIELD_SEL | Field selection | PT |
T7TIM_MODULES | Assignment of Driver Part to Rule Part of Time Eval.Function | PT |
T7TIM_COPERAS | Customer Implementation of Time Evaluation Operations | PT |
T7TIM_EVAL_MAP | Interface<->Context Attribute Mapping (Time Evaluation) | PT |
PTBLPTDOBJECTS | Catalog for Implementations of Time Data Objects | PT |
TPT_GUI_LAYOUT | GUI Layout: Structure and Assignment of Objects | PT |
T7TIM_GWT_STEP | Rule Blocks Under GWT | PT |
T7TIM_SORT_OPT | Sort Options for Time Evaluation Functions | PT |
T7TIM_CMODULES | Customer-Spec. Rule Part of a Time Evaluation Function | PT |
T7TIM_CONTEXTS | Entity Table for Partial Contexts | PT |
TPT_SCR_AREA_T | Screen Area Text | PT |
TPTARQ_TCONSTR | ESS Leave Request: General Attributes of Start Transaction | PT |
HRWEB_GROUP_ID | ESS Leave Request: Grouping for Customizing Tables | PT |
TPT_UIA_LAYOUT | TMW: Database Table for UIA Layout | PT |
PTREQ_APPROVER | Approvers for Leave Request | PT |
TPT_ESS_FSEL_TC | Field Selection for Table Control | PT |
T7TIM_PCR_BUSUB | Assignment of Personnel Calculation Rule to Business Subject | PT |
TPT_FIELD_CAT_T | Field Catalog Text | PT |
TPT_FIELD_SEL_C | Field Selection: Customizing | PT |
T7TIM_SYNC_P_DR | Driver Attribute. -Program Symbol Mapping | PT |
TPT_GUI_LAYOUTS | GUI Layout: Definition | PT |
TPT_GUI_SAP_FRM | Assignment of GUI Object Types to Function Modules | PT |
TPT_UIA_OBJECTS | Time Manager's Workplace: Database Table for UIA Factory | PT |
TPT_FIELD_SEL_T | Field Selection Text | PT |
TPT_TMW_PROFILE | Time Manager's Workplace: Profile Settings | PT |
TPT_GUI_OBJECTS | GUI Object Types According to ID | PT |
T7TIM_TIGRP_ENT | Entity Table for Return Values of Feature TIRUG | PT |
T7TIM_BSB_LGART | Assignment of Business Subject to a Wage Type | PT |
PTREQ_CKEY_MAPP | Cache Assignment Table | PT |
T7TIM_BSB_MESSG | Assignment of Business Subject to a Message | PT |
T7TIM_BSB_ZTART | Assignment of Business Subject to a Time Type | PT |
HRWEB_TRANS_MSG | Rule Group for Customizing Tables in Web Environment | PT |
PTARQ_ATTS_INFO | Leave Request: Attendance Data | PT |
T7TIM_DISTM_TXT | Texts on Distribution Methods | PT |
PTARQ_DEDUCTION | Deduction Data for Attendances and Absences | PT |
T7TIM_DIST_METH | Distribution Methods | PT |
T7TIM_FUNCTIONS | Implementation of Time Evaluation Functions and Interfaces | PT |
HRTIM_REQ_INDEX | Index Table for Request Data for Data Object Selection | PT |
PTDW_RFC_ASSIGN | SAP-internal Assignment Table for RFC Call Ups | PT |
TPT_GUI_OBJECT_T | Text for GUI Objects | PT |
PTREQ_ITEM_TYPES | Request Item Types | PT |
PTBLPTPCLCOUNTRY | TMW Business Logic Processor: Impelementation Type Classes | PT |
TPT_SCR_AREA_FCT | Assign Field Catalog to Screen Area | PT |
PTREQ_ATTACHMENT | Attachment | PT |
PTREQ_ATTABSDATA | Request Data for Attendances/Absences | PT |
TPT_GUI_SAP_SSCR | Assignment of Object ID to Subscreen | PT |
PTBLPTYPECLASSES | TMW Business Logic Processor: Impelementation Type Classes | PT |
TPT_HEAD_SCR_DIR | TMW Header Data: Directory for Generated Subscreens | PT |
