SAP Table - J_1BAQ

Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryLocalization

SAP Localization Tables

J_1I_EXIMPHHRPREXIM:: Attributes of Target Anchor RelationshipsFI-LOC
J_3RFOKOFREGOKOF codes for assets wich need the state registrationFI-LOC
J_1ISUBATTSubcontracting Scenario AttributesFI-LOC
FIAPQAC_GLPRVNMaintain Provision type with g/l acoountFI-LOC
J_3RF_PRECMETTPrecious materials (metals and diamonds) for assetsFI-LOC
J_1BNFW_SCGAITAssignment of Tabs/Subscreens to Group (Item)FI-LOC
J_1BTSPEC_CFOPNota Fiscal Special Case for CFOP Determination tableFI-LOC
TIVXCESACCOMPCompanies with agreement of Autonomous communityFI-LOC
J_3RFPRTXPRIVTProperty tax priviligesFI-LOC
KNATCustomer Master Record (Tax Groupings)FI-LOC

Full List of SAP Localization Tables