SAP Personnel Time Management (PT) Tables

T556Substitution TypesPT
T557Availability TypesPT
T533Leave TypesPT
T553SDay Types for Special DaysPT
T553ADefinition Rules for Day TypesPT
T552WDynamic Daily WS Assignment: Planned/Actual OverlapPT
T552VDynamic Daily Work Schedule AssignmentPT
T552AMonthly Work SchedulePT
T551SPeriod Work Schedule TextsPT
T551CPeriod Work Schedule ValuationPT
T553TDay Type TextsPT
T554ABreakdown of Absences After Quota DeductionPT
T554LAbsence Valuation RulesPT
T556CCounting Rule for Attendances and AbsencesPT
T554HEvaluation Type for Attendances/AbsencesPT
T554GTypes of BirthPT
T554FCounting Classes for Absence ValuationPT
T554ECounting Classes for Absence ValuationPT
T554DMilitary Service RanksPT
T554CAbsence ValuationPT
T551APeriod Work SchedulesPT
T550XDaily Work Schedule Selection RulesPT
T550PBreak SchedulesPT
T556GRule for Day Markers in Coverage HistoryPT
T556FTexts for Rule Group (Coverage Package)PT
T556ERule Group (Coverage Package)PT
T556DAbsence Counting With/Without Quotas TextsPT
T508AWork Schedule RulesPT
T508SText Table for Work Schedule Rules (T508A)PT
T508TTexts for Employee Subgroup Groupings for Work SchedulesPT
T508ZAssignment of PS Grouping for Work Schedules to Daily WSPT
T510IStandard Working HoursPT
T510PPremium TablePT
T510STime Wage Type SelectionPT
T510TPremium TextsPT
T510VCheck Table For Processing Types in T510S (WT Generation)PT
T510XWTs Permitted for Transfer from Time Evaluation to MMSPT
T510ZTexts for Time Wage Type Selection RulesPT
T533TLeave Type TextsPT
T550ADaily Work SchedulePT
T550SDaily Work Schedule TextsPT
T554MAbsences for Maternity Protection: Rule TablePT
T554OValuation ClassesPT
T555OAccess Control Groups (time-restricted)PT
T555NEmployee Grouping for the Time Evaluation RulePT
T555MPDC Accounting TypesPT
T555LTransfer to Absence QuotasPT
T555KTransfer to Time Wage TypesPT
T555JTransfer to Time TypesPT
T555IPDC Master Record InformationPT
T555HSite-Restricted Access Control GroupsPT
T555PEmployee Time Transfer TypePT
T555QTexts for Time Transfer TypePT
T555ZTime Type DeterminationPT
T555YProcessing Type/Time Type According to Att./Absence ClassPT
T555XTexts for Access Control Groups (time-restricted)PT
T555W[OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705K] Ext. Wages Types from SubsystemPT
T555VEmployee Status for Time Management: TextsPT
T555UEmployee Time Management statusPT
T555TOvertime Compensation Type TextsPT
T555ROvertime Compensation TypesPT
T555G[OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705H] Att./Absence Reasons Subssys. TextPT
T555FTime Evaluation Error TextsPT
T554VDefaults for Absence TypesPT
T554TAbsence and Attendance TextsPT
T556BAbsence Quota Type TextsPT
T559UOvertime rulesPT
T554SAttendance and Absence TypesPT
T554RDay Rules for Absence ValuationPT
T554QAssignment of Valuation of AbsencesPT
T554PSymbols for Attendances and Absences (Calendar)PT
T554WPeriods of Military ServicePT
T554XRules for Attendance/Absence Counting and Leave DeductionPT
T555ETime Evaluation MessagesPT
T555D[OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705A] Abs./Attendance Reasons SubsystemPT
T555CPermitted PDC PIN CodesPT
T555BTime Type TextsPT
T556AAbsence Quota TypesPT
T555ATime TypesPT
T5550[OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705Q] Ext. Wage Types from Subsystem TxtPT
T554YTime Constraints in HR TIMEPT
T554NTexts for Day RulesPT
TOPRKLog MessagesPT
T572GPermitted Values for EventsPT
T572HEvent Value TextsPT
T582ZControl Table for PA Time ManagementPT
T588NScreen Modification for Account Assignment BlockPT
T588OScreen Modification for Assignment DataPT
T589ZF Status of Each Module Pool and ScreenPT
P0ASBAssignment Subsystem -> PDC GroupPT
T599YConvert External Wage TypesPT
T572FEvent TextsPT
T572EControl table for additional absence dataPT
T559WText Table for Time Evaluation ClassesPT
T559XEvaluation Classes for Times (Internal Table TIP)PT
T559YText Table for Conditions for Employee TimesPT
T559ZConditions for Employee Times in Time EvaluationPT
T569BArchiving Information for Cluster B2PT
T569REarliest Recalculation Dates for Time ManagementPT
T569WTexts for Recalculation CategoriesPT
T572BIllness TextsPT
T599ZTime Wage Types to Third-Party SystemsPT
T7050Time Management: Communication TimesPT
COIFTInterface to Activity AllocationPT
T705MIndicator: External Wage Types GroupingPT
T705PWork Time Event Type GroupsPT
T705QExternal Wage Types Long Texts from SubsystemPT
TEVENTime EventsPT
TOBAETransfer Times: Control Station CommunicationPT
ASSOBAssignment ObjectsPT
T705LIndicator: Attendance/Absence ReasonPT
T705KExternal Wage Types for SubsystemPT
T705AAttendance/Absence Reasons for SubsystemPT
T705BPDC Processing StatusesPT
T705EReaction to Error TransactionPT
T705FWork Time Event Type GroupsPT
T705GTexts for Work Time Event Type GroupsPT
T705HAttendance/Absence Reason Texts for SubsystemPT
T705IAbsence/Attendance Reason GroupingPT
T705JGrouping for External Wage TypesPT
T559VValidity Period: Absence Quotas for Default ValuesPT
T559TTexts for Leave Accrual RulePT
T556MProcess Partial-Day Absences Using XNAB FunctionPT
T557KRelation Table: Quota Types for ReportingPT
T557JRelation Table: Quota Types for ReportingPT
T557IRelation Table: Time Wage Types AccumulationPT
T557HRelation Table: Time Types AccumulationPT
T557GRelation Table: Absence/Attendance AccumulationPT
T557EQuota Type Descriptions for ReportingPT
T557DReporting Quota TypesPT
T557BTime Type Descriptions for ReportingPT
T557AReporting Time TypesPT
T556WWage Type Assignment for Att./Absence Quota CompensationsPT
T556VTexts for Attendance/Absence Quota Compensation TypesPT
T556UAttendance/Absence Quota Compensation TypesPT
T556TSubstitution Type TextsPT
T556STexts for Deduction Sequence Rules for Absence QuotasPT
T556RRules for Deduction Sequence for Absence QuotasPT
T556QAttendance Quota Type TextsPT
T556PAttendance QuotasPT
T557LRelation Table: Quota Types for ReportingPT
T559STexts for Rounding RulesPT
T559JConvert Leave Types to Quota TypesPT
T559LAutomatic Absence Quota GenerationPT
T559MReduction Rules for Absence Quota GenerationPT
T559NTexts for Reduction Rules for Leave AccrualPT
T559PLimits for Time BalancesPT
T559QTexts for Time Balance LimitsPT
T559RRounding RulesPT
T556HTexts for Rule on Determining the Coverage HistoryPT
T559HQuota Generation: Text for Transfer Times RulePT
T559AWorking WeeksPT
T559GQuota Generation: Rule for Transfer TimesPT
T559FProcessing of Absence Quota RemaindersPT
T559EBase Entitlement for Leave AccrualPT
T559DValidity/Deduction Interval for Absence QuotasPT
T559BWorking Week TextsPT
T557MTime Types Relationships Table (from Period Totals Table)PT
T557TAvailability Types TextsPT
T559QTTransfer Remaining Quota to New QuotasPT
TEXLGAEmployee ExpendituresPT
T557CUReporting Time TypesPT
PA2500HR Master Record for Infotype 2500PT
PA2007HR Time Record: Infotype 2007 (Attendance Quotas)PT
PA0416Time Quota Compensation Infotype: Database TablePT
PA0080HR Master Record: Infotype 0080 (Maternity Protection)PT
PA2004HR Time Record: Infotype 2004 (Availability)PT
PA2003HR Time Record: Infotype 2003 (Substitutions)PT
PA2002HR Time Record: Infotype 2002 (Attendances)PT
PA0005HR Master Record: Infotype 0005 (Leave Entitlement)PT
PA0007HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Planned Working Time)PT
PA0050HR Master Record: Infotype 0050 (Time Recording)PT
PA2001HR Time Record: Infotype 2001 (Absences)PT
PA0081HR Master Record: Infotype 0081 (Military Service)PT
PA0082HR Master Record: Infotype 0082 (Additional Absence Data)PT
PA0439HR Master Record for Infotype 0439 (Data Transfer)PT
PA0083HR Master Record: Infotype 0083 (Leave Compensation)PT
CC2TIMTable of Planned Changes: HR Actual Times for CC2 AvailablePT
CC1TEVTemporary Buffer for Time Events from CC1PT
PA2005HR Time Record: Infotype 2005 (Overtime)PT
CC1ERHIncorrect Time Events from CC1, Header InformationPT
PA2013HR Time Record: Infotype 2013 (Quota Corrections)PT
CC1ERMIncorrect Time Events from CC1, Error MessagesPT
PA2502HR Master Record for Infotype 2502PT
PA2012HR Time Record: Infotype 2012 (Time Transfer Specifications)PT
CC1ERPIncorrect Time Events from CC1, PostingsPT
T554HTEvaluation Type for Attendances/Absences: Texts (for T554H)PT
PA2006HR Time Record: Infotype 2006 (Absence Quotas)PT
PA2010HR Time Record: Infotype 2010 (Employee Remuneration Info.)PT
AFRUHROrder Confirmations for HRPT
PA3355HR Master Record Infotype 3355PT
CC1PARCommunication ParametersPT
PA2501HR Master Record for Infotype 2501PT
HRAAERRError Table for Activity Allocation Documents in HRPT
HRAAHDRHR Interface Table: Document Header for Activity AllocationPT
HRAAITMHR Interface Table: Document Item for Activity AllocationPT
PTEXDIRInterface Table for Infotypes (Directory Table)PT
PTIMEOV2Overview of an Employee's Time Data, Part 2PT
PTQUODEDDeduction of Time QuotasPT
PTIMEOV1Overview of an Employee's Time Data, Part 1PT
PTEX2000Interface Table for Attendances/Absences Infotype(2001/2002)PT
PTEX2010Interface Table for EE Remuneration Info. Infotype (2010)PT
T559D_WEBESS Leave Request: Obsolete; Now T556A_WEBPT
T556A_WEBESS Leave Request: Quota Types for DisplayPT
T554S_WEBESS Leave Request: Attributes of Attendance/Absence TypesPT
T556P_WEBESS Leave Request: Quota Types to Be DisplayedPT
T555A_WEBTime Types to Be DisplayedPT
PTARQ_DIRESA: Interface Table for Infotypes (Directory Table)PT
TPTEXTAPPExternal ApplicationPT
PTLRPRC2SPTime Data Structure for LRP Time DescriptionsPT
TPTEXTAPPTText Table for External ApplicationsPT
TMW_TDLANTDefinition SetPT
TEVEN_MOREAdditional Data for Time EventsPT
PTMLEACONVAssignment Table IT0005 - IT2006 (RPTLEACONV Report)PT
PTEX2003GENInterface Table for IT 2003: General InformationPT
TPTREQ_TEAMAssignment of Rule Group to View Group/Grouping IDPT
T554S_ESSEXESS: Deactivation of Attendance/Absence typesPT
PTREQ_ACTORRequest ParticipantPT
PTREQ_BATCHTime Stamp for Run of Background JobsPT
PTDW_PWS_DBTime Data Extract (Hours from Personal Work Schedule)PT
PTEX2003SPECInterface Table for IT 2003: Interval InformationPT
T77TIM_AQGRPAbsence Quota GroupsPT
TPTARQ_TCALEESS Leave Request: Team Calendar SettingsPT
T7TIM_BURULETime Management Business RulesPT
T7TIM_BURULMBusiness Rule Module AssignmentPT
T7TIM_BURULTBusiness Rule Text Table for Time ManagementPT
T7TIM_BUSUBEBusiness Subjects of Time EvaluationPT
T7TIM_BUSUBTText Table for Business SubjectPT
T7TIM_NAT_IFNative InterfacesPT
PTREQ_NOTICENote for RequestPT
PTDW_QUOT_DBTime Data Extract (Quota Transaction)PT
PTDW_COST_DBTime Data Extract (Account Assgnmnt Objects/Cost Assignment)PT
PTDW_WPBP_DBTime Data Extract (Reference Table for IT 0001 and 0007)PT
PTDW_ACTS_DBTime Data Extract (Sender Objects/Activity Allocation)PT
PTDW_ACTR_DBTime Data Extract (Receiver Objects/Activity Allocation)PT
TPT_SLIPSTATETime Ticket Generation: Status TablePT
T77TIM_AQGRPTAbsence Quota Groups DescriptionPT
HRESSAPPROVERStore Last Approver to be ChosenPT
T7TIM_BUSUBRUAssignment of Business Rules to Business SubjectsPT
T7TIM_BUSUBGRAssignment of Reasons Grouping to Business SubjectsPT
PTDW_TIMES_DBTime Data Extract (Working Times)PT
TPT_EVENTATTRPair Formation: Characteristics of Time Event TypesPT
HRWEB_ABS_REQOBSOLETE! General Attributes of ESS LeavePT
TPT_PAIRSTAT2Pair Formation: Status TablePT
TPT_FIELD_SELField selectionPT
T7TIM_MODULESAssignment of Driver Part to Rule Part of Time Eval.FunctionPT
T7TIM_COPERASCustomer Implementation of Time Evaluation OperationsPT
T7TIM_EVAL_MAPInterface<->Context Attribute Mapping (Time Evaluation)PT
PTBLPTDOBJECTSCatalog for Implementations of Time Data ObjectsPT
TPT_GUI_LAYOUTGUI Layout: Structure and Assignment of ObjectsPT
T7TIM_SORT_OPTSort Options for Time Evaluation FunctionsPT
T7TIM_CMODULESCustomer-Spec. Rule Part of a Time Evaluation FunctionPT
T7TIM_CONTEXTSEntity Table for Partial ContextsPT
TPT_SCR_AREA_TScreen Area TextPT
TPTARQ_TCONSTRESS Leave Request: General Attributes of Start TransactionPT
HRWEB_GROUP_IDESS Leave Request: Grouping for Customizing TablesPT
TPT_UIA_LAYOUTTMW: Database Table for UIA LayoutPT
PTREQ_APPROVERApprovers for Leave RequestPT
TPT_ESS_FSEL_TCField Selection for Table ControlPT
T7TIM_PCR_BUSUBAssignment of Personnel Calculation Rule to Business SubjectPT
TPT_FIELD_CAT_TField Catalog TextPT
TPT_FIELD_SEL_CField Selection: CustomizingPT
T7TIM_SYNC_P_DRDriver Attribute. -Program Symbol MappingPT
TPT_GUI_SAP_FRMAssignment of GUI Object Types to Function ModulesPT
TPT_UIA_OBJECTSTime Manager's Workplace: Database Table for UIA FactoryPT
TPT_FIELD_SEL_TField Selection TextPT
TPT_TMW_PROFILETime Manager's Workplace: Profile SettingsPT
TPT_GUI_OBJECTSGUI Object Types According to IDPT
T7TIM_TIGRP_ENTEntity Table for Return Values of Feature TIRUGPT
T7TIM_BSB_LGARTAssignment of Business Subject to a Wage TypePT
PTREQ_CKEY_MAPPCache Assignment TablePT
T7TIM_BSB_MESSGAssignment of Business Subject to a MessagePT
T7TIM_BSB_ZTARTAssignment of Business Subject to a Time TypePT
HRWEB_TRANS_MSGRule Group for Customizing Tables in Web EnvironmentPT
PTARQ_ATTS_INFOLeave Request: Attendance DataPT
T7TIM_DISTM_TXTTexts on Distribution MethodsPT
PTARQ_DEDUCTIONDeduction Data for Attendances and AbsencesPT
T7TIM_DIST_METHDistribution MethodsPT
T7TIM_FUNCTIONSImplementation of Time Evaluation Functions and InterfacesPT
HRTIM_REQ_INDEXIndex Table for Request Data for Data Object SelectionPT
PTDW_RFC_ASSIGNSAP-internal Assignment Table for RFC Call UpsPT
PTBLPTPCLCOUNTRYTMW Business Logic Processor: Impelementation Type ClassesPT
TPT_SCR_AREA_FCTAssign Field Catalog to Screen AreaPT
PTREQ_ATTABSDATARequest Data for Attendances/AbsencesPT
TPT_GUI_SAP_SSCRAssignment of Object ID to SubscreenPT
PTBLPTYPECLASSESTMW Business Logic Processor: Impelementation Type ClassesPT
TPT_HEAD_SCR_DIRTMW Header Data: Directory for Generated SubscreensPT
PTREQ_STATUS_CHKCheck Methods for Status TransitionsPT
PTREQ_XFEREVNT_TTexts for Status TransitionsPT
TPT_UIA_NODE_MAPAssignment of Layout Nodes to ObjectsPT
PTREQ_XFEREVENTSPermitted Status TransitionsPT
TPT_UIA_CLNT_OBTUIA Objects Texts: Client-DependentPT
TPT_UIA_CLNT_OBJTMW: Client-Dependent Database Table for UIA FactoryPT
TPT_UIA_CLNT_NMPClient-Specific Assignment of Layout Nodes to ObjectsPT
TPT_UIA_CLNT_LYTUIA Layout Text: Client-Dependent CustomizingPT
TPT_UIA_CLNT_LYSUIA Layout Structure: Client-Dependent CustomizingPT
TPT_UIA_CLNT_LAYUIA Layout: Client-Dependent CustomizingPT
TPT_TMW_PROF_TXTTime Manager's Workplace: Profile Settings IDsPT
TPT_TMW_PROF_FLDfile Settings for Field Selection"PT
PTARQ_EXTRA_INFOLeave Request: Additional Fields for Attendances/AbsencesPT
T7TIM_BSB_KTARTAAssignment of Business Subject to an Absence QuotaPT
T7TIM_BSB_KTARTPAssignment of Business Subject to an Attendance QuotaPT
T7TIM_MAP_RPTIMEInformation on Implementation of DO_IMPORTPT
T7TIM_BUMOD_DISTAssignment of Distribution Method to a BURUL StepPT
T7TIM_BUMOD_SORTAssignment of Sort Strategy to a Business Rule StepPT
T7TIM_CFUNCTIONSCustomer Implementation of Time Evaluation FunctionsPT
T7TIM_TIGRPENT_TTexts for Return Values of Feature TIRUGPT
T7TIM_SCHM_PARAMParameters of Schema Row in Processing StepPT
T7TIM_IF_OBJ_ADMAdministration of Generated Interface ObjectsPT
T7TIM_OPERATIONSImplementation of Time Evaluation Operation and InterfacePT
T7TIM_NAT_IF_CMPNative Interface AttributesPT
T77HRTIMABSGROUPGrouping of Attendance/Absence TypesPT
HRCCE_T_QR_PAIRSCE Shared Quotas : Grouping Rules for Different Quota TypesPT
TPT_GUI_CLNT_OBJGUI Object Types According to ID (Client-Dependent)PT
TPT_GUI_CLNT_LYSGUI Layout: Structure, Client-Dependent Object AssignmentPT
TPT_GUI_CLNT_LAYGUI Layout: Definition for Client-Dependent CustomizingPT
TPT_GUI_CLNT_FRMFunction Modules for GUI Objects: Client-Dependent CustomerPT
TPT_GUI_CLNTSSCRAssignment of Object ID to SubscreenPT
HRWEB_TRANS_MESSESS Leave Request: Ignore or Reformulate MessagesPT
HRWEB_RULE_GRP_TRule Group Texts for Customizing Tables in Web EnvironmentPT
HRWEB_RULE_GROUPRule Group for Customizing Tables in Web EnvironmentPT
TPT_ESS_FSEL_TXTField Selection for Table ControlPT
HRWEB_GROUP_ID_TESS Leave Request: Grouping for Customizing TablesPT
TPT_ESS_FSEL_SFDField Selection for Table ControlPT
Show More SAP PT Tables

SAP Time Data Recording and Administration Tables

EVHRHR Order Confirmations (Times/Time Events)PT-RC
LSHRHR Order Confirmations (Durations/Time Tickets)PT-RC
LSERRError Table for Posting Incentive WagesPT-RC
T7031Incentive Wages: Incentive Wages ParametersPT-RC
T7032Incentive Wages: Transaction ParametersPT-RC
T7033Incentive Wages: User Data for Recording Incentive WagesPT-RC
T7034Incentive Wages: User Exits for Incentive WagesPT-RC
T7036Incentive Wages: Assignment of List Screen Types to TT TypesPT-RC
T703BIncentive Wages: Parameter TextsPT-RC
T703CIncentive Wages: ParametersPT-RC

Full List of SAP Time Data Recording and Administration Tables

SAP Shift Planning Tables

PSOLLShift Planning: Target PlanPT-SP
T77DBShift Groups for Organizational UnitsPT-SP
T77DTTexts for Shift GroupsPT-SP
T77EBShift Planning: Entry Profile Texts for Table T77EPPT-SP
T77ECShift Planning: Definition of ProfilesPT-SP
T77EDShift Planning: Definition of ShiftsPT-SP
T77EHShift Planning: Proposal Lists for AssignmentsPT-SP
T77EIContents of Info Column for Shift PlanningPT-SP
T77EJInfo Column: Pre-setsPT-SP
T77EPShift Planning: Entry ProfilesPT-SP

Full List of SAP Shift Planning Tables

SAP Enterprise Services - Personnel Time Management Tables

TIM_SE_EXT_KEYMapping Table for IT2004: External Key and Infotype KeyPT-SOA

SAP Tools Tables

P2B2_ABHCM Declustering B2 - AbsencesPT-TL
P2B2_ATHCM Declustering B2 - Table for ATPT-TL
P2B2_C1HCM Declustering B2 - Cost Distribution Table C1PT-TL
P2B2_PTHCM Declustering B2 - Time Event PairsPT-TL
P2B2_VSHCM Declustering B2 - Variable Balances per Day (Table VS)PT-TL
P2B2_ZLHCM Declustering B2 - Time Wage Types (Table ZL)PT-TL
P2B2_ALPHCM Declustering B2 - Alternative Payment Table ALPPT-TL
P2B2_CVSHCM Declustering B2 - Cumulated Variable BalancesPT-TL
P2B2_PSPHCM Declustering B2 - Personal Work Schedule (Table PSP)PT-TL
P2B2_SKOHCM Declustering B2 - Table SKOPT-TL

Full List of SAP Tools Tables