TPT_GUI_LAYOUT_T | GUI Layout Text | PT |
PTREQ_STATUS_CHK | Check Methods for Status Transitions | PT |
TPT_UIA_OBJECT_T | Texts for UIA Objects | PT |
PTREQ_XFEREVNT_T | Texts for Status Transitions | PT |
TPT_UIA_NODE_MAP | Assignment of Layout Nodes to Objects | PT |
TPT_UIA_LAYOUT_T | UIA Layout Text | PT |
PTREQ_XFEREVENTS | Permitted Status Transitions | PT |
PTREQ_STATUS_TRA | Status Transfers | PT |
TPT_UIA_CLNT_OBT | UIA Objects Texts: Client-Dependent | PT |
TPT_UIA_CLNT_OBJ | TMW: Client-Dependent Database Table for UIA Factory | PT |
TPT_UIA_CLNT_NMP | Client-Specific Assignment of Layout Nodes to Objects | PT |
TPT_UIA_CLNT_LYT | UIA Layout Text: Client-Dependent Customizing | PT |
TPT_UIA_CLNT_LYS | UIA Layout Structure: Client-Dependent Customizing | PT |
TPT_UIA_CLNT_LAY | UIA Layout: Client-Dependent Customizing | PT |
TPT_TMW_PROF_TXT | Time Manager's Workplace: Profile Settings IDs | PT |
TPT_TMW_PROF_FLD | file Settings for Field Selection" | PT |
PTARQ_EXTRA_INFO | Leave Request: Additional Fields for Attendances/Absences | PT |
TPT_GUI_CLNT_OBT | Text for GUI Objects | PT |
T7TIM_BSB_KTARTA | Assignment of Business Subject to an Absence Quota | PT |
T7TIM_BSB_KTARTP | Assignment of Business Subject to an Attendance Quota | PT |
T7TIM_MAP_RPTIME | Information on Implementation of DO_IMPORT | PT |
T7TIM_BUMOD_DIST | Assignment of Distribution Method to a BURUL Step | PT |
T7TIM_BUMOD_SORT | Assignment of Sort Strategy to a Business Rule Step | PT |
T7TIM_CFUNCTIONS | Customer Implementation of Time Evaluation Functions | PT |
T7TIM_TIGRPENT_T | Texts for Return Values of Feature TIRUG | PT |
T7TIM_SCHM_PARAM | Parameters of Schema Row in Processing Step | PT |
T7TIM_QUOTA_STEP | Rule Blocks Under QUOTA | PT |
T7TIM_IF_OBJ_ADM | Administration of Generated Interface Objects | PT |
T7TIM_OPERATIONS | Implementation of Time Evaluation Operation and Interface | PT |
T7TIM_NAT_IF_CMP | Native Interface Attributes | PT |
T77HRTIMABSGROUP | Grouping of Attendance/Absence Types | PT |
HRCCE_T_QR_PAIRS | CE Shared Quotas : Grouping Rules for Different Quota Types | PT |
TPT_GUI_CLNT_OBJ | GUI Object Types According to ID (Client-Dependent) | PT |
TPT_GUI_CLNT_LYT | GUI Layout Text | PT |
TPT_GUI_CLNT_LYS | GUI Layout: Structure, Client-Dependent Object Assignment | PT |
TPT_GUI_CLNT_LAY | GUI Layout: Definition for Client-Dependent Customizing | PT |
TPT_GUI_CLNT_FRM | Function Modules for GUI Objects: Client-Dependent Customer | PT |
TPT_GUI_CLNTSSCR | Assignment of Object ID to Subscreen | PT |
HRWEB_TRANS_MESS | ESS Leave Request: Ignore or Reformulate Messages | PT |
HRWEB_RULE_GRP_T | Rule Group Texts for Customizing Tables in Web Environment | PT |
HRWEB_RULE_GROUP | Rule Group for Customizing Tables in Web Environment | PT |
TPT_ESS_FSEL_TXT | Field Selection for Table Control | PT |
HRWEB_GROUP_ID_T | ESS Leave Request: Grouping for Customizing Tables | PT |
TPT_ESS_FSEL_SFD | Field Selection for Table Control | PT |
T7TIM_LIMIT_STEP | Rule Blocks Under LIMIT | PT